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Transcript AAPA, SAAAPA & YOU

AAPA Organization Overview
AAPA Board
of Directors
State Chapters
PA Foundation
Covers all issues
pertinent to PAs
through Volunteer
projects and groups
House of
Special Interest
Student Academy
+ What is the Student Academy of
the American Academy of
Physician Assistants (SAAAPA)?
The Student Academy is a part of the AAPA that
was created to represent the unique views and
needs of PA students.
 Has
its own governance within the AAPA.
 Has elected student leaders.
 Includes the Assembly of Representatives
(AOR), which is the policy-making arm
designated solely for PA students.
+ Student Academy Organization
PA Foundation
Assembly of
Caring for
Student Society Representatives
Fulfills the
agenda set
forth by the
+ Student Academy Leadership
The Student Board of Directors is comprised of
eleven elected positions, chosen by the AOR at
the AAPA annual conference.
There are also two appointed student liaison
positions, selected by the elections committee
with recommendations from the AOR at the AAPA
annual conference.
Student Academy Leadership
All student officers must be AAPA student
Leadership duties include:
Representing all PA students and promoting the
profession on your behalf,
Developing SAAAPA activities based on the AOR
Working with national and local PA student
Student Academy Mission
The mission of the Student Academy is to
foster the personal and professional
development of physician assistant
students, encourage educational
excellence, and advocate for student and
professional issues.
SAAAPA Elections
President Elect
Chief Delegate
Director of Outreach
AOR Resolution
Director of Student Relations and Communications
Regional Director - West
Regional Director - South Central
Volunteer Group Chairs
Regional Director – North Central
Regional Director – Southeast
Regional Director – Northeast
Regional Director – Mid Atlantic
President position is second year of
president-elect position.
+ Student Academy Leaders 2013-2014
+ Student Academy Leaders 2013-2014
President: Nick Rossi, Mercer University, [email protected]
President-Elect: Melissa Ricker, East Carolina University,
[email protected]
Chief Delegate: Tom Towle, Augsburg College, [email protected]
Director of Outreach: Elizabeth Prevou, George Washington University,
[email protected]
Director of Student Communications: Annie Mullin, Union College,
[email protected]
AAPA Graduate Advisor: Rachel Carlson, [email protected]
PAEA Graduate Advisor: Curt Stilp, [email protected]
SAAAPA Staff Advisor: Caitlin Harrison,, [email protected]
+ Student Academy Leaders 2013-2014
Regional Director – Mid-Atlantic: Christine Boyer, George Washington
University, [email protected]
Representing: District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania,
Virginia, West Virginia
Regional Director – North Central: Courtney McCotter, Grand Valley State University,
[email protected]
Representing: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South
Dakota, Wisconsin
Regional Director – Northeast: Michelle Melchiorre, Pace University,
[email protected]
Representing: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New
York, Rhode Island, Vermont
Regional Director – South Central: Ashley Cole, Mississippi College,
[email protected]
Representing: Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Nebraska, New
Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Regional Director – Southeast: Charmeen Mack, Campbell University,
[email protected]
Representing: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Regional Director – West: Sarah Davis, University of Colorado, [email protected]
Representing: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada,
Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
+ Appointed Positions 2012-2014
PA Foundation Student Representative: Jenny Adams, Mercer
University, [email protected]
PA Education Association (PAEA) Student Member at Large:
Jenny Kluznik, Augsburg College, [email protected]
+ Assembly of Representatives
Governing body of SAAAPA.
Comprised of one representative from the registered student society
at each accredited PA program.
You must be an AAPA student member.
You must be elected or appointed as your student society’s AOR
The AOR passes
resolutions that are
submitted by the Board
and by student
The carried resolutions
set the Student
Academy agenda for the
upcoming year.
AOR representative testifies at AOR at the AAPA annual
+ Assembly of Representatives
AOR representative’s primary responsibilities include:
• Acting as liaison between
your student society and
• Submitting resolutions
for the AOR to consider.
• Discussing and voting on
• Electing the SAAAPA
Board of Directors.
PA student participating in AOR at the AAPA annual
+ Passed AOR Resolutions
19 resolutions were reviewed, debated, and voted upon during the
two-day AOR meeting.
The AOR passed 13 resolutions, which have been used by Student
Academy leaders in strategic planning for the 2013-2014 leadership
Charges to the Student Academy set forth by resolutions will be
accomplished through individual actions and volunteer groups.
Complete list of resolutions: 2013 Resolutions
Student Academy Focus
The goal of the Student Academy is to become a more student
society-centric organization, based on student participation.
The foundation of the Student Academy is grounded in the student
members of the AAPA who participate in local outreach, advocacy,
and service in their respective communities.
