Bullying - Halewood Academy

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Halewood Academy
Anti Bullying Assembly
At Halewood Academy, we take the issue of
bullying seriously. Bullying is unacceptable.
We are a TELLING school. This means that
anyone who knows bullying is happening is
expected to tell the staff.
Students can tell any member of staff.
Bullying can be defined as any repeated words or
actions which are aimed at causing someone to
feel frightened, miserable and helpless in school.
Bullying is
 Deliberately hurtful
 Repeated over a period of time
 Difficult for victims to defend themselves against
Verbal – name-calling, sarcasm, spreading
rumours, nasty teasing, leaving hurtful notes.
Physical – pushing, punching, hitting, or any use
of or threatened use of physical violence.
Emotional – excluding from groups, being
deliberately unfriendly, tormenting, threatening or
rude gestures.
Menacing – demanding money or possessions or
to copy homework, demanding the victim’s or
bystander’s silence when bullying has taken place
Racist – racial taunts, graffiti, refusal to cooperate
with others from a different culture.
Sexual – unwanted physical contact or sexually
abusive comments.
Homophobic – any hostile or offensive action
against lesbians, gay males or bisexuals or those
perceived to be.
Cyber bullying – receiving unwanted and nasty
emails, texts or have something posted on a web
site or Mobile App, on Facebook, Twitter or BBM
about you.
 Depression
 Low
self esteem
 Shyness
 Poor academic achievement
 Isolation
 Threatened or attempted suicide
This myth is one of the most destructive.
Bullying thrives in a climate of secrecy and fear.
If you are a victim of bullying or you are aware
of bullying then you have a moral duty to tell.
Feel confident in telling staff , your form tutor is the
first point of contact
Write down any incidents of bullying including
Keep away from hotspots
Develop strategies
Peer pressure is the most effective way of
stamping out bullying.
Remember, you have the right to be safe and
happy. But nobody can help you unless you let
them know you are being bullied.
This week in your form group you will be asked to
sign a poster to support the anti bullying