Transcript Slide 1

Making Communication Fun.
Maximising Communication
in Infants and Young
Lisa McNally and Nan Evans
Early Years Speech and Language Therapists, Betsi
Cadwaladr University Health Board
Effective oral language skills are the building
blocks on which subsequent literacy and
numeracy development is based.
• Without solid foundations in language and
communication skills, children run the risk of
school failure, low self-esteem and poor social
• Yet up to 80% of children in some areas of the
UK are starting school without these vital skills.
Reference: The Cost to the Nation of Children’s Poor Communication. I CAN
Talk Series – Issue 2
A powerful report published in 2006 identifies that the
home environment has as much impact on a child’s
development as school.
Reference: Wood, C. and Caulier-Grice, J. (2006) Fade or Flourish: How Primary
Schools can Build on Children’s Early Progress Social Market Foundation
We also know that the early linguistic environments of young
children have long-term effects on their development and
subsequent academic achievement.
Reference: Hart, B. and Risley, R.R. (1995) Meaningful Differences in the Everyday
Experience of Young American Children Baltimore: Paul Brookes
• Training
of others is viewed as central in achieving real change in
children’s communication.
For children with impoverished language, creating a
communication supportive environment in the early years at
home and in school is critical.
• Support for parents and skilled carers and educators in the
pre-school years can minimise the risk of these difficulties
developing into permanent problems that
undermine school achievement and the ability to form
• There
is evidence to show that, during the sixth month of
pregnancy, the baby can see, hear, taste, experience, feel,
remember and even learn.
Reference: Verny, T. (1981) The Secret Life of the Unborn Child. Dell Publishing:
New York.
• ‘Your
Bump and Beyond ‘ was developed by Sasha
Bemrose , a specialist speech and language therapist .
• The
pack has been split into two main areas: learning
before birth and learning as a baby.
• During pregnancy, parents are keen and enthusiastic to learn
about ways to help their baby. If they learn to communicate
with their baby at this early stage it sets up good patterns once
the baby is born and helps to form positive attachments.
Parents are shown how the baby communicates through
kicking, what music is soothing for the baby, and how the
baby responds to their voice when it is born.
By 24 weeks of pregnancy, your baby can hear music and
voices. Your baby does not like loud noises and will tell
you so by kicking and moving. Your baby will move its
body in rhythm to your talking. When your baby is born,
it is calmed by the sound of your voice and other familiar
voices. Newborn babies can pick up their mother’s and
father’s voice within an hour of birth.
Tapes of a human heartbeat were played into a nursery
with newborn babies. Those babies who heard the tape
did better than those who did not hear the tape (they ate
more, weighed more, slept more, breathed better and
cried less).
National Literacy Trust:
Talk To Your Baby
Talk To Your Baby produces a range of downloadable
resources for parents and professionals, including
Quick tips, Communicating through music, Talk to
Me and many more.
Available in 13 languages
‘Stoke Speaks Out’ asked a group of parents, which programmes
they would recommend, here is their selection:
All age groups:
0-2 yrs:
Tommy Zoom
In the Night Garden
Postman Pat
Mr Maker
Thomas the Tank engine
Blue Peter
Horrid Henry
Mama Mirabella's
Charlie and Lola
Dora the Explorer
Bedtime Story
64 Zoo Lane
Art attack
C Beebies
Bob the builder
Big Cook little cook
Other Agencies:
Language and Play
Talking Point is run by I CAN and funded by Hello - the national
year of communication.
Access to activities and advice for Parents:
Also I CAN ‘Chatter Matters’
Downloadable charts
DVDs for Parents and Staff working in Early Years settings
Other Useful websites offering activities for children to do to
enhance communication skills and information for Parents and
Top tips for talking:
• Rear facing buggies, stop where the child can see what's
going on
• Family meal times
• Quiet times with no background noises
• Routine – this develops understanding, simple repetitive
language is easier to learn
• Turn taking play e.g. rolling a ball to each other, posting a
car down a cardboard tube
• Listening for sounds and talking about what makes the
• Pretend play – show the child how to pretend to cook
dinner, feed teddy
• Sharing books – short and simple to start with
• Use short simple sentences to help your child to learn and
remember more easily
Total Communication
There are many different ways that a message can be represented:
Representation of an
Written word
Makaton Signs:
Latest developments:
Comes with the Makaton
Core Vocabulary
Communication Books
Use family photos, digital pictures of child’s
favourite food, toys, activities etc to make
communication purposeful and meaningful
Visual Timetables:
Help children to
understand when certain
activities will take place
or when an activity has
Games used in Therapy:
Feely Bags
Posting Games: