North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group

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North Norfolk Clinical
Commissioning Group
Fit and Ready?
24 April 2013
Mark Burgis
Head of Clinical Pathway Design
Rebecca Champion
Engagement Manager
North Norfolk CCG
Official organisation as of April 1st 2013
Population approx. 167,800
Covers North Norfolk DC & rural Broadland DC
45 miles of coastline
20 General Practices (Members)
16 staff based in 1 Mill Close, Aylsham
Aligned staff:
• Joint Health and Social Care team
• Public Health
• Prescribing Advisor
North Norfolk CCG Map
Structures (1)
• Council of members:
– Clinicians from all 20 practices supported by
practice managers
• Executive team:
– 5 doctors (elected)
– 5 managers from practices (elected)
– 1 Practice Manager leads on with Engagement
Patients and Public, and Voluntary Sector
– Chief officer
– Chief Financial officer
Structures (2)
• Governing body:
– 5 doctors (Elected)
– 2 practice managers (Elected)
– 2 lay members (Finance & Engagement)
– A registered nurse
– Non-primary care doctor
– Chief Financial Officer
– Chief Accountable Officer
• Meets in public every other month ~
details on NN CCG website
Different Responsibilities
to Primary Care Trusts (PCTs)
We do:
 support the improvement of performance in
primary care
 commission primary care out of hours
We do not:
 award contracts for or manage primary care
services (GP, pharmacy, dental and
 deliver public health services
• Planned hospital care
• Urgent and emergency care
• Rehabilitation care
• Community health services
• Mental health and learning disability
Commissioning Drivers
Needs driven & evidence based - Public Health
An older population - living longer often with at
least one long term condition. (65+ 33% in NN;
25% in BDC)
A large rural area - poor transport infrastructure;
services closer to home
Responsive services – reflecting modern living
and working patterns
Active lifestyles and positive ageing – e.g. selfmanagement of Long-Term Conditions (LTCs).
Working in partnership to deliver these priorities
Engaging our patients 1
Communications and Engagement Strategy
co-produced with a patient working group
20 practices have Patient Participation
Groups (PPGs)
North Norfolk Patient Partnership Conference
brings patients from all the practices together
twice a year
Annual stakeholder event
Engaging our patients 2
Use existing networks e.g:
 LINk/Healthwatch
 District
councils & Housing associations
 Diverse Groups
 Voluntary Sector Engagement Project
Use our Referral Management Centre (RMC)
Focus Groups to inform pathway design
Join ‘Your Voice’
Quality dashboard
The voluntary sector in North Norfolk
• Key partner in delivering integrated
• NN CCG wants to make it easier for joint
working through:
– Area based hubs
– Integrated Care Co-ordinators
– Multidisciplinary community teams
– Aligned around groups of General Practices
Integrated Working
North Norfolk
Integrated Teams
Proposed Team Areas and Practice Groupings
Our vision for Integrated Working
• Whole system approach including the
voluntary and third sector
• Single point of enquiry for practices via the
hub and co-ordinators
• Improved outcomes for patients across
health, care and wider issues e.g. social
isolation and loneliness
Where can we work better together?
• Older People
– Services integration, delivery of care focussed around the patient
• Mental Health
– Dementia, Carer Support, better supporting people with anxiety
and depression
• Planned Care
– Out of Hospital Care, clinical pathway development
• Unplanned Care
– Prevention, joined up patient care delivered closer to home
• Children
– Supporting health lifestyles, paediatric diabetes service
Any Questions?