Transcript Slide 1

Lambda State
Orientation for Chapter Leaders
Committee 2014
Bev Johns, Chair Lambda State Communications
Pat DeWitt, Editor Lambda State Newscaster and nonvoting member of Communications Committee
Jean Tulin, Lambda State Webmaster and non-voting
member of Communications Committee
Guidelines for State Organization and
Chapter Communications Committee
Chairs, revised 2014
 page iii and page 4
Along the top is the main navigation.
Home, Events, Committees, Library, Forms, Store, Network and Websites
• Under Events are all the happenings within DKG.
• Committees houses current committee information, photos, and
resources. Browse through committees of interest.
• In the Library, find forms, applications, brochures, The Delta Kappa Gamma
News and files for your use. Links to Society Web sites both state and chapters
are also in the library.
•We all love to shop! So in Store find catalogs of DKG items, official jewelry,
insurance and more.
•Looking for certified websites or DKG Network, visit Websites and Network.
from International
• New International web site on p. ii
•Table of Contents on pages iv and v
• Availability of Graphics Disk/CDs on page 2
• Duties of chapter communications committees on pages
•Newsletter information on page 7
•Chapter yearbook information on page 18
•Electronic Communications information beginning page on
•What is Newsworthy on page 23
•Copyright and Libel Laws on page 28
•Facts about Delta Kappa Gamma beginning on page 29
Duties of Communications Committee Chair
Facilitate communication amongst chapter
members and with Lambda State. This includes
the Chapter President if it is she who creates the
Send Chapter Newsletter to your Lambda State
Communications Committee contact member. She
will contact you later this summer with her email
Send Chapter Newsletter to Executive Secretary,
Nancy Polios ([email protected]).
Currently 53 Lambda State Chapters publish newsletters.
Duties of Communications Committee Chair
Submit chapter news for the Newscaster to
Pat DeWitt. (see enclosure)
Publish chapter news with local media, when
possible, using “inverted pyramid” writing
style. The who, what, where, when, and why
are all state at the beginning. There should
be no use of the word “very”, no adjectives or
descriptors that are not a necessity and no
fluff. See page 154 of the Guidelines.
Please send Chapter News, New
Initiates and Coordinating Council
News to:
Pat DeWitt, Editor
5159 Norwich Dr.
Rockford, IL 61107-2427
Phone: 815.621.1330
E-mail Pat at: [email protected]
Deadline Dates:
May 1 – August 1 – November 1 – February 1
Graphics Disk/CDs – page 2
CD from Society Headquarters
Download from Society Web site
(Library -> Resources -> Logos)
Right-click – save image as
Print communication
Brochure templates for chapters ( –
Library - Resources - Brochures)
Yearbook – session at 2014 Taming
Technology Seminar
Newsletter on page 7 - 9
Get to the point
Use active verbs
Find a dynamic way to say the same thing
TIPS for WRITING COPY on pages 13
Newsletter Style Sheet on pages 15
Newsletter on page 7 - 9
Set a Header for each newsletter
The society name – The Delta Kappa Gamma
Society International
The Mission Statement
Chapter, Lambda State, Illinois
Volume and issue number
Editor’s name
Newsletter on page 13-15
Always include
Meeting information: location of meeting with directions,
date, day and hour, program, special events, hostesses
Chapter president’s name and message
Red roses for honors and awards to members
Legislative update
Photos that tell a story
Important dates and deadlines
Membership changes
Lambda State happenings
Articles about Society programs and projects, e.g.
scholarships, conventions, initiatives
Previous meeting notes
Newsletter on page 7 - 9
Regular postal mail
Prepaid envelopes
Make labels for the year
Email buddy
Make list one for chapter and one for state mailing
Use Adobe pdf format
School Mail
Publish on chapter web site
Use Adobe pdf format
Newsletter on page 7 - 9
Regular postal mail
Prepaid envelopes
Make labels for the year
Email buddy
Make list one for chapter and one for state mailing
Use Adobe pdf format
School Mail
Publish on chapter web site
Use Adobe pdf format
Newsletter on page 7 - 9
Who should write/edit the newsletter?
Communications committee
Designated editor
Chapter Newsletter
2008-2010 biennial report indicates that 53 of
78 (68%) chapters have a newsletter. Most
are distributed via email or USPS mail. Some
are distributed during meeting.
Time for Sharing your newsletters
format with us.
Break 10:30 am to 10:45 am
Chapter Webwatcher
Encourage Chapter President to appoint a
Webwatcher who is to check the Lambda
State and International Web sites regularly
and report at meetings. (See enclosure)
Draw attention to “Website for Teachers”
column in the Newscaster – also linked on
the Communications Committee Web page.
Chapter Webwatcher
Facilitate the availability of the two issues of
Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin that are
available online as well as the online summer
issue of Delta Kappa Gamma News. Copies
of this particular issue should be made
available to members without internet
Chapter Websites
5 Lambda State chapters have certified Web
3 Steps to a chapter site
Design the site – see Guidelines
Request posting to International server (Form 74)
Request Certification from International (Form 72)
The site, following International Guidelines, may be
hosted elsewhere. Then request Certification to have a
link on the International site.
