Bild 1 - DSV, Stockholm University, Nodhuset

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Transcript Bild 1 - DSV, Stockholm University, Nodhuset

Research at Department of Computer and Systems Sciences – DSV

Key figures 2013 • Full professors: 15 • Visiting professors: 7 • Senior lecturers: 31 • Doctoral students: 95 of which are 26 female • Licentiate Degrees awarded: 2 • Doctoral Degrees awarded: 8

Research publications

• Referred conference contributions: 143 • Referred articles: 82 • Book chapters: 26 • Books: 4 2

Four strong profile areas • Research in Arts and Technology in Society (RATS) • E-government and e-democracy (EGOV) • ICT for Development (ICT4D) • Design for Learning (DEL) 3

Research in Arts and Technology in Society (RATS) • Adding value for Expression, Participation and Communication in cultural and societal events • information and communication technologies (ICT) in the artistic process and expression • developing systems for personalised and engaging interaction with users • New technologies are implemented and evaluated in different activities 4

E-government and e-democracy • Policy and Decision Support Systems & Social Network Analysis • Argument Visualisation • Digital delivery tools • Open Data and Innovation (ODilab) • IoT & cloud services • Technology enhanced learning and Interaction design 5

ICT for Development, ICT4D Research focus • to strengthen democratic processes • increase educational opportunities • improve healthcare • empower girls and women • create jobs and reduce poverty Broad collaborations with governments, NGOs and communities 6

Design for Learning • ICT to support learning an teaching • Developing and designing innovative educational applications • Mobile Learning • Social Media and Learning environments • Virtual cases for learning and assessment 7

Business Process Management and Enterprise Modelling • Business Process Management (BPM) - language analysis, methods for business process design, and open source implementations of process languages • Enterprise Modelling (EM) - modeling organisational aspects such as goals, rules, actors, processes and information system requirements in an integrated way 8

Consumer-oriented mobile services • Technology and services that put people at core • User experiences instead of only usability. • New roles for the operators • New business models • New methods for developing and marketing services 9

Data and text mining Methods, techniques and tools for analysing large data sets in order to support decision making • Ensemble methods • Interpretable models • Mining massive data sets • Resource lean text mining 10

Digital games • Game accessibility • Pervasive games • Believable game characters • Applications of computer games 11

Cyber Systems Security Research covers • mathematical modeling • artificial intelligence methods • heuristics and protocols • social, psychological and economic theories to understand, explain, predict, control, and generate any type of security systems. 12

E-government, E-democracy, E-Society • Modernisation of public sector systems • E-democracy and participative decision-making • Public e-services • Legislation and business models in the information economy • Towards an open knowledge-based society 13

ICT for Development • IT products, services and models are developed, tested and evaluated in order to improve livelihoods, increase access to education, improve health care, enhance participatory democracy and combat corruption • ICT4D projects in Asia, Africa, and Latin America 14

Immersive participation • Our research is focused on Participation, Engagement, and New Media on the Internet via ubiquitous, immersive sensing and visualisation.

• At the intersection of Ubiquitous Connectivity, Networked Media, and Distributed Sensor & User Information 15

Health Informatics • Text mining for better health • High-performance data mining for drug effect detection • Mobility for better health • Health communities • Information access for better health • Visualisation of business models within medical care • Simulation in health 16

Interaction design Four aspects of interaction design.

• Developing theory and practice • Prototyping and test beds • Design beyond the artifact • Evaluation 17

IT management • Business-IT Alignment • IT Governance • IT Outsourcing • IT Service Management 18

Language Technology • Automatic Text Summarisation • Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) • Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval • Email and Short Message Answering • Language Modelling and Lexical Semantics • Natural Language Processing of Health Records • Semantic Information Extraction • Web Mining 19

Risk and decision analysis • Decision modeling and evaluation with imprecise information • Applications of risk and decision analysis in business and society 20

Service Science & Innovation • Study of the emerging service-based society • Design of innovative service systems • Research collaboration with the public and the private sector • Citizens’ participation and a global academic network 21