Dimensions & the SPSS MR Data Model

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Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Research

PMRS-Ottawa Breakfast October 9, 2002 Nancy Morrison, SPSS MR

Taking research to a new dimension • Evolution of Market Research • Dimensions Technology Platform • Objectives • Application & technology infrastructure • SPSS MR Data Model • Web Portals • Data Mining and Predictive Analytics

Evolution of Market Research The Dark Ages: Pre 1960

“Test the Air”

Paper & pencil counts The Revolution Begins… 1970’s 1980’s

Focus Groups, Telephone Surveys

Batch tabulations 1990’s

CATI Systems Mass Marketing Web Surveys

PC’s & Charts Data Warehouses OLAP, Stats get easier!

Evolution of Marketing

Market Intelligence Today • More and More Market Surveys • Untapped Corporate Data Bases • Industrial and Market Globalization • Internet Driven Data • Increased pressure for profitability and ROI

State of the Industry • Targeted marketing • International-multiple language & multiple mode projects • Advanced analytics • Marketing Information Portals • High-end, integrated data systems

An “operating system” for end-to-end Marketing Support Systems


for implementation of… • Next-generation, multi-mode data collection • Sampling & customer information management • Data management, processing and delivery • Business Intelligence applications Seamless integration across component applications

Dimensions & the SPSS MR Data Model

Don’t be constrained by your software!

The vision of Dimensions But first, “Why?” • Synthesis of collected product suites • Stop pushing the boulders up the hill • Platform, not just applications • Innovate or step aside

Dimensions application objectives • Easy to use • Feature rich & high quality • Customisable & extendable • Integrate with other data formats / software applications • Multilingual

Dimensions ideology • Open Standard and Extensible (SDK) • Scalable • Integrated • Global

The next dimension is here… • Interview in multiple modes • Free up your workflow • Work with data in any language • Create custom applications or interfaces • Differentiate yourselves from the competition • Maximize the value of research throughout the enterprise

Integrated, multimodal & end-to-end • Data is at the heart of both research operation and meaningful business decisions • Every aspect of the research process is covered • Execute surveys in multiple modes with central data capture and analysis

SPSS MR Online – ASP & online research services

Free up your work flow!

• Modular & customizable system eliminates dictatorial step-by-step process flow • Feed & access central data source simultaneously • No constraints, no limitations

Open wide…!

• Work with SPSS, competitor, proprietary and any other data formats • Advance research data throughout the enterprise • Extend the software to your specific needs

Technical strategy • Win32 operating system • NT, Win95/Win98, Win 2000, XP, CE • MS COM components, .NET






odel • Browser-enabled applications • Where applicable

The products

Publishing SmartViewer WebApp OLAP


mrAuthor WordParser Design Project Management Analysis mrTables


SPSS AnswerTree Clementine Etc… mrInterview







mrPaper mrScan Verbastat Collection

Example: mrInterview goes multimodal

Questionnaire Authoring XML Interview engine

Open Interface

Data Scripting Web WAP Infopliance

SPSS MR Data Model

The Center of Dimensions

The SPSS MR Data Model is


… • A data structure (i.e. ASCII, Binary, Database) • A data warehouse • A standard format • “Once you get it into the Data Model format…” The Data Model is


more powerful!

The SPSS MR Data Model


… • A

data access methodology

, providing access to: • Metadata • Casedata • An application integration layer • Allows different applications to communicate using the same framework • Extensible / Customizable

The SPSS MR Data Model


… Set of data and metadata API’s that enable • Survey authoring • • Multimode data collection Tabulation & predictive analytics • • Publishing of results Open import/export options • Freedom of workflow …in a market research environment

Moving to another level • Complete integration of disparate data sources • Open platform for centralized management of applications and global projects • Fully integrated component applications

Customized Software MR Applications Components SPSS MR Data Model

MR Data


component architecture • Encapsulation of functionality into modules allows for rigorous testing • Implementation details are visible


within the module, and can be safely changed


component architecture • Reduces complexity of application programs, making them easier to adapt • Autonomous (decentralized) modules increase the likelihood that a simple change will affect just one module or logical subsystem


component architecture • Improves compatibility between software systems, making it easier to combine and integrate systems • Applications are more portable

Web Portals

Sharing Insights

Portals: insight, access Information gathering Corporate knowledge Decisions, strategy, innovation Knowledge activation

Portal platforms Structured environment for sharing information: • Across multiple platforms, applications and data sources • Among widely dispersed – and diverse – people and groups • Across company boundaries

Marketing information portals • Marketing context dashboards • Integration of multiple data sources • Interactive OLAP, analytics, graphics • • Business planning environments Analytical & planning templates, “cookbooks,” training applications

Customer loyalty programs Plugins to CRM systems Decision support / EIS Portal Toolkit Forecasting Data mining & predictive modeling Syndicated MR services Management summary reporting Marketing information portals

Data Mining and Predictive Analytics

Using the present to understand the future

Why Data Mining?

• Surveys collect market data • Transaction systems store the data • Tabulations and OLAP reports the data • Data mining enables people to change what they do based on the data

Make better business decisions

Tabulations vs. Data Mining

Tabulations Data mining

What was the response rate to our mailing?

Which customers didn’t renew their policies last month?

Who were my 10 best customers last month?

What is the profile of people likely to respond to future mailing?

Which customers are likely to switch to the competition in the next six months.

Which 10 customers offer me the greatest profit potential?

Applications of Data Mining & Market Research New Product Planning Customer Segmentation Customer Profiling Customer Value Customer Loyalty Customer Propensity Customer Satisfaction Ad Effectiveness Market Share Product Associations Performance ‘Forecasting’ Brand Awareness

Be a part of the revolution • Constantly evolving • Made




researchers • Revolutionary platform that puts you in the corporate playing field • An eye on the future

Take control! Let Research Lead Technology!