WEAVE Online Assessment & Planning Management System

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Transcript WEAVE Online Assessment & Planning Management System

Assessment & Planning
Management System
June 16th, 2011
Jennifer L. Gray
What is WEAVE?
WEAVEonline is an
management software
application that helps
manage accreditation,
assessment, planning
and quality
improvement processes
for colleges and
universities, detailing
Access WEAVEonline at:
WEAVEonline ID: same as your Coby sign-in
(mine is: “grayjl”)
Password: “tiger”, it will prompt you to enter
your own unique password.
Create a new password. Write it down!
WEAVEonline sign-in
Login page
Make sure this says the
college and your name below
Use drop down to find your
program here
How do I use it?
Get to the Mission/Purpose page by
Hovering your mouse over “Assessment”
STEP 1-Mission Statement
When you are finished with your Mission,
you can enter your goals and outcomes
Click here to add a goal
Click here to add your outcomes
STEP 2- Goals and Outcomes
Type your outcome here, include a condensed desc above
To associate your outcomes with the strategic plan,
click “Edit Associations” at the bottom
Don’t forget to click on “Save” at the bottom!
To add measures and findings, click the “Add” button here
Choose what type of measure
you will be
Using for this outcome.
Add a description here
Scroll down
Check of which outcome(s)
are associated with that measurement tool
Don’t forget to save!
You are ready to enter achievement targets
For each outcome, you can add an achievement target
Just a verbal statement about your target goes here.
i.e.: 85% of students will have met or exceeded the _________
Clicking on ‘Save’ will bring you back to the
Goals/Outcomes/Measures summary page.
Next step is adding findings from your
collected data. We’ll cover that at a later
Once measures and achievement targets
have been set, you can enter a narrative
of your findings and select a level that
indicates how well the outcome was met.
 You can then add an action plan for any
items for which outcomes were not met,
or were only partially met.
STEPS 4 & 5:
Findings and Action Plans
You can upload files that support your
planning work.
 These files can be linked to your
outcomes, measures or findings.
 i.e. Middle States Standards, Degree
Program accreditation standards, etc.
 DO NOT upload any documents that
include student names, ID #’s or other
sensitive material.
Document Repository
Please contact me if you have any
Jennifer Gray
[email protected]