FSCS-08 District Commander's Course
Transcript FSCS-08 District Commander's Course
Florida District Commander’s
Florida Sons of The American Legion
College System – Course 6
Course Instructors
Jim Roberts – Detachment Assistant Adjutant
Squadron 4 Lakeland
35 Years of Service
Past Detachment Commander
Past National Commander
Ed Sheubrooks – Detachment Adjutant
Squadron 40 Fort Pierce
39 Years of Service
Past Detachment Commander
Past National Vice Commander
National Assistant Adjutant
John Jennings – National Vice Commander
Squadron 72 Mulberry
20 Years of Service
Past Detachment Commander
Florida SAL College System
The objective and purpose of the Florida
SAL College System is to increase, improve
and enhance the administrative and
managerial skills of current and future
leaders of the Florida Sons of The
American Legion through education and
direct skill development.
Squadron Number and Location
Years of Membership in the SAL
What made you want to be a District Commander?
You are now your District’s representative to our
Please take seriously the position you now hold.
You are the eyes, ears, and voice of your District.
Together, with your fellow District Commanders you will
guide and shape the overall operation of the
Detachment of Florida.
Through this course we hope to give you a perspective
of the duties and responsibilities of a District
Where Do You Fit In?
The National Organization is
responsible for Policy &
The Detachment is responsible
for Administration & Publicity
The District is responsible for
Communication &
The Squadron is responsible for
Membership & Activities
What is a District Commander?
If this is your first time as a District Commander, and you are
not quite sure what the job entails, don’t feel alone! You’re
not! Every year many Sons across the nation are elected to
the position of District Commander and very few have
experience. As a District Commander you have a unique
opportunity to help the Sons of The American Legion work
and in turn to HELP AMERICA WORK. Your term in the
office of District Commander can be one of the most
rewarding and satisfying experiences of your life .
if you meet your—
In many ways the District Commander is the most important
person in the Sons of The American Legion.
You, as District Commander, have the responsibility for
providing the link between members, Squadrons and the
Each squadron in the Sons of The American Legion is a
separate and distinct unit of our organization .
Without your leadership, the Squadrons in your District will
have no way of linking their operations to our much larger
Detachment and National network.
Dress Code
Official SAL District Cap
Your dress is determined by the activity
that you will be participating in
REMEMBER – Image - Because you
represent the organization.
Represent the Organization
You represent the Sons to our American
Legion Family and the Public.
– Act Professionally
– Dress Appropriately
– Speak Respectfully
– Indulge Moderately!
This Officers Orientation Can
Be a Valuable Resource
Not just the presentation as it relates to your job as
But we can build camaraderie, share ideas, and
build relationships that will stay with us and this
great organization of ours.
We want you to feel free to share triumphs, defeats
and new ideas, receiving in turn guidance, a
nonjudgmental audience and constructive criticism.
Positive attitude is an asset toward your success!
Success Spawns Success
If your District has been successful in the past few
years, then by all means carry on.
But if you can identify areas that need attention
(i.e.: membership, programs or committees) then
you need to make the necessary adjustments to
turn them around.
You are the Commander of your District and your
leadership and what you bring to the table will
shape the level of your success.
A District Commander
is Not Just One Person
A strong team is the only way you achieve success.
Teamwork is the essential key from the Squadron
level all the way to and including the National
You are the coach of your District’s team.
Pick Your Staff Wisely
Try as you will, you just can’t be
everywhere and you can’t do it all.
You must have a good working
Staff and Chairman.
Organize “Team”
As District Commander, your first order of business is your “team” the people with whom you can work and those who can best perform
the tasks necessary for a successful year during your term of office.
You must select the cast, set the stage, and it’s up to you to:
(1) Move those projects that are most important, following a
definite timetable.
(2) Determine both long-range and immediate objectives.
(3) Organize fully and communicate exactly your ideas and your
(4) Make sure the lines of communication are tightly drawn so the
flow of information will be easily available to the Squadrons and
Organizing Your District
The first couple of months following the election of the District
Commander can determine the success or failure of the entire
This is the time the selection of the key persons who will assist the
Commander is completed, a timetable of future events is
established, and it’s made certain the Squadrons are getting
The District Commander is normally the elected representative of
the Squadrons in the District, but an obligation to provide
guidance and supervision is also implied.
Supervision means organization!
Responsibilities must be assigned to District Vice Commanders.
Other District officers must clearly understand the duties of their
respective offices.
The most effective way to organize is to use an early meeting to
bring together the team that will make the District function.
Prior to that meeting, the District Commander should learn what
has caused past successes or failures of programs and objectives
of the Squadrons and the District.
Organizing Cont’d
District Commanders of previous years should be
The Commander should study all that is possible to
find out about the District, and should have clearly
defined objectives and assignments to present.
You Wear A Lot Of Hats!
