Transcript Slide 1

Nursery Curriculum
Thursday 10 July 2014
1. Tea and Coffee
2. Welcome to Streetsbrook
3. Meet the Staff
• Senior Leadership Team
• Morning Nursery
• Afternoon Nursery
• Streetsbrook Childcare
4. Uniform
5. PTA
6. Overview of the Evening
EYFS Themes
• A Unique Child – Every Child is a competent learner from
birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured.
• Positive Relationships – Children learn to be strong
and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships
with parents and a key person.
• Enabling Environments – The environment plays a
key role in supporting and extending children’s development and
• Learning and Development – Children develop and
learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of
learning and development are equally important and
Characteristics of Effective Learning
Playing and Exploring
- Playing with what they know
- Finding out and exploring
- Being willing to ‘have a go’
Active Learning
- Being involved and concentrating
- Keep trying
- Enjoy achieving what they set out to do
Creative and Critical Thinking
- Having their own ideas
- Making links
-Choosing ways to do things
Seven Areas of Learning
Three Prime Areas:
Personal, Social and Emotional development
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Four Specific Areas:
Literacy (Reading, Writing)
Mathematics (Numbers, Shape, Space and Measure)
Understanding of the World (Geography, Science, ICT, RE, History)
Expressive Arts and Design (Art, Music, Dance, Role-play, Design and
Personal, Social and
Emotional Development
• Making Relationships
• Self Confidence and Self-Awareness
• Managing Feelings and Behaviour
Circle Time / SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning)
Communication and
Listening and Attention
listening to discussions, instructions, stories
developing concentration
following instructions
understanding questions
Responding to ideas
Developing vocabulary
Using more complex sentences
Explaining and recalling
Asking questions
Physical Development
Moving and Handling
– gross motor skills (co-ordination, control and movement)
– Fine motor skills (manipulation, pencil grip, scissor control)
Health and Self-Care
– Promoting the positive benefits of being healthy and active
– Good hygiene, managing personal needs
Assessing Children’s
Learning and Development
• Development Matters
– Assessed against development bands
– Expectation at the end of Nursery is for children to be working
securely within 40-60 months band
• Foundation Stage Profile (end of Reception year)
• Assessed against Early Learning Goals where children
are either emerging, expected or exceeding
Observations, not testing!
Nursery Day
• Register on the carpet
• Daily focused activity
(Phonics, Circle Time, Numeracy Activity etc.)
• Independent choice activities: indoor and outdoor.
(During this time one adult will lead a focus activity and children
will be encouraged to have their snack)
• Family Time
(Story, Singing, Rhymes or Phonics)
Additionally, we have PE in the hall once a week
Check list for Under Fives
To be properly prepared for full time education children should
be able to:
•Sit still and listen
•Be aware of other children
•Understand the word ‘no’ and the borders it sets for behaviour
•Understand the word ‘stop’ and that such a phrase might be
used to prevent danger
Be potty trained and go to the toilet
Take off their coat and put on shoes
Speak to an adult and ask for needs
Talk in sentences
Open and enjoy a book
Recognise their own name
Phonics – Letters & Sounds
Phase 1:
Sound discrimination
Rhythm & Rhyme
Voice sounds
Oral blending and segmenting
– Independent writing
– Handwriting
– Focus on letters in the child’s name
Nursery Contributions
Voluntary Contributions are used to fund a range of
activities above and beyond the curriculum, as well as
weekly swimming lessons.
In 2014-15, contributions will be £1.50 per each week of
Any trips that take place will be charged
Thank you
for joining