Transcript The PUC

CPUC - Energy Efficiency Data
Evaluation and Current Commission Proceedings
Carmen Best
Demand Side Management Evaluation Section
Energy Division
June 24, 2013
AB758 Workshop
Data is Key to Tracking Progress
on Energy Efficiency Programs
• Energy Division is responsible for tracking
progress and performance of the Investor Owned
Utility energy efficiency programs
• This oversight includes evaluation, measurement
and verification of the savings, emissions
reduction and cost effectiveness of the programs
• Since 2006 Energy Division has been collecting
and maintaining a variety of centralized,
standardized data sets to support evaluation and
track progress.
AB758 Action Plan recognizes the value of data and offers an
opportunity to build on progress
made at the CPUC.
Energy Division’s EE Databases
Goals & Potential
Frozen Ex Ante Source
Customer Consumption
Data (CIS)
IOU Tracking Data
Evaluation Results Data
Portfolio Summary Data
• Projected Sector Potential
• Dynamic publicly available model
• Projected energy savings and cost for
specific measures
• DEER,Non-DEER Work Papers, Custom
Opportunity to
leverage common tools
and information for
targeting programs.
• Billing data and site specific information
• Samples of AMI/Interval data
• Participants and non-participants
• IOU claims; Quarterly; Standardized
• Technology, Savings, Costs, Location,
Customer, Timing
• Field-based measurement and
verification of savings (sample)
• Surveys, Market studies
• Aggregated across all utilities
• Includes Tracking + Evaluated Results
Standardizing the
information gathered
about program
implementation and
evaluation will allow for
reporting on statewide
The Data Store
• Houses all of the raw data generated by CPUC EE
EM&V studies.
• Live file storage; not a static “warehouse” of
– What’s the difference? Technically, a data warehouse
just stores spreadsheets with numbers; a Data Store
houses other files, such as PDF files and Word
documents, which comprise a significant amount of our
research files.
Implementation and evaluation can
Secured access
leverage the best available
Searchable meta data
information on program
performance gathered from the field.
Smart user interface
Administrator controlled with tiered login access
Status update:
Phase III. OIR Smart Grid Proceeding
• Develop a streamlined and consistent procedure by which
non-commercial third parties can request access to customer
usage information.
– Data will be aggregated and/or anonymized consistent with
CPUC policies and state law, and comparably across the
– Disputes between the utility and non-commercial third party on
the access to usage information, will be resolved in a predefined process which may include an opportunity for the noncommercial third party and utility to seek the advice of a
mediator to settle the dispute in a timely manner.
• Develop a model NDA for instances where aggregated and/or
anonymized data may have some risk of re-identification.
Allow streamlined access to data for all implementers to meet AB758 goals.
Status update:
Phase III. OIR Smart Grid Proceeding
• Develop definitions around what is aggregated data and what is
anonymized data
– or propose recommendations for testing and piloting advanced
algorithms that may be used to
• satisfy existing state law and CPUC policies regarding privacy and
increased availability of usage information for research purposes.
• Allow the processes and adopted policies to have a chance to work
themselves out and create a group made up of representatives from
relevant interested parties to
– Allow for the continued participation of interested data scientists,
privacy experts, and security experts that can provide briefings on
emerging privacy risks and proposed steps to mitigate such risks.
Enable an ongoing discussion over data access and security issues as the
world continues to change.
Relevant Links to California
Energy Efficiency Data
2010-2011 Annual Progress and Evaluation Report:
California has a
long history of
2006-2008 Evaluation Report and Public Data set: (similar sets data geared to
available for 2009; and pending for 2010-2012)
Ongoing Progress on Energy Efficiency Savings in California:
Energy Efficiency Groupware Application:
Go to “Savings”; to see the monthly updates to IOU savings and progress against
goals; and download the aggregate data.
AB758 can
leverage a
Archive of finalized California Evaluation Studies since the early 90’s: