A Turbulent decade - Kent School District

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“We danced in the streets, embraced old women and pretty
girls, swore blood brotherhood with soldiers…and reeled
through the streets.”
-Malcolm Cowley, Exile’s Return
• The transition from war time to peace time production
• Social Strain
• 4.5 million soldiers return – unemployment rises, wages fall
• Women urged to give up jobs
• Skyrocketing cost of living
• Consumers spending spree – demand causes an increase in
prices…roughly double from 1914 to 1920
• Economic Strain
• Trend reverses…deep recession struck in 1920-1921
• Government pulls defense contracts, factories cut production and
layoff workers
• Farm crisis too.
Labor Strife
• Workers demanded higher wages and
shorter work hours
• Seattle General Strike
• 60,000 workers left their jobs
• Not a single incidence in violence
• After 5 days, it ends
• Turns public opinion against organized labor
• Boston Police Strike
• Officers fired for union activities
• 75% of force goes on strike
• Coolidge backs the commissioner and calls
in the state militia
The Red Scare
• Period of anti-communist
hysteria during 1919 and 1920
• A response to the Russian
Revolution in 1917
• Resulted in communism
• Government owns and controls all
private property, including all
industry and factory
• The idea that communism may
take ahold in the U.S. frightens
many Americans
The Palmer Raids
• Series of bomb scares in 1919
• Postal workers found 36 bombs in the mail
• Addressed to prominent citizens…
• J.D. Rockefeller
• Supreme Court Justice
• Postmaster
• Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer
• A series of raids to capture alleged
radicals. Thousands were
arrested…three pistols were found.
• Most arrested were poor immigrants who
had just moved here
Sacco and Vanzetti
• Most sensational trials of the 1920
• Two Italian immigrants
• Nicola Sacco (shoemaker) & Bartolomeo Vanzetti
(fish peddler)
• Robbery outside of a shoe factory…two
were killed
• Judge dismissed any sort of defense for
the two and were convicted of murder
and sentenced to death
• Public split…some were outraged and
some thought they deserved it
“Keep Warren [G. Harding] at home. Don’t let him make any
speeches. If he goes out on a tour somebody’s sure to ask
him questions, and Warren’s just the sort of…fool that will try
to answer them”
-Boies Penrose
Harding’s Pro-Business Administration
• Elected in 1920…31st President
• Outgoing personality
• “less government in business; more
business in government”
• Main goals: reduce the national debt
& promote economic growth
• Increased mergers, less
enforcement of antitrust laws
• Workers and farmers struggle, union
membership decreases
New Directions for Women
• Feminists – women’s rights
• After 19th Amendment was
passed, many women moved on
to other causes and the unity
• Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
• “men and women shall have equal
rights throughout the United States
and every place subject to its
Harding’s Scandals
• “Ohio Gang” – Harding’s friends that
followed him to D.C.
• Friend and director of the Veteran’s
Bureau pocketed millions of dollars
through corrupt schemes
• “I have no trouble with my enemies…I
can take care of my enemies all right.
It’s my friends that keep me walking
the floor at nights
• Dies of a sudden heart attack while
on a tour of the west
• Attorney General taking bribes.
• Teapot Dome Scandal…secretary of
interior and the secretary of the navy
Calvin Coolidge
• Vice President takes over
• Restore office’s reputation by
firing Harding’s posse
• “Silent Cal” contrasted
Harding; stern, reserved
• Promotes pro-business
• Elected in 1924…doesn’t run
in 1928. Claims that the job is
too burdensome
Election of 1928
• Herbert Hoover elected
• Reputation for administrative
skill and efficiency
• Strongest asset is the nations
• Runs on the same probusiness policies as Harding
and Coolidge
African Americans were encouraged to migrate from the
South to the North. The tales of freedom and jobs in the
North were a strong contrast to the harsh conditions in
the South.
African Americans Move Northward
• By 1930, the African
American population in
the North and Midwest
had doubled
• Reasons
• A life free from
• Racial tension sometimes
resulted in violence
Return of the Ku Klux Klan
• Targeted African Americans,
Catholics, Jews, immigrants,
suspected radicals
• Kidnapping, lynching, beatings
• 1920 – 5 million members
• 1930 – drops to 9,000 members
• Economy boom in the late 20s, feared
of radicalism was declining
• Publicity of terrorism and violence
• Corruption and scandals
Defending Their Rights
• NAACP forms the Anti-lynching
Committee to generate support for
• Persuade law enforcement to
investigate acts of violence
• Published The Crisis
• Other groups attempted to fight
discrimination in the workplace
• Brotherhood of the Sleeping Car
Black Nationalism
• Frustrated by lack of results from the
NAACP and union groups, some
African Americans believed that they
needed a nation of their own
• Pan-Africanism – unite people of
African descent worldwide
• Black Nationalism
• Marcus Garvey
• Want to create a new political state for
African Americans in Africa
• United Negro Improvement Association
• Economic independence
• Independent black homeland in Africa
Immigration Restrictions
• 1920 – nearly 25% of the nation’s population was foreign
born or non-white
• After WWI immigration was rising again
• Nativists believed
• Immigrants held radical views
• Were taking jobs from Americans
• Immigration Act of 1924
• 2% for each nationality already in the country (population 1890)
• No Asian immigration
Mexican American Migration
• Employers in the Southwest
eager to keep Mexicans
immigrating in the country
because of cheap labor
• Low wages
• Live in labor camps
• Move into urban areas for well-
paying factory jobs
• Chicago and Detroit
• Men would move alone and then
send for their families
American Indian Life
• 1920s brings attention to
• Dawes Act fails
• “Americanize” by dividing tribal
land into individual plots
• Board of Indian Commissioners
admits policies had separated
them from their land and cash
• Organized to fight for their
• 1924 Congress grants
citizenship to all American
• Did not eliminate poverty that
they continued to experience