Barents Euro-Arctic Region - BEN-EAST

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Transcript Barents Euro-Arctic Region - BEN-EAST

Indigenous Peoples in the Barents
Anna Prakhova
June, 26-27, 2008, Murmansk
«The models of CPC: BSR and Barents region»
BEN-East project
From the history of exploration of the Kola Region
The Murmansk Region forms the North-Western administrative unit of the
Russian Federation. It is situated on the Kola Peninsula and its borders
are washed by the Barents sea at the North and White Sea at the
North East. Its land frontier borders with Norway and Finland in the
West and the Republic of Karelia in the South.
Lujavri from the Google
Lakes: Imandra, Umba, Lujavr, Sejdjavr
Mountains: Khibiny, Lovozerskie
Lovozero/Lujavr - Village and Lake
view from helicopter
The first Russian settlements Varzuga and Umba appeared along the
White Sea coast “Tersky bereg” in the 15th century. At the time there
was a town called Kola, which was founded in the estuary of the Kola
Bay. In the Middle Ages, there were three states fighting for the right
to control these Northern territories: Sweden/Finland,
Denmark/Norway and Russia. Sweden/Finland collected taxes from the
Saami People until the middle of the 18th century, Russia and
Denmark/Norway – until the beginning of the 19th century.
An increase in the number of population was first observed at the end of
the 19th century. It was brought about by a special colonization policy
set by the Tsar for Russian peasants, Norwegians and Finns to the
Barents coastal area “Murman”. Also Komi and Nenets reindeer
herders with their own reindeer flocks migrated over the White Sea to
the Eastern areas of the Peninsula due to a tough epidemiological
situation there.
The population of the Saami has remained largely the same over the last
three hundred years – approximately 2,000 individuals.
The impact of regional exploration on the Kola Saamis
In the year 2002
0,15 % from all
population of the
There were 1565
Saami in 1979 and
1769 in 2002 (AllRussia
2007: 6)
The Indigenous Peoples’ Year in the Barents Co-operation
– the Year 2005
Motto of the Year:
Learning By Cooperating
Goals of the Year:
Care and Responsibility for Our
Common Homeland
Mutual Respect and Understanding
Peoples to Peoples Co-operation
WGIP – Working Group of Indigenous Peoples in BEAR
1993 established
1995 Advisory Status
2005 Harstad Declaration
6 members (4 Saami, Nenets,
Regional Council – 1
Regional Committee - 1
2 Secretaries (Advisor in
Norwegian Barents Secretariat,
Kirkenes and Head of BIPO in
CSO 1st meeting of the Year
B a re n ts E u ro -A rc tic C o o p e ra tio n
B a re n ts E u ro -A rc tic C o u n c il
B a re n ts R e g io n a l C o u n c il
C o m m itte e o f
S e n io r O ffic ia ls
R e g io n a l
C o m m itte e
W o rk in g G ro u p o f
In d ig e n o u s P e o p le s
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
E c o n o m ic C o o p e ra tio n
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
E n viro n m e n t
B a re n ts F o re s t S e c to r
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
C u ltu re
T a s k F o rc e
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
E n viro n m e n t
C le a n e r P ro d u c tio n
T a s k F o rc e
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
T ra d e B a rrie rs
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
H e a lth a n d R e la te d
S o c ia l Is s u e s
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
E d u c a tio n a n d
R e s e a rc h
T a s k F o rc e o n
In fo rm a tio n a n d D a ta
C o o p e ra tio n
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
C o m m u n ic a tio n s
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
In fo rm a tio n
T e c h n o lo g y
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
Y o u th Is s u e s
S te e rin g C o m m itte e fo r th e
B a re n ts E u ro -A rc tic P a n E u ro p e a n T ra n s p o rt A re a
W o rk in g G ro u p o n th e
N o rth e rn S e a R o u te
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
Y o u th P o lic y
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
E m e rg e n c y a n d R e s c u e
S e rvic e s C o o p e ra tio n
T a s k F o rc e a g a in s t
T ra ffic k in g in H u m a n
B e in g s
E n e rg y W o rk in g G ro u p
W o rk in g G ro u p o n
In ve s tm e n ts a n d
E c o n o m ic C o o p e ra tio n
06.02.1917 Trondheim, First meeting –Saami National Day
(Saami Parliament in Russia)
1956 Saami Council (ECOSOC UN) 1973 Saami Parliament in Finland
1989 Saami Parliament in Norway
1993 Saami Parliament in Sweden
1993 – UN Indigenous Year
1995-2004 UN Indigenous Decade, SP Council
2005 -2014 Second UN Indigenous Decade
2005 – Indigenous Year in the Barents cooperation
September 13, 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of IP
August 9 – the Day of Indigenous Peoples in the World
Saami symbols
August 1986, XIII Saami
Astrid Bol, artist
Anders Fjelner (1795-1876),
poem “Children of Sun”
Isak Saba 15.08.1875, Unjarga/
Factors to preserve the language
Russian language as native
(1995)- 80 % of Saami
Number of speakers
Language environment
Types of activities
Rebirth of language
Mixed marriages
Language policy of the State
Prestige of language
Presence of written language
Role of mass-media
(ref: Vakhtin, Golovko, 2004:
Language environment
Russian language is only “concurrent” for Saami language in
Kola. Davvin-saami language and international cooperation over
the state borders are increasing and influence language
the Saami People are divided between four different countries.
