The WebLogic Messaging Kernel

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The WebLogic
Messaging Kernel:
Design Challenges
Greg Brail
Senior Staff Software Engineer
BEA Systems
JMS has been part of WebLogic Server since version 5.1
New requirements came up for WLS 9.0
Store-and-forward messaging
Asynchronous web services messaging (WS-RM)
Smaller-footprint messaging
Improved performance
Clean up our growing code base
Messaging Kernel
The Messaging Kernel provides in-process messaging services
divorced from any particular API or protocol
Used in WebLogic Server 9.0
JMS 1.1
WebServices-Reliable Messaging (WS-RM)
Kernel itself is invisible to end users
Design work started in mid-2003
Implementation in 2004
Shipped with WebLogic Server 9.0 in August, 2005
(Credit for the kernel idea goes to “Zach” Zachwieja, now at Microsoft)
Messaging Kernel Features
Message Queuing
Persistent and non-persistent queuing
Transactional queuing, with two-phase commit support
Pluggable message sort order
Message redirection for expiration and error handling
Message ordering and sequencing features
Topic subscribers are queues
Pluggable subscription filter
Core Features
Thresholds, quotas, statistics, pause/resume for manageability
Paging to control memory usage
Three Design Challenges
#1: Persistence Mechanism
#2: Message Ordering for User Applications
#3: Cluster-Wide Message Routing
Challenge #1: Persistence Mechanism
What are some ways we could handle message persistence?
RDBMS approach:
INSERT each new message as a row in the table
SELECT every time we want to get a message and flag it somehow
DELETE each message when it has been acknowledged
Log approach:
Use a linear transaction log
Append records for “send” and “acknowledge” and recover by reading the log
Truncate the log when it gets too big and move messages elsewhere
Classical approach:
Create persistent data structures on disk blocks just like a database
Use ARIES or some other well-documented algorithm
Traverse the persistent data structures to get and update each message
Heap approach:
Write each message to disk in a convenient location
Remember that location and mark messages deleted when acknowledged
Recover by reading back the whole file
Persistence Pros and Cons
Simple to implement, at least at first
But SELECTING to find each new message is not great
WebLogic JMS 5.1 did this and it was very slow
Low memory usage, but also low throughput and high latency
Transaction logs are well-understood and relatively simple to implement
But once the log is full, performance drops dramatically
Good memory usage, throughput, and latency
Recovery time depends on the (configurable) size of the log
Well-understood, although not simple to implement
Memory usage and recovery time depend on size of the cache and log
Throughput is lower due to overhead of persistence algorithms
At least for us, in Java!
Heap-Based Persistence
The Heap method works well for us
More memory than Classical or RDBMS approaches
Potentially longer recovery time than Log or Classical approaches
But best throughput
Allows for both file- and RDBMS-based implementations
File-based heap used in WLS 6.1 through 8.1
Not very sophisticated; relied too much on the filesystem
Latest version is lot smarter
Make sure we do no more than one I/O per commit
Platform-specific code to access “direct I/O” feature in most O/Ss
New records are located on disk to reduce rotational latency
Runs faster than a traditional transaction log on a single disk
“A High-Performance, Transactional File Store for Application
Servers”, Gallagher, Jacobs, and Langen, SIGMOD 2005
File-Based Persistence Performance
Performance test results:
One JMS queue, with
persistent 100-byte
Messages sent and
received simultaneously
JMS clients on separate
machines from the server
Result based on receive
(Hardware: Dual-CPU 3.4 GHz Intel,
4GB RAM, 15,000 RPM SCSI disk,
Windows Server 2003. One such
machine used for WLS server, two
for clients.)
1 producer, 1
32 producers, 32
Challenge #2: Message Ordering
Applications require certain sets of messages to be processed in order
Queuing systems usually give you two choices:
One thread and one queue for all processing (poor throughput)
Or, lots of threads and lots of queues (poor manageability)
Solution: the “Unit of Order” feature
Controls concurrency of message delivery based on application requirements
Messages are tagged with a “unit of order” (UOO) name
Only one message for each UOO is delivered at a time
Next message not available until previous message has been processed
Processing ends with transaction resolution
Result: For each UOO, messages are processed in the order they arrived
on the queue
Better throughput
Less lock contention in the database
Unit of Order Example
• When first blue message is dequeued, blue UOO has an “owner”
• Next consumer skips blue messages and gets the green message
• When blue message is acknowledged, next blue message available
for consumption
• Throughput is excellent when messages are well-interleaved (like
• In theory, throughput drops when a consumer must skip many
messages because they are not well-interleaved (like below)
Unit of Order Performance
1 Thread
8 Threads
16 Threads
Number of UOOs
Test receives non-persistent messages from a queue and sleeps 5
milliseconds per message to simulate actual processing.
(*With zero units of order, messages are processed out of order. So, this number is just
on the chart as a baseline.)
Challenge #3: Cluster Routing
UOO is great for a single queue
What if new messages are load balanced across many queues?
Each UOO must see that all messages go to the same queue
And other problem domains have similar requirements
We implemented two solutions:
Hashing: Hash on the unit of order name to determine where in the
cluster each message should go
Hashing is based on number of servers configured in the cluster (C)
“Path Service:” A persistent cluster-wide database
Maps keys (UOO names) to values (cluster members)
One master database for the whole cluster
Caches on all other cluster nodes
Cluster Routing Issues
Both approaches have flaws
Hashing is fast and scales well
But if any one server is down, 1 / C units of order cannot be handled
C is the number of configured servers, not running servers
Queuing elsewhere decreases throughput and adds race conditions
If C changes, messages may fall out of order
This makes it difficult to grow and shrink the cluster based on load
Path Service is much more flexible
One server in the cluster is the master and handles all updates
So if it is down, new paths cannot be created
Future: We would like to do better
Use Paxos to elect a master, with replicated persistent state?
Generate UOO names on the server rather than on the client?
With the messaging kernel, we have implemented some old
solutions, and found a few new ones
We think “unit of order” is quite useful and bears future research
We have quite a few more problems to solve
Continuously-available cluster routing
Continuously-available messaging
Performance, performance, performance
The messaging world needs to pay more attention to the research
world to help solve these kinds problems
The research world might have more to study in the messaging
world too!