Transcript Slide 1

Presentation at the European Seminar on
CSO Development Effectiveness, Vienna,
10 and 11 March 2010
Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
• Signed by donors and governments in 2005
• Sets out five principles: harmonisation, alignment,
ownership, mutual accountability, managing for
• Paris Declaration is an important agreement to
improve management of bilateral aid flows
• CSOs in the Open Forum argue that (a) there is a
need for a more holistic agreement and that (b) the
Paris Declaration is not directly applicable to them
What is the Open Forum?
• A global CSO-led initiative to promote an effectiveness
framework specifically for CSOs (development
effectiveness not aid effectiveness)
• A series of consultations and multi-stakeholder dialogues
around the globe
• Led by a Global Facilitation Group of 25 member
• CONCORD is one of the GFG members and acts as
global Secretariat
• Governments and international donors are key partners
(i.e. multi-stakeholder working group at OECD DAC)
What is CSO Development Effectiveness?
Development effectiveness is promoting
sustainable positive change, within a
democratic framework, that addresses the
causes as well as the symptoms of poverty,
inequality and marginalisation, through the
diversity and complementarity of
instruments, policies and actors.
From the Open Forum Toolkit
What defines
CSO development effectiveness?
• Internal factors that are shaped by CSOs themselves:
North-South CSO partnerships
Internal governance and management
Monitoring and evaluation methodologies
Accountability mechanisms
Organisational capacities
Collective structures (coordination and exchange through platforms and networks)
• External factors that are shaped by governments and other
stakeholders and make up the enabling or disabling environment in
which CSOs operate:
Overall regulatory and political framework
Effective enforcement of human rights standards
Funding for CSOs and regulations attached to it
Space for policy dialogue
Mechanisms to promote philanthropy
Three objectives
• A robust and appropriate global framework for
CSO development effectiveness
• To promote and facilitate a learning environment
on CSO development effectiveness
• Engage in a multi-stakeholder dialogue with
governments and donors to build understanding
and support for an enabling environment for CSOs
• CSO have started many initiatives to define and promote
their effectiveness, but have not yet defined their
effectiveness collectively as a stakeholder group
• CSOs have acknowledged that the changing aid
architecture provides challenges to their effectiveness and
that there are issues to their effectiveness
• Clamp-down on civil society in many countries despite
commitments in the Accra Agenda for Actions
A global consultative process
Start of the process
Regional preparatory workshops to initiate
and trigger process
Country-level and thematic consultations to define a CSO
development effectiveness framework
Political dialogue and outreach at all levels
First Global Assembly
To start consensus-building on the CSO development
effectiveness framework
Further consensus-building and mobilistation for the
Second Global Assembly
Stock-taking and evaluation of the process; CSOs
mobilise for the 4th High-Level Forum
4th High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness
Who is behind the Open Forum?
• Global Facilitation Group
– 25 member organisations from all world regions
– Provides political leadership, representation and overall guidance for
the Open Forum
– Engages in political dialogue at the international level with the
Working Party on Aid Effectiveness (OECD DAC) and UN bodies and
– Two Co-Chairs represent the GFG
• Consortium of supporting organisations
– 6 CSOs, each one in charge of a specific world region
– In charge of outreach, communication, administration, fund raising
and technical assistance to implement consultation process and
political dialogue
Your participation is crucial!
How you can engage in the process:
Platform/network level:
• Reach out to your constituency and
launch internal discussions on the
principles guiding CSO development
effectiveness (tools are available on
• Contact and inform the
organisation in charge of your region
about your interest in the process.
Clarify with them your needs and the
level of (financial and other) support
that is available (visit for contact details)
Individual CSOs:
• Make sure your platform/network is involved in
the process
• Start discussions on CSO development
effectiveness with your colleagues and across
departments (policy, programming,
• Inform your colleagues and peers about the
• Participate in multi-stakeholder dialogues of
the Open Forum
• Support CSOs in organising consultations
within the Open Forum framework
More information
[email protected]