Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

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Transcript Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

Product Lifecycle Management
• Organisational Strategy
– Need for structural change
– IT tools
– Increased integration (rather than “point solutions”)
• Provide targeted tools for SCM at various stages
in the life cycle of products
• SCM is initially geared for planning / execution
with existing products
• Not sensitive to life cycle
• Volvo: to enable better global coordination in
manufacturing process planning.
SAP web site
• Bring products to market quicker with better
– Postponement , more resilient etc…
• Support collaboration between:
– Internally: marketing and sales, planning and
production, procurement, and maintenance
– Externally: partners, suppliers, contract
manufacturers, service providers -- even customers
• Allow the management of new assets,
environment, health, and safety requirements
• Allow integration between mysapERP,
mysapSRM, mysapCRM and mysapCRM!
• Specification data sheets
• Document management
– Structured repositories
• Complex authorization system
• Partner work areas
– Eg: suppliers (for bidding stages)
• Workflow and status management
• Connection to backend systems (BOMs,
suppliers files, asset registers etc…)
PLM Stages
• Imagine this in the context of a portfolio approach
– different products at different stages
– Different information needs
– Different partners / emphasis
• Imagine the IP problems too.
Plan – Innovate and spec.
• Up to 80% of product costs are determined in the very
early stages of life cycle
• Collaboration tool for multinational projects
• Bring stakeholders at an earlier stage
Cost saving adjustments
Investigation of variants
Exit strategy
Increase speed of development
• Reduce unnecessary changes during product life cycle
• Allow asynchronous work and ensure security of data
• Support global development teams
Define – Develop and Validate
Computer aided design
Common repository of customer requirements
Real time validation / compliance
Simulation of performance
– Enormous reduction in cost in comparison with
physical prototyping
• Computer aided development of production
– Optimised routings
– Accurate projects of cost per unit
Build – Produce and deliver
• Translation of design of solution into
manufacturing execution (traditionally
• Less structured task because more dynamic and
– Many competences (quality validation, process
improvement, plant design, resource management
• Greater continuity, collaboration and cohesion in
the on-going improvement of products
Support – Service and Sustain
Close the loop:
Connect front line staff with early planners
Communicate new/changed requirements
Check if predictions are true
Learn for next release / new products
Involve all partners in process
Manage a complete portfolio of products
Knowledge management across sites,
competences and across systems (ERP, SCM
and CRM)