To reinforce and strengthen efforts on a national level, local action
by individual student societies will grow a stronger and more
prepared cohort of individual PAs.
With the guidance of Regional Directors, and other members of the
SAAAPA Leadership, PA students will be provided with the
necessary resources to fulfill the mission and goals of the Student
Academy and the AAPA as a whole.
+ Student Academy Volunteer Groups
Last year, the Student Academy operated using
work groups and task forces. Work groups were
created for task/projects that were to last the
entire year or longer and task forces were
designed to meet a goal and then absolve.
In order to reflect the new structure put in place
by the AAPA, the Student Academy will use
volunteer groups to fulfill the mission set forth
by AOR resolutions. There are permanent and
temporary Volunteer Groups.
Any student member of the AAPA is eligible to
serve on a volunteer group, and can apply at:
+ Student Academy Standing Volunteer
Standing Volunteer Groups:
• Collective group of volunteer groups, organized by
common purpose. A standing volunteer group is
voted on by the AOR.
• Will be active throughout the year, and will have
continuity for the next leadership year.
• Each will be chaired by a Student Academy Director,
who will function as a resource and coordinator of
+ 2013-2014 SAAAPA Standing Volunteer
 Student Service Volunteer Group
 National Service Project – annually
 Outreach to underserved populations, including and not
limited to those defined by race, socioeconomic status,
immigration status, gender identity or sexual orientation,
and geographic barriers. - 2013
 Student Leadership Volunteer Group
 Student Leadership Forum at AAPA IMPACT conference
 Establish and foster State and Regional leadership camps
 Promoting student leadership and involvement at the local
and national level.
+ Student Academy Volunteer Groups
Volunteer Groups:
• Project or goal-driven group of student members.
• Chaired by student member of AAPA, and includes
one Student Academy Director, and other student
• Once goal of volunteer group is accomplished,
essentially the work of the group is completed.
• Volunteer group chairs will report activities and
recommendations back to the Director of Student
Communications for Student Academy Board of
Directors’ approval.
+ 2013-2014 SAAAPA Volunteer Groups
 Healthcare Legislation Volunteer Group
 Educating fellow students and their communities about
the policies and procedures of healthcare.
 The premier resource for Student Societies for all things
legislatively flavored and is not limited to the Affordable
Care Act.
 Social Media Volunteer Group
 With the help and guidance of our Director of
Communications, students in this group will help promote,
populate and, maintain the student microsite
 Other Student Academy social media outlets, including
but not limited to Facebook and Twitter.
Other ways to get involved!
Resolutions 8&9
8 – Investigate current PA curriculum regarding injuries and
illness specific war veterans and develop an informative tool for
PA program faculty and staff to educate them on how to integrate
this curriculum into their didactic year.
9 - Promote education among PA students regarding recognition
of signs, the proper manner in which PAs can report their
suspicions and learn to become better advocates for victims of
human trafficking.
Resolution 10
10 – Help Student Societies create and implement a mentorship
program to help clinical year students aid the didactic year
+ AAPA’s House of Delegates (HOD)
Students help influence policy for the AAPA and the PA
profession by way of their votes during the HOD.
Currently, students have the largest number of delegates at 19,
meaning we have the largest collective vote.
Students interested in the HOD
can go through the application
process in the fall.
HOD organization mimics the House of Representatives in the US
Any student member of the AAPA
can apply to be a HOD student
Once selected, student delegates
are assigned to a Reference
Committee and will represent the
collective interests of all AAPA
student members.
HOD proceedings at AAPA’s annual conference.
Student delegates will go through a training process led by the
Student Academy Chief Delegate.
+ PA Program Student Societies
What is a student society?
A group of at least four PA students (president, AOR representative, Outreach Chair,
State Chapter Student Representative) who regularly meet to discuss issues pertinent to
the PA profession and local community.
Student society members must be AAPA student members.
Why join a student society?
Opportunity to interact with other students who have the same interests.
Work collaboratively to educate others about the PA profession; improve the
community with outreach projects; and enhance ones own leadership skills.
The student society provides a way for you to get involved with your peers, the PA
profession, and the community!
Why register a student society?
Send a representative to the Assembly of Representatives (AOR), SAAAPA's legislative
Compete for the Outstanding Student Society Award with a prize of $500.
Participate in the National Medical Challenge Bowl held at the annual conference.
Registration opens September 1st
+ Student Society Governance
Outreach Chair
State Chapter Student
AOR Representative
Vice President
Diversity Chair
Alternate AOR Representative
+ Student Society Officer
President: Oversees and coordinates all activities of the student society, presides over
monthly meetings, set the meetings’ agendas, coordinates the activities of