SAOs (SLOs)/Program Review/ Linked to Planning & Resource

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Transcript SAOs (SLOs)/Program Review/ Linked to Planning & Resource

Business Services Goals
Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUOs)
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Beth Gomez , Dean of Business Services
Business Services Retreat
May 20, 2011
Business Services Goals
Student Success
2. Systematic Planning and Assessment
 Cross train staff to enable a continuous high level of service during absences
 Develop a storage and retrieval system for immediate access to data and
Fiscally Sound Position
Strive to improve fiscal results in enterprise cost centers
4. Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture
 Develop regular internal and external communication tools to inform customers of
current changes
 and means to achieve efficiencies and effective workflow
 Create a culture to encourage staff to become more proactive in their daily tasks
 Work to retain customer loyalty in enterprise cost centers
5. Community Partnerships and Service
2011-2012 Business Services Goals
1.Cross Training
2. Devel & Maintain BS P&P *Electronic for the
field (Procedure Manual)
3. List of BS Staff Duties – Outreach (Open
4. Processing map (HRSR/Contract) Electronic
Tracking (code to access) Streamline Process
(improvement) – Review Current Processes
5. Go Green (electronic/Tech Efficient) Elect
6. Ensuring Timely distribution of funding for
academic programs. Strive to give timely,
accurate info to dept – educate – Tips & Tricks
for the Black Hole (Quarterly Workshop) Info
to depts on budget “Budget Edu” Add Galaxy
training to new employee orientation
7. Student $ timely distribution
8. Implementation of State-Wide Travel System
• In support of students, educate staff on
proper budget allocation.
– # of trainings – 3 training sessions a year
• In support of student, BS will continue to
process & distribute Financial Aid in a timely
– # of checks mailed on goal date
– Strive to get check out in 3 days
– Will look for alternative distribution methods to
distribute Financial Aid checks – 2 presentations
for consideration
• Students will have access to informational
materials at cashiers stations available during
peak student time.
• In support of students, B.S. willincrease
training for staff
– 90% of current positions will be cross-trained
• In support of Students, we will post online
duties and responsibilities of BS staff.
– Complete before Holiday Break
• In support of students, BS will cross training
– Implement 25% of staff this year
– Tracked with training forms
• In support of students, BS will development
and maintain a procedure manual
– Number of procedures posted online – 25%
• In support of Students, Process mapping of BS
– 3-5 forms completed and online by June 2012
• In support of students, BS will provide an
Outreach Meet & Greet.
– 2 meetings per year on each MVC & SJC
• Students will benefit from the availability of
affordable and nutritious food on campus.
– 25% increase in sales by June 2012