Transcript Slide 1

Document Imaging
Monday, April 16, 2012
John Ives – Disbursements Manager
Jerri Painter – Accounts Payable Supervisor
Julie Hughes – Travel and Complex Payment Supervisor
• Introduction
• Business Case
• Perceptive
• Project Plan
• Benefits
• Success Criteria
• Accounts Payable
• Travel Applications
What is Document Imaging?
• A form of Enterprise Content Management
(ECM) capable of replicating documents
commonly used in business
- Requires software that will electronically
capture, store, and reprint images
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
The Association for Information and Image
Management (AIIM) defines ECM as:
• Software that enables an organization to
capture, process, and collaborate on
important documents and content, protect
data integrity from origination to destruction
and access precise content of an institution’s
everyday business processes
Business Case
Why is Document Imaging Important?
• Electronic storage
• Enhanced security
• Increased access
• Improved efficiency
• Cost savings
Perceptive Software
• Creates automated workflow
• Distributes information accurately
• Simplifies work tasks
• Provides real time monitoring
Compatible Integration
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems:
• Banner
• Datatel
• PeopleSoft
Potential Department Applications
• Bursar
• Financial Aid
• Accounts Payable
• Registrar
• Admissions
• Human Resources
• Facilities
• Payroll
Perceptive Affiliates
• National Association of College and
University Business Officers (NACUBO)
• American Association of Collegiate
Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
• College and University Professional
Association for Human Resources (CUPAHR)
• National Association of Student Financial
Aid Administrators (NASFAA)
Perceptive Clients
Over 500 colleges and universities to include:
• Duke University
• California Institute of Technology
• College of Southern Maryland
• Virginia Commonwealth University
• Illinois State University
• University of Michigan
Project Plan
UNC Charlotte Selected Departments:
• Graduate School
• Registrar
• Accounts Payable
Integration with 49er Mart and Banner:
• Establish Workflow
• Link Documents
• Provide Training
• Purchase Equipment
• Utilize Technology
• Eliminate paper copies and filing
• Ability to make annotations
• Robust purging and retaining capabilities
• Direct documents to authorized users
• Controlled and managed privileges
• Audit compliance
• Integration with Banner and 49er Mart
• Electronic document workflow
• Effective time management
• Single and secure repository
• Centralized system
• Sensitive data is protected
Cost Savings
• Personnel resources
• Storage facilities
• Greater productivity
Factors for Success
• Commitment of business sponsors
• Full support from department leaders
• Effective training of staff and users
• Adoption of system campus wide
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable is divided into two areas:
Invoice Processing:
• Purchase orders
• Capital Payments
• Bookstore
• Library
• Student Accounts
• Payroll
Travel and Complex Payments:
• Travel related payments
• Direct Pay Requests
Invoice Processing
Processes over 70,000 invoices a year
• Six fulltime staff
• One temporary employee
• One student worker
Invoice Processing
Invoice Processing staff manage invoices
according to an alphabet distribution among
four Invoice Processing Specialists:
• A to D
• E to K
• L to Q
• R to Z
Invoice Processing
One staff member is assigned to:
• Process all direct deposit forms
• Disburse mail and checks
• File and purge documents
One staff member processes all other payments:
• Bookstore
• Library
• Capital Payments
• Chartwells
Invoice Processing
• Process invoices without paper copies
• Reduce purging and filing time
• Gain time for scanning into ImageNow
• Utilize dual monitors for each employee
Invoice Processing
• When we implemented 49er Mart we began
scanning invoices in and attached them to
the invoice created In 49er Mart.
• This allows the departments to view the
invoice received in Accounts Payable for
payment without having to contact AP for a
copy. With ImageNow, they can logon and
see any invoice processed in 49er Mart and
or Banner.
Invoice Processing
Invoice Processing
• Staff can process invoices in Banner and 49er Mart
• Invoice information is populated into ImageNow
• Repetitive keying is not necessary
• Invoice number and amount are populated
Invoice Processing
Invoice Processing Plan
• To scan invoices daily
• ImageNow will date stamp invoices
• Staff quality check invoices
• Routed by first letter of vendor name
• Document placed in correct alphabet section
• Invoice Processing Specialists work from folders
Invoice Processing
Linking invoices to ImageNow:
• Banner uses FAIINVE
• 49er Mart uses the History screen
Utilizing Imaging for
Processing Travel & Personal Payments
Requirements for Setting up workflow
Fund Approvals
Alpha Spread
Temp Workers
Outside department access
Set-up phase with Perceptive team
• Responded to needs
• Understood our processes
• Some training documentation provided
Training Staff
• Individual computer set up
• Software
• Standards for computer settings
• Utilize documentation provided
• Hands-on direct training
• Desk guide for day-to-day processes
• Dual screens
• Limited access to annotations outside of
Day to Day Processes
For Travel and Personal Payments:
Who to scan
What to scan
When to scan
Document Retention
ImageNow Pros & Cons
• Electronic routing (fund approval)
• Instant status of documents in the workflow
• Data retention/access
• Filing space saved
• Scanner choice
• Patch Codes
Scanning time
Additional task for staff
Reflection of Company/Software Choice
ImageNow Software:
• Bought less than we needed/wanted
• Requires on campus ITS in-depth support and
• Implementation set-backs
• Have to create our own department training
• Responsive
• Helpful (understands process)
Long-Term Goals
• Across campus access
• Initial phase - limited access to key
department contacts first
• Imaging historical data
• For documents that we retain perpetually
• Possible off-campus departments to scan
into our processing queue
• Would randomly audit at department
Participant Experiences?
Personal Experiences?
Other schools using ImageNow?
Retention time/storage of hard copies?
Helpful hints?
How are you making improvements?
How has imaging helped your