Weather 1st grade Compare Daily changes in the weather

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Transcript Weather 1st grade Compare Daily changes in the weather

1st grade
Compare Daily changes in the weather
related to temperature (cold, hot, warm,
cool); cloud cover (clear, cloudy, partly
cloudy, foggy); precipitation ( rain, snow,
hail, freezing rain); wind (breezy, windy,
By: Briana & Dana
 Read book to students to get them excited
about weather.
 What Will the Weather Be? by Lynda Dewitt
(Author), Carolyn Croll (Illustrator)
 Take a field trip outside to observe current
weather conditions.
 Answer these four questions while outside:
 Is it raining outside?
 Is it sunny or cloudy?
 Is the wind blowing?
 Is it warm or cold outside?
 Rain - Liquid precipitation in the form of water
drops that falls from clouds for several hours.
 Snow - Precipitation that is composed of white ice
crystals that fall from clouds.
 Hail - A mixture of liquid and frozen precipitation.
 Freezing Rain - Rain that falls in liquid form but
freezes upon impact to form a coating of glaze on
the ground and on exposed objects.
Wind - The movement of air on Earth.
Calm- No wind
Breeze - A light wind
Windy- Lots of wind
Explain- Cloud Cover
 Clouds - A collection of tiny water droplets or, at
colder temperatures that you can see.
 Clear- No clouds
 Cloudy- A lot of clouds
 Partly Cloudy- When only parts of the sky are
 Fog - A cloud on the ground that reduces the
ability for you to see.
 Foggy- When there are clouds on the ground that
can make it hard to see.
 Temperature - The measurement of how hot
or cold something is.
 Cold- Having a low temperature
 Hot- Having a high temperature
 Warm- Having a medium to high
 Cool- Having a medium to low temperature
 Have the students draw a picture of what
their perfect day would be like weather wise.
The students would draw individual pictures
and explain their weather conditions
displayed in their picture to the class.
Students will need to use terms discussed in
the previous slides.
 One way is to listen and see if the student
accurately describes his or her weather
conditions drawn in the picture.
 Another way is to complete daily chart of
weather conditions over a long time span
and assess the students accuracy.