Transcript US History

Chapter 3.1
To identify some of the significant changes brought
about during Thomas Jefferson’s presidency.
To explain the causes and consequences of the War
of 1812
To summarize the ways nationalism shaped
American foreign policy, including the Monroe
Do you believe that Americans should have been
optimistic about the prospects for their nation in the
early 19th century?
What kind of things does a nation need in order to
“Why should we weep to sail in search of fortune?
Cheer for the West the new and happy land.” Ignatius Donnelly
 What
does the above quotation suggest to you about
what could happen to the U.S. in the early 19th century?
Jefferson in 1800
Critical of John Adams
and Federalists
Grabbing too much
Leader of the
Brutal campaign in
Ultimately wins after a
tie with Burr
Election of 1800
A deadlock created a
Burr and Jefferson were
running mates but tied
House of Reps had to vote
for president
Choose Jefferson – less
12th amendment passed
Electors cast votes for
president and vice president
Proves USA is able to
handle political change
Jeffersonian republicanism –
Jefferson's theory of government
states that the people should control
the government and that a simple
government best suited the people
Shrinks government
Cuts army size
Lower expenses on social functions
Halted expansion of navy
Rolls back Hamilton economics
Eliminates all internal taxes, reduces
influence of central bank
Tries to reduce the role of
Federalists in government
By 1803 most government bureaucracy
was more even balanced between
Federalists and Republicans
Jefferson Quote on Government
Supreme Court
John Adams tries to fill the courts with Federalists
Republicans angered and argue that several late
appointments were invalid
Marbury v Madison (1803)
 Marbury
was one of Adams appointments
 Madison, Sec of State refuses to deliver papers
 Chief Justice John Marshall declares Judiciary Act of
1789 unconsitutional
Significance of Marbury v Madison
Strengthened the
Supreme Court
Able to declare and
act of Congress
Becomes a cornerstone
of American Law and
Real Estate
Spain returns territory to
France in 1762
Jefferson wants to
purchase New Orleans as
a port city
Napoleon gives up on
empire expansion into
Offers it for sale in 1803
Robert Livingston and
James Monroe close deal
for $15 million
Louisiana significance
Jefferson concerned that the purchase was
Jefferson believes that this will allow and “empire
of liberty” to develop
Formalizes a treaty and Senate ratified it
The purchase more than doubles the size of the
United States
 Jefferson,
who wanted to minimize and decentralize the
government, just expanded its power!!!!
Jefferson is eager to have
new territory explored.
1803 – appoints Meriwether
Lewis to lead an expedition,
who chooses William Clark as
second in command
Lasts 2 years and 4 months
Significant because it showed
that transcontinental travel
was possible. Also showed
that settlement of the west
was possible.
What were some of the significant changes brought
about during Thomas Jefferson’s presidency?
Madison and the War of 1812
James Madison wins
election of 1808
He is a republican
Jefferson had been able
to stay away from
conflicts with France and
Enters USA into war with
Britain to provide
security for American
Causes of war
Impressment: British practice of seizing American
ships at sea, and “Impressing” them into the British
“War Hawks” from south and west demand war for
after finding that Native Americans resisting
westward expansion were being supplied with
British arms.
War of 1812
Problems: Republican
budget cuts leaves the
military ill prepared
Britain was preoccupied
with Napoleon in Europe
British take DC and burn
the mansion down
Battle of New Orleans
Cements Andrew Jackson
Treaty of Ghent signed
Christmas Eve 1814
Consequences of War of 1812
Ends the Federalist Party which had generally
opposed war
Encourages growth of American industries to
replace products no longer available from Britain
Confirmed status of USA as a free and independent
What were the causes and consequences of the
War of 1812?
Nationalism is the
belief that national
interests should be
placed ahead of
regional concerns
 Regional
included slavery in the
south and tariffs in the
north east
Idea put forth under
John Quincy Adams
Territory and Boundaries
John Quincy Adams wanted two things
Security of the nation
 Expansion of territory
Rush-Bagot Treaty (1817): England reduces Great
Lakes fleet
Convention of 1818: fixed northern border at the 49th
Reached a compromise with Britain to jointly occupy the
Oregon Territory
Adams-Onis Treaty 1819 – transferred Florida to USA
Monroe Doctrine
Americans want to reduce
European power in North
1823 speech warns all
European powers not to
interfere with American
Becomes a basis for
American foreign policy
Becomes an example of
how the USA was becoming
a stable nation.
Regional differences would
soon challenge national unity
Can you summarize the ways nationalism shaped
American foreign policy, including the Monroe