Gateway Orientation - Fontbonne University

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Transcript Gateway Orientation - Fontbonne University

Fontbonne University History
Established in 1923 by Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Became a co-educational institution in 1974
Began offering graduate degrees in 1975
OPTIONS program established in the fall of 1991
Currently over 1000 OPTIONS students in our undergraduate and graduate
adult programs (total school enrollment-approx 3,000)
-28% male, 72% female,
-38% minority; 21 states, 17 foreign countries represented
 Became a university in the Spring of 2002
Although historically Fontbonne has been renowned for fine arts and
education, today the university's largest department is Business Programs.
-Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central
Association of Colleges and School
Fontbonne Site Information:
OPTIONS Main Office Hours:
-9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Monday through Thursday)
-8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Friday)
OPTIONS Textbook Services Hours
-9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Monday through Thursday)
-8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Friday)
Ryan Dining Hall Hours (Monday - Friday)
* Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
* Lunch: 11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
* Dinner: 4:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
DSAC 'Caf Hours (Monday - Friday)
*Continental Breakfast: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
*Lunch & Dinner: 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Fontbonne Site Information:
Library Hours:
-Monday – Thursday
*7:30 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
*7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
*9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
*1:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Campus Bookstore:
-Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Fontbonne Technology:
Fontbonne University Website
Student Information Management System
Fontbonne Email
-802.11g wireless card
-Current antivirus software installed
-Your computer registered in the Information Technology Department
located in Ryan Hall, Room 322.
Office of Information Technology
Fontbonne Computer Labs and Hours:
-Ryan Hall
-Medaille Hall
Ryan Hall Lab Hours
-Monday through Friday
*8:00am - 10:00pm
Your First Step to Degree Success
All Degrees Require 128 credit hours
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
45 core credit hours
38 (at least) general education
45 (at least) elective credit hours
Bachelor of Science in Sports and Entertainment
Management (BSEM)
45 core credit hours
44 (at least) general education r
39 (at least) elective credit hours
Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Studies (BOS)
45 core credit hours
35 (at least) general education
48 (at least) elective credit hours
Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary Studies (BCS)
33 core credit hours
38 (at least) general education
57 (at least) elective credit hours
General Education Requirements
•To provide students with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge
and develop the skills that help to define and educated individual.
•To acquire the essential core of an undergraduate education that
establishes the foundations for living a productive life, being a
citizen of the world, appreciating aesthetic values, and engaging in
life-long learning in a continually changing world.
•For this reason, these core requirements provide for breadth
across the humanities and arts, social, biological, and physical
sciences; competence in communication, critical thinking and
analytical skills appropriate for a university-educated person; and
investigation of the issues raised by living in a culturally diverse
General Education Requirements
All Degrees Must Have 44 credit hours of general education requirements
6 credit hours of Written Communication (ENG101 & 102)
3 credit hours Verbal Communication (COM102)
3 credit hours of Mathematics (BBA308)
3 credit hours of Philosophy (PHL260)
3 credit hours of Religion (REL100)
3 credit hours of Special Valuing/Ethics (Met in core)
3 credit hours History (HST340)
3 credit hours Human Behavior (SOC100)
1 credit hour US & MO Constitution (GOV101)
3 credit hours of Literature (ENG120)
3 credit hours of Fine Arts (MUS106)
3 credit hours Life Science w/Lab (BIO106/107)
3 credit hours of Physical Science w/Lab (PHY108/109)
3 credit hours of Computer Information Systems (CIS100)
1 credit hour of Information Literacy (INT108)
•Courses that are not specifically prescribed by a degree or major
but are necessary to fulfill and accumulate the necessary amount
of credit hours required to earn a liberal arts degree
•Additional credits earned by students to support their academic,
career, and/or personal interests
•Any course that does not fulfill the core and/or general education
requirements over 100/1000 level
•Any course that goes beyond the core and/or general education
requirements over 100/1000 level
General Information
Each cohort group will assign a
Class Representative
*Mail is distributed via class representative’s
mailbox located by the OPTIONS front desk
Student grades: posted on the Student Information
Management System 20 business days after class
*to have an official grade report mailed to your
employer, must complete the Grade Request
OPTIONS Student Handbook Information:
Cancellation of Classes Due to Weather
GPA Requirements for Programs
Grade Appeals Process
Course Authorization Information
Petition for Incomplete Grade Information
Policy Exemption Guidelines
Attendance Policy
*must attend at least 50% of class
meetings or automatically issued an “F”
Academic Information
Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0
must be maintained
Must earn a “C-” or better in two
written communication and one
verbal communication courses
Continuous Enrollment and Your Financial Aid
 Attendance
-Attendance to class is MANDATORY not optional
-Attendance is monitored daily and electronically
-Non-Attendance will result in loss of financial aid
 Continuous Enrollment
-Maintaining non-interrupted attendance until
-Consistent class attendance is imperative to
being successful in an accelerated learning format
-The Department of Education sees an attendance
break of 29 calendar days or more as reason
to revoke your Financial Aid
You and Your Financial Aid
 In order to keep original award must
maintain 24 credit hours in 30 calendar
 What if I need to drop a class?
-Must be completed BEFORE the first day
of class
-If done AFTER the start of class will be
issued a grade of “W” and charged for the
number of classes attended.
 What if I need to be out of class for more
than 29 calendar days?
-Must apply for an LOA….
Leave of Absence
What is a Leave of Absence Request?
***A temporary interruption in your program of study planned
prior to the first night of any course.
***This interruption in attendance cannot last more than 90 calendar days.
When Do I Need to Apply For a Leave of Absence Request?
***If your break in attendance is more than 28 calendar days.
-or***If you are withdrawing from a course and are not enrolled in any concurrent
How Do I Know if I Am NOT Eligible for a Leave of Absence Request?
***If you are withdrawing from a course after the first night.
***If you are planning on being out of attendance for more than 90 calendar days. A
leave of more than 90 calendar days necessitates withdrawal from the
***If you have already had one Leave of Absence in a given calendar year.
Leave of Absence
How Many Leave of Absence Requests Can I Submit?
***You may apply for one leave per calendar year.
***A second leave may be granted for a special circumstance
(e.g. jury duty, military leave, FMLA)
must be approved through the OPTIONS Financial Aid office.
What If I Need to Withdraw After the Start of a Course?
***You must contact your advisor to see if another course is immediately available at
Fontbonne University.
***If you do not enroll in a course at Fontbonne, your funds will be returned!
***Remember, after the course starts, a Leave of Absence Request is not an
If My Funds Are Returned, Can My Financial Aid Be Reinstated?
***Re-application paperwork (including a FAFSA) must be filed and you lose Pell Grant
***If the refund has created a balance on your account, you will need approval from the
OPTIONS business office to be reinstated.
Fontbonne Services
Computer/Internet Labs
 Online library research/access
Student Activity Center
Center for Academic Resources
(Kinkel Center) in library
Career Services
“Continuous effort not strength
or intelligence is the key to
our potential.”
Winston Churchill