Transcript Slides

Real Estate and Flooding
in Norfolk,VA
Lloyd Decker, Evan Savaria
Professor Weigle
For many who have lived in Norfolk, VA a seasonal storm or heavy rain is
a normal occurrence that eventually results in flooding. A first time home
buyer or an established investing firm located in San Diego may not be
aware of this risk in Norfolk. A tool that allows buyers to evaluate the
effects of flooding near their potential real estate investment or to
evaluate the entire local real estate market would be very useful. By
having this knowledge at their fingertips users would make better
decisions and be more satisfied with the purchase knowing the flooding
risk around the property.
• User selected options
 Historical precipitation data
 Historical storm surge data
 Sewell’s point tide data
 Sea level rise predictions
• Sea level vs flooding
 Norfolk GIS data (parcel)
 Norfolk GIS data (flood)
 Norfolk GIS data (storm surge)
• Norfolk GIS data (parcel)
• (appraisal)
What: Data
Tables (Norfolk JSON, Zillow, Precipitation, Tides,
Storm Surge, Sea Levels)
Why: Present
Historical data (Precipitation, Tides, Storm Surge, Sea
Why: Compare
Flood vs Real Estate Damage
How: Use
Map of Norfolk Neighborhood
How: Select
Interactive options for user to select flood conditions
or set flood conditions
How: Change
Flooded properties in neighborhood map change
based on selected flood options
Flood Map Description
• Flood map of Norfolk neighborhood
• Historical data shown on left
 Precipitation amounts
 Maximum tide levels
 Storm Surge predictions
 Sea level rise predictions
Values can be selected by clicking on and bar
Selection/input value boxes available for user inputs
Submit button for input values submission
Reset button to zero all values
• D3
High Learning Curve, complex encoding
• Develop Discrete Sea Level Maps
Mapping of flood levels that affect properties was created by hand with overlays
• Correlate Real Estate Data
 Real Estate values were not in an exportable format
 Hand Jam values into JSON files
• Create User Interaction Map
 Creating a method to allow instant feedback on map based on click of bar
 Link values of barcharts with the text boxes along the bottom of the map
Closing Statement
Every storm around Norfolk has the potential to cause damage and
flooding to homes. This program was developed to alert potential and
current home owners of the risk level associated with the property. If this
program can save a family the hassle of recovering from a flood then our
mission will have been reached.