Transcript Slide 1

Education as a Therapeutic Intervention
Jenny Dover
A capacity to enter and sustain mutually satisfying relationships
(peer/social skill)
The ability to play and learn so that attainments are appropriate for
their age and intellectual level (cognitive skill)
Maladaptive behaviour being within normal limits (conduct)
Definition of Child Mental Health
Health Advisory Service
‘In homes where the baby finds no mutuality, where the parent’s face does not
reflect the baby’s experience and where the child’s spontaneous gesture is not
recognised or appreciated, neither trust in others nor confidence in the self
develop’ (Hopkins 1990)
Responses and behaviour become organised around the need to cope in the
absence of support
Absence of self awareness and the capacity to articulate feelings places a
greater emphasis on acting out
‘It makes a great deal more sense of much of the seemingly unreasonable or
outrageous behaviour of many …. children if one bears in mind that they are
often doing to others what they experienced as being done to them, both
externally and internally’ (Boston and Szur 1983 p.3)
Levels of stress determine the nervous system around which personality
becomes organised.
Memories do not remain in the past but becomes actions in the here and now –
behaviour is a communication about experience.
Insecure Attachment in School
Core Concepts of Attachment Theory
The secure base
 Bowlby maintained that all of us, from the cradle to
the grave, are happiest when life is organised as a
series of excursions, long or short, from the secure
base provided by our attachment figures. We need to
feel safe before we can explore the world.
Attachment behaviour.
 The aim of attachment behaviour is proximity or
contact with the associated affect of feeling secure
and safe.
We know who we are because someone has ‘known’
us first.
risk factors in school exclusion
 Maternal
 Early separation from carer
School Exclusion
School can be the first experience of a secure base
– the persistent attenders!
Firm and consistent boundaries
Predictability and routine
Thoughtful separations and endings
Consistent carers
Identity and belonging
Curriculum content
Calming tasks
Symbolic containers! ------ School as a secure base
Personal resources/emotional capacity (self
awareness, containment, reciprocity, repair of
Theoretical understanding/framework re behavior
and learning: (transference, defences,
attachment patterns, play)
The curriculum: (expression and exploration of
feelings. Adapting tasks. A meeting place for
teacher and child)
What The teacher must BE, KNOW
and DO to meet the needs of
troubled young people
A person receives and understands the emotional
communication of another (guilt, anxiety, fear, joy) without
being overwhelmed by it and communicates it back –
restoring their capacity to think.
 An infant ‘projects’ turbulent feelings associated with
physical sensations into his mother. She receives the
emotional communications of her baby and ‘contains’ them
for him
 She makes sense of them, showing the baby they are
tolerable and meaningful, and gives them back in a
manageable form.
The infant learns to recognise and manage such feelings
for himself without needing the container of his mother.
(melanie Klein:projective identification.
Bion:Containment 1959
The infant seeks a contingent response from
the carer
Reciprocity is a ‘dance’ between carer and
infant where both are involved in the
initiation, regulation and termination of the
Repair of ‘ruptures ‘ to the interaction is
vitally important for the infant. (Tronick)
Reciprocity is fundamental to the
development of language
Reciprocity (Brazelton,Stern)
Bowlby described the “inner road maps”
that children develop as a result of
repeated early interaction with carer.
 Their perceptions and expectations of
adults and their view of themselves in
relation to others are carried forward into
new relationships
Inadequate or insensitive parental response results in insecure
Organised patterns of behaviour develop to elicit response from
Avoidant; minimising attachment behaviour to keep a rejecting
parent closer. Passive, withdrawn and little display of emotion
Ambivalent-resistant attachment: maximising attachment
behaviour to elicit care from inconsistent parent. Demanding,
clingy. Extreme distress and resistant to being comforted.
Disorganised Attachment: parent frightening or frightened.
Parents source of fear and potential source of safety. Child
attempts to solve this dilemma through highly organised ways of
controlling parent and self reliance.
