Transcript Document

AusAID Bilateral Donor System
• Country Program Evaluations included in
Performance Management and Evaluation
Policy (PMEP) of the Agency
• Part of Tier 2 of Agency Results Framework
• Three identified components to ‘purpose’ –
management, learning and accountability
• Builds on and tests self assessed Annual
Program Performance Reports (APPR)
AusAID CPE Methodology
Evaluates three elements of the strategic
architecture –
 Country Situation Analysis – analysis and
policies to inform the ODA approach
 Country Strategy – a public statement of the
ODA approach
 Delivery Strategies – how AusAID will deliver
aid in each sector or priority area
AusAID CPE Methodology
Evaluative Criteria –
 Selectivity and focus – has a clear and informed
allocation rationale
 Represent whole-of-government interests – means the
interests of various Australian Government
departments delivering ODA
 Effectively managed – is strategic in nature, takes risks
into due consideration and deploys resources
 Produce results – refers to the outputs, outcomes and
impacts (intended or unintended) of the cooperation
Methodological Challenges
 Explicit versus implicit – strategy acknowledged
as only a small part of what the program does
 Operational approach entails much wider scale of
ways of working – understanding the link
between the two is difficult
 Avoiding retrospective strategies – does the
strategy drive the program or the program drive
the strategy?
 Enough structure while not restricting innovation
in approach
Choosing CPEs
Office for Development Effectiveness (ODE) responsible
for CPEs
- Work plan decided by Independent Evaluation
Committee (3 outside members 1 internal)
- Largely driven by current internal performance and
policy priorities – Health Checks prepared by
Operations to inform choices (set of broad-based
program metrics)
- Very few CPEs in last 5 years – huge political opposition
internally and little clarity without significant work on
strategies themselves
- No mandatory requirement, but have returned to favor
given political pressures on spend