FEDERAL FUNDING UPDATE - What We Know and What We …

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Transcript FEDERAL FUNDING UPDATE - What We Know and What We …

Full title: Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st
Enacted July 2012
Authorized $118 billion
Expires September 30, 2014
SPR … 2% of major core programs with 25%
mandated for research activities
FHWA … about $400 million annually
 Highway Research & Development Program
 Technology & Innovation Deployment Program
 ITS Research
 Training & Education
Cooperative Research Programs for Transit & Freight
RITA programs
 Bureau of Transportation Statistics
 Intelligent Transportation Systems
 National Transportation Library
 Positioning, Navigation & Timing
 Research, Development & Technology
 Transportation Safety Institute
 University Transportation Centers
 Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Issue #1 – Highway Trust Fund solvency
 FHWA has already informed state DOTs of possible
changes in reimbursement procedures starting in
August unless HTF is replenished
Issue #2 – MAP 21 expiration
 No federal funding is authorized or appropriated for
highway and transit past September 30, 2014
US House on July 15 passes HTF fix & MAP 21
extension by 367-55 vote
 Provides general fund transfer to HTF
 Extends MAP 21 through May 31, 2015
Senate action on HTF fix / MAP 21
 Action possible this week
 Some consideration of shorter MAP 21 extension
GROW AMERICA – administration proposal
 About 10-15% funding increase over MAP 21
 Stable funding for research programs
Senate Environment & Public Works Committee
 About 0-3% funding increase over MAP 21
 Reduced funding for FHWA research programs
House has not introduced bill
Just a concept – no current bill
Major decrease in federal commitment
 Federal gas tax & other revenues slashed
 Feds support only core system (interstates?)
States would face decisions on whether to increase
revenue to support all highway & transit functions at
current levels
SPR funding formula appears stable across MAP 21
extension and reauthorization proposals
UTC funding appears stable in reauthorization
proposals; not certain how extension works
FHWA research program funding in flux in Senate Bill;
AASHTO Board of Directors passed resolution in favor
of full funding