Disrupted Attachment
The omnipotent child
The omniscient child
The helpless babyish child
The child who projects uncomfortable
feelings into teacher or peer
The child who avoids the challenge of the
task/denies difficulties
The child who keeps moving or cuts off
The child who uses the task to distance
teacher or keep her near etc
Defensive behaviour in the
Attachment Patterns Identified by Strange Situation
(Ainsworth 1969)
◦ Avoidant
◦ Resistant/Ambivalent
◦ Disorganised
Disorganised Attachment
Strange situation
In Class
Parents may be
traumatised, drug
abusing or have mental
health problems.
 Child experiences
chronic uncontained
 Hypervigilant
 Tries mixed approaches
(approach/avoidance) to
connect with parent
Highly reactive to change
Hyperactive or dissociated
Distrustful of teacher and
very controlling of her
(caretaking or punitive)
Reacts to hidden triggers
in the environment
Responds to structure and
predictable environment
Absence of empathy
Brain hot-wired for
Highly sensitive to SHAME
Concrete thinking
Psychological processes affecting
Henry, Osborne and Saltzberger-Wittenberg (1983)
describe the strong feelings that can be aroused by
close association with troubled children:
the teacher is likely to arouse in pupils
many emotions experienced in the parental
relationship and so become imbued with
parental significance with positive or
negative implications – transference
the teacher acts as a temporary container
for pupil anxiety when faced with a
challenge – increased tensions
the teacher can experience the
uncomfortable feelings experienced by the
pupil – inadequacy, stupidity, helplessness,
“When you put feelings into words you’re
activating this prefrontal region and
seeing a reduced response in the
amygdala. In the same way you hit the
brake when you’re driving when you see a
yellow light, when you put feelings into
words; you seem to be hitting the brakes
on your emotional responses.
 (Dr Daniel Hughes 2009)
Putting Feelings into Words
He is open to children’s communications
and projected feelings without being
He makes sense of these
He conveys his understanding to the child
through words or actions
Eg choosing a story containing issue with
which child struggling eg Hansel and
Gretel with child fearing abandonment
Naming feelings “I know it is hard to wait
but I will come over to your desk soon….”
Containment/The teacher’s task
Bringing a child to sit closer to her when
he seems agitated
 Using competitive educational games with
a hostile child where he can ‘beat’ her
through learning
 Paying close attention to clues in his
creations and approach to learning eg
misreadings – and sharing this
understanding with the child.
 Observing his preferred way of relating to
her and responding
Therapy is about making and breaking stories
about self
As teachers and parents our responses help
children build a narrative about themselves.
e.g. I’m someone who finds it hard to take risks
because getting things wrong can feel terrible.
But I’m able to use help to…
e.g. I can get angry very suddenly because I
expect to be bullied….being near to an adult
helps me think…
e.g. I need to keep an eye on the teacher in case
she forgets I am it’s hard to focus on
the work
Storied self
Learning takes place within a mutual
relationship. The teacher and the student
influence each other.
 Can overwhelm or underwhelm each other
 Interaction needs to be regulated so that
they experience each other in manageable
doses. Ruptures need quick reparation
 Teacher needs to engage the child, hold
his attention, monitor tolerance for
frustration and also excitement and
terminate the encounter appropriately
Reciprocity and the teacher
Unless the (young person) experiences
himself as being able to have a positive
impact on the adult , he is not likely to be
receptive to having the adult have a
positive impact on him.” (Dr D. Hughes)
Recognising the power of relationships
and relational cues is essential to effective
therapeutic work and, indeed, to effective
parenting, care giving, teaching and just
about any other human
Early identification
Highly structured environment
Prof network important
Avoid Shame
Conceptual thought difficult
Immature stage of learning
Control of teacher
Action replaces words as communication
When he aroused appeal to ‘thinking’
Use headteacher
Implications: Disorganised child
Build in physical activity
Cannot self-regulate feelings
Be on hand not intrusive
Trauma triggers
Overwhelmed or restricted by creative
Left brain tasks to calm him
Disorganised continued(2)
A safe place to discuss
 Seek support
 Develop consistent plan
 Review practice
…..from reaction to reflection
– the work discussion group
….and for the staff