Delta Kappa Gamma Society
International’s Policy for Electronic
The policy provides:
Assistance and guidance in design, implementation, and
management of electronic communication
Internet and World Wide Web (Website)
Electronic mail
CD Rom
Audio and Visual recordings
Digitized Information
Society Websites
All websites will contain the Society
Purpose and Mission Statement
Information will be accurate, current, and
Websites will not be used for political or
religious purposes
Society Websites
Home page will be dated as to the latest
revision of any page in the site
Chapter websites will include no direct
advertising or fundraising promotions
– A one-sentence acknowledgment of
donation of an electronic site may be
How much will site cost?
$15 one-time startup fee only
 $51 Set-up Fee and 1 year rental
 $36 one year fee (10 GB website)
 $62 two year fee (10 GB website)
Eligibility for Chapter Web site to
link to International
Must adhere to the standards adopted by
the Society (pages 19-21)
If in compliance, chapter sites may apply to
be linked to International Site
Locating the paperwork and fees
Forms -> Website -> Pay website rental fees and
set up fees here.
Web Space Rental Request, Form 74 (MS Word)
$15 setup fee and $36 annual fee for 10 GB
Address will be assigned.
Certified Link Request, Form 72 (MS Word)
What can be on a Chapter site?
Home page
A calendar of upcoming events and meetings
A history of your chapter or state organization
Online newsletter
Program and project ideas
Press releases and photos announcing events,
projects and programs
Member feedback
An email directory of officers or members
Much, much more!!
Programs to help make site
Adobe Acrobat 8.0
Or CutePDF
An FTP program to
upload to International
(save files to pdf
Name of Chapter Sites
Alpha Delta (
Alpha Rho
Beta (
Gamma (
Omicron (
Other options
 has a tiny bit of advertising so no link on
International is possible. You can invite members to
view and have access at different levels (edit, view on
certain pages). Events on calendar will be sent as
reminders to those listed to receive email.
Use to design a site. has no advertising so a link on International is
possible. No calendar reminders or setting of access
Chapter Brochures
24 Lambda State chapters have a chapter
brochure or fact sheet.
Sharing time ……..
Yearbook – page 18
Include the following
The Society name – The Delta Kappa Gamma
Society International
Chapter and Lambda State name
Current biennium or year date
Date of organization
List of officers
List of committees
Yearbook – page 18
Include the following
List of members, addresses, telephone, e-mail, type of
Meeting dates, time, place, map or directions, and program
Past chapter presidents
Chapter projects
Birthdays of members
Mission Statement
The Purposes
Other information that would be helpful
Yearbook – page 18
Consider including the following Lambda
State information
List of Lambda State organization officers and
state organization committees
List of Lambda State organization founders
Dates for Lambda State organization meetings
Yearbook – page 18
Consider including the following international
List of members of International Administrative
List of Founders
Date the Society was founded
How to communicate with the Society via mail,
phone, fax, Web site, E-mail
The Delta Kappa Gamma Song
Dates of next International convention and
regional conference
Yearbook – page 18
What size of book?
How to publish?
Who will collect information?
Possible timeline
Evaluation ….
Additional Information
from Guidelines
Duties of chapter communications
committees on pages 5
Develop communications channels within the
chapter membership and with other chapters
Seek opportunities to publicize the Society,
its Purposes, its programs of work and
noteworthy achievements of its members.
Prepare advance publicity about activites
and functions and arrange for media
coverage of important events
Duties of chapter communications
committees on pages 5
Help to incorporate news of international and
state organizations into chapter programs
Keep reference files of international and
state organization publications as well as
chapter newsletters.
Send news of chapter programs, projects
and achievements and members’ honors and
achievements to the Newscaster editor, Pat
Duties of chapter communications
committees on pages 5
Serve as resource person for the
communication services administrator by
sending names and backgrounds of capable
writers for the Bulletin and well-written,
interesting and unpublished manuscripts of
members for consideration.
Encourage members to write articles for the
Bulletin and submit them to the Bulletin
Duties of chapter communications
committees on pages 5
Provide guidelines for members who are
interested in, or who have responsibilities for,
writing in Society publications, to encourage
high quality in the use of language and
Maintain personal expertise and provide the
opportunity for members to advance skills
and knowledge of the latest innovations in
communications technology.
Duties of chapter communications
committees on pages 5
Provide pertinent and timely information of
innovations in the profession and in the
Share research and educational experiences
with all levels of the Society.
Use International brochures for distribution to
prospective members, school and
corporations officials, and others.
Duties of Communications Committee Chair
Keep membership informed of all functions,
projects and activities of the international,
state and chapter organization.
Acquaint members with the opportunities
within the Society for personal and
professional growth.
Promote unity and cohesiveness among the
three levels of the Society
Maintain a relationship with community
resources to promote positive public
Duties of Communications Committee Chair
Utilize technology as an optimum
communication tool.
Create quality professional publications.
Assume responsibility, directly or indirectly,
for providing the chapter newsletter and, if
possible, a chapter Web site.
Maintain close, working relationship with the
chapter president, editor and webmaster.
Disseminate copies of chapter publication
(i.e. chapter newsletter) to the state
organization president, editor and
communications chair.
Verbal Communication
Chatting at meetings or at school
Welcoming new members
Mentoring members
Use of telephone tree
Electronic Communication
Society Web site
Lambda State Web site
Chapter Web site
Newsworthy – page 23-27
Copyright and Libel Laws – page 28
Facts about Delta Kappa
Gamma – page 29-33