Delivering criticism, discipline or praise
Working under pressure
Meeting tight deadlines
Training future leaders
Organizing people, projects and schedules
Selection and Use of
Commissions & Committees
Whenever possible, the chair should be someone with
personal interests in the program assigned.
It is essential to distribute appointments over the entire
Once a District Commander has decided upon the chairs,
personal contact should be made with each head to
determine a willingness to serve.
The District Commander has an additional obligation to see
that each chair and committee is furnished with all needed
information and materials.
Commissions & Committees
Children & Youth
Internal Affairs
Public Relations
Veterans Affairs &
Disaster Preparedness
Special Olympics
Children’s Miracle Network
Constitution & By-Laws
Squadron Activities
Community Affairs
Appoint one for every committee & nominate
the same person for Detachment Committee.
Be sure the person is interested in the subject
Have all active committees report regularly at
District meetings.
Membership Chairman
May be the strongest personality in the District.
Willing to work as hard as you, maybe harder.
Needs to visit Squadrons, especially those having
membership problems. (In addition to your visits.)
Needs to be well supplied with application, pamphlets,
Sources of Assistance
Your own District
Don’t be afraid to consult past District
Consider forming an advisory
committee of Past District Commanders
Detachment Officers
Vice Commanders
Past Detachment Commanders
District or Area
Consult your Legion Counterpart for
their information.
William Hoppner – Department Advisor
Department HQ Program Staff
Squadron Officer Installations
You are charged with the responsibility of visiting every
squadron in your district.
As the installing officer, you need to have ready the
objectives of the Detachment Commander and your
Let them know what areas we need to work and why. Be
prepared for every visit!
Use this as an informational event as well as the
Encourage Participation
Challenge new blood by
asking them to serve on
Utilize proven achievers
in more challenging
Build our future
leadership by direct
mentoring. Through
your leadership, the
years you serve at the
helm of your district will
have a lasting effect on
the successful future of
your district.
District Commanders
Squadron Visitations
District Commanders Visitation Report
District Meetings
Detachment Executive Committee
Other Official Functions
Squadron Visitations
While all your duties are important, the visitation is the most essential! This is
why we require you to visit each at least once during your year. However, the
more the better.
These visits should be for official business or an event. Stopping in for a drink
does not satisfy the requirement for a visit.
These Squadron visits should be timed to facilitate one or more of your
It is essential to have a good relationship and understand the make up of all
the Squadrons in the District.
District Commander
Squadron Visitation Report
District Meetings
Your District Meeting is the best avenue to inform your
squadrons about the programs and share information.
Every Squadron within your District
represented at your District Meeting!
District Meeting should be informative, organized, and
convenient for all squadron representatives to attend.
District Meeting Cont’d
The District meeting is the largest Sons meeting the average Son
may ever attend.
Therefore, the District meeting becomes primarily the one
opportunity to impress the average Son and to instill within each
the knowledge and idealism of our accomplishments and aims.
District Commanders should get together with the host Squadron
officers to work out details of the meeting, possible entertainment,
and a meal if there is to be one.
District Meeting Cont’d
All Squadrons should be sent notices of the meeting
as far in advance as possible. The notices should
The time the meeting will start.
Where it will be held.
Agenda (if available)
Whether or not there will be refreshments or a meal.
Any other miscellaneous information that would make for a
better informed District membership.
District Meeting Cont’d
Notice of the meeting should definitely be sent to all District
chairmen and those who are expected to report should receive an
additional follow-up, probably including a telephone call, to be
certain they will be present and ready to report.
Occasionally at District meeting there maybe dignitaries of the
Legion, Sons or Auxiliary. Be certain you are familiar with the
proper method of presenting these people and the proper time for
receiving any message they might have.
The intent and meaning of the business part of a District meeting is
to improve the performance of the Squadrons and make them
more effective for the veterans in the surrounding areas.
Check List for Meetings
Time and Place
Make sure it is not in conflict with any squadron events
Just setting a meeting date doesn’t ensure a crowd.
Arrangements for Meeting
As soon as the place for the meeting has been confirmed,
the District Commander shall contact the squadron
commander to make all arrangements to conduct a district
Final Thoughts for Meetings
In conducting your meeting, as the presiding officer you will
command more and greater respect, and have better control
over such meeting, by standing whenever the group is
addressed or presiding over business.
Remember, as the presiding officer, you are the “boss” of the
meeting. When anyone wishes to address the chair, have
that person stand, give their name and Squadron number
and be properly recognized before you grant permission to
address the conference.
Executive Committee
As a District Commander, you along with your elected District
Vice Commander represent your District to the Detachment
Executive Committee.
The two of you are responsible to bring information from your
District to include issues or concerns.
These meetings are very important to the success of the
All Official Visits
You are representing our Detachment.
You should be in uniform (coat and tie), neat and
Give the Squadron a run-down of the current goals
and objectives and upcoming events.
During Squadron visitations encourage participation
at the District level from their membership.
Be prepared for the purpose of your visit.
Things you should attend even
though you aren’t paid to attend
Functions to Attend
Legion Family Events within
your District
Fall Conference
Have report prepared for the
DEC Mtg and General
Constitutional Conference
Detachment Convention
Have report prepared for the
DEC Mtg and General
Other Recommendations
Detachment Commander’s
Department Commander’s
Department President’s
Area / District Balls
Other District Events
Program Events
Funerals & memorial services
Who is going to replace
you when your term is up?
Who or how many serving on your staff will be ready to assume
the mantle of leadership of your District?
You have many important jobs as District Commander, mentoring
future leaders is vital for the future of our organization.
As you visit all the Squadrons in your District encourage the
workers at the Squadron level to attend your District meetings.
From there don’t be afraid to take a chance on new talent. Invite
them to events and offer them a ride to the events.
Help Educate your members – Offer a Florida SAL College
Although your duties are many, varied, and time consuming, the
one most important thing you are charged with is to obey ALL
The correspondence you receive are almost always time sensitive.
They sometimes require you take action immediately! Don't wait
until the next Squadron or District meeting before you open these
When acting upon these correspondences always do so by the
date on the letter or form.
Key Deadlines To Watch
Detachment Membership Targets
National Reporting Forms
Consolidated Squadron Reports
Officer Reporting Forms
Detachment Executive Committee Meetings
Detachment Convention Delegates
SAL College Applications
Communication is THE key to your success as a
District Commander!
Newsletters are an excellent source in getting the
word out.
Personal contact is still the most effective way to
The Source
The Source is the publication of the Florida Sons of
The American Legion.
It is available on our website each month and it is
sent electronically using our Florida SAL and
Newsletter Networks.
We depend on you and your squadrons to send in
items for our newsletters!
Our Networks
How does HQ communicate
with our Squadrons??
A completed
Squadron Officers
Report is the only
way that
Squadrons will
receive mailings!!
Who is responsible for
Public Relations?
Every Son is involved in public relations.
Everything an individual member or
Squadron does says something about
the Sons of The American Legion.
Information Flow
To be effective you need to communicate information to all of your
Squadrons in your District
How? Newsletters, Flyers, E-mails, Facebook, Website and etc.
Share information from the Squadrons, Detachment and National
with your members to keep them better informed.
Encourage your members to sign up for the Florida SAL Email
Encourage all to send in an article for The Source or advertise
events using the Detachment Website & Facebook Page.
The Value of Organized Squadrons
Each District Commander will have squadrons that
range from highly successful to dormant ones.
Your success is going to depend to a large extent
upon how effectively you can get the greatest
number of Squadrons to cooperate during your
year(s) in office.
When a Squadron has a completely successful
operation, it needs a minimum of supervision.
Organized Squadrons Cont’d
As a District Commander you will still want to be familiar with the
procedures followed by the Squadrons, so ideas and programs
used there can be presented to less successful squadrons in the
On many occasions, new squadron officers are eager to do a job
but lack the background.
The District Commander has several options as to how best help
the Squadron.
SAL Educational
Florida Sons of The American
Legion College System
The Florida Sons of The American Legion College System
Courses are available for delivery.
Florida SAL College is made of 3 courses that are the basis for the
rest of the FSCS Courses.
Completion of the 3 core courses result in the graduation of the college
and is a one year commitment if applicant is selected.
All other courses are open to all members of the Legion Family
All courses are available at no cost to the member
Florida Sons of The American
Legion College System
Course Available
Florida SAL College – FSCS-01
Course A – Communications
Course B – Personal
Course C – Personal
FSCS-02 – SAL Organization
FSCS-03 – A New Squadron
FSCS-04 – SAL Advisors
FSCS-05 – Grassroots Lobbying
FSCS-06 – District Commander’s
FSCS-07 – Ambassador’s Course
Courses In Development
Commander’s & Adjutant’s
Five Star Class
Ten Ideals Class
The American Legion
Extension Institute
A course of study on the
history, programs, policies,
developments, positions, and
future goals of The American
Legion. Upon successful
completion of the course,
graduates receive a pin and a
Cost - $4.95
Department Headquarters
Physical - 1912 Lee Road, Orlando, FL 32809
Mailing - PO Box 547859, Orlando, FL 32854
Roundtable Discussion
Question and Answer Session
Let the us know what you thought of this program.
We need your feedback to make this successful.
Please take the time to complete your surveys as this
will help us to develop and update our college
Jim Roberts – [email protected]
Ed Sheubrooks – [email protected]
John Jennings – [email protected]
Course Certificates
Florida Sons of The American
Legion College System