How does Forde present the character of Jimmy?

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Year 7 and 8 Assessment
When is the assessment?
Year 7 – Weds 4th June Period 3 and 4
Year 8 – Thurs 5th June Period 1 and 2
How long is the assessment?
50 minutes
What will I need to do?
 Read a short extract and answer two questions
on it.
 Write a short piece of descriptive writing
Year 7 and 8 Assessment
How can I revise?
Read widely
Practise your descriptive writing
Revise on the KS3 bitesize website
Year 7 and 8 Assessment
1) What structure should you use to answer ‘how’ questions?
Your evidence should:
back up your point
contradict your point
back up a different point
3) What punctuation do you always need for quotations,
including key words?
Quotation marks
Year 7 and 8 Assessment – PEE Practice
Read the extract below and then answer the following question using PEE
How is language used to create an impression of fear?
My earliest memories are a confusion of hilly fields and dark, damp stables, and rats
that scampered along the beams above my head. But I remember well enough the
day of the horse sale. The terror of it stayed with me all my life.
I was not yet six months old, a gangling, leggy colt who had never been further than a
few feet from his mother. We were parted that day in the terrible hubbub of the
auction ring and I was never to see her again. She was a fine working farm horse,
getting on in years but with all the strength and stamina of an Irish draught horse quite
evident in her fore and hind quarters. She was sold within minutes, and before I could
follow her through the gates, she was whisked out of the ring and away. But somehow
I was more difficult to dispose of. Perhaps it was the wild look in my eye as I circled
the ring in a desperate search for my mother, or perhaps it was that none of the
farmers and gypsies there were looking for a spindly-looking half-thoroughbred colt.
But whatever the reason they were a long time haggling over how little I was worth
before I heard the hammer go down and I was driven out through the gates and into a
pen outside.
Year 7 and 8 Assessment
The writer immediately creates an impression of
fear through his description of an event that is
strange and unusual for the narrator.
Point - The writer creates a sense of confusion by
describing the sounds as
Evidence - ‘a terrible hubbub.’
Explanation – The word ‘terrible’ suggests that the
noise is loud, but also frightening. The word
‘hubbub’ suggests confusion and a clamour of
Year 7 and 8 Assessment
Varied and
Varied punctuation
Varied sentence
lengths and
Five senses
Year 7 and 8 Assessment
Descriptive writing
Describe a time when you’ve been scared
Year 7 and 8 Assessment
Descriptive writing tasks to try:
Describe a place that has special memories for you.
Describe a day at a theme park with your friends.
Describe the scene at a musical event.
Describe the scene in a busy supermarket.
Describe the scene in a railway or bus station.
Describe the scene at a funfair.
Describe the scene on a beach in the summer.
Describe the scene in a school playground at the beginning of
the morning.
9. Describe the scene in a park on a summer’s day.
10. Describe the scene in the waiting room in a doctor’s or
dentist’s surgery.