“The Stone of the Knowledge” in Kautokeino, Norway and 4 Saami from 4 States.
The new building of the Saami University will be ready there in 2009.
Football is all ages, and we restoring and combining with new forms.
Saami football is one of the main events at the Summer Festival in Lujavri
(2d or 3d Sunday of June before “the Saami Air Force” will take on its wing).
1st left - Match in Karasjok 2007 – again 2:2; friendship is winner!
2d upper – penalty; 3d down –our “Dasaev” - best goalkeeper Maria Kalmykova.
Twin-municipalities cooperation is natural part in BEAR/
National Culture Centre in Luajvri/Lovozero. Its reconstruction was
financed by MFA Norway and Sweden, Nordic Council of Ministers, Norsk
Barents Secretariat, Karasjok kommune. Opening of the Kola Saami Radio
in its building – june 2005.
The established state borders have not taken into account the
interests of Saami People living in “siidas” (Saami villages), which
corresponded to the territories of traditional land use.
If traditional trades are secured
and preserved then language has
more chances. Fishing, hunting and
reindeer husbandry, “hard” and
“soft” handicraft – these trades were
always considered as traditional for
Saami people.
husbandry is remain, but it is in
serious crisis to diminish. The rest
of activities officially recognized as
amateur activities, or hobby. But
last September the Saami handicraft
trade mark was officially registered
in Russia.
Reindeer husbandry
Saami type of reindeer husbandry
1890th komi-izhemtsy
1930th collectivization
1960th enlargement
1970th sovkhoz
1990th cooperatives
2000th ancestral communities
1993 World Reindeer herders Union
1997 Association of RH in Russia
2008 Association of RH in
Murmansk region
Radio-connection: village-tundra
The basis of Kola Saamis’ social organization – “siida”, “sijt”, “obschina”,
“ancestral community”
The family has always been the basic unit of the Kola Saamis’ social
organization. Some families joined together for performing common tasks –
fishing and hunting, taking care reindeer etc.
The main goal of the community is to provide all members with food, and that
is why fairness and solidarity are the main principles of the community/sijta. The
obschina unites people on the basis of common culture and language, on the
basis of activities aimed at future and based on common economic interests.
Each community /sijt has got their own territories, where only members of
community can hunt, fish, pick berries. Every member of the community is
aware of the territory borders and the communities know about neighbouring
Unity and security are the basis of the sijta life. Rights on hunting lands,
pastures and fishing waters are divided between families in accordance with
necessities and the size of family. Most important decisions need the presence
of the representatives of all the families.
In the 19th century “siita” were spread out on the whole of the territory of the
Peninsula, with exclusion of the “Tersky bereg”, which was inhabited by the
“The new” is usually an almost forgotten “old” thing.
“obschina” /”sijt” is a form of special legal
organizational unit
Federal Law “About the general principles of the
organization of the obschinas (ancestral communities)
of the Indigenous Peoples of the North” enables getting
access to traditional forms of production and uniting
family incomes for preserve their native language and
the cultural heritage.
from ”the paper” to “the reality” and to the
implementation a“trip” is not short and easy;
Feeling of motherland is strong
Saami Language is used
at home, on festivals,
and surely on nature,
especially in reindeer
husbandry, fishing..
Speaking native
language gives a feeling
of home, feeling of
motherland – tell
We believe – reindeer should remain alive…
For all these years the
Saami culture, language,
fishing and hunting were
overlooked. The ideas on
preservation of culture
were based on the
principles of the majority
society, whereas the
Saami community had its
organization, which was,
destroyed by that time.
December 2004 -the UN General Assembly by its Resolution proclaimed
the Second UN International Indigenous Peoples Decade (2005-2014)
May 15th –26th, 2006 UN Indigenous Peoples’ Issues Forum, New-York
September 2007 – UN General Assembly adopted Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The revival and strengthening of traditional economic
activities can help to increase employment and initiate
self-development of the Saami people.
Barents cooperation: Economic development Economic
cooperation, trade and investment. Customs cooperation.
Energy. Transport. Information technology. Other links to
business and economy in the Barents Region.
Barents cooperation: The environment and nuclear
Environmental protection. MNEPR and nuclear safety.
Barents cooperation: Human and social development
Education and research, health and related social issues,
culture, youth policy, indigenous peoples issues, gender issues.
Pasjpe, Ollu gihhtu, Спасибо, Thank You
for Your attention!
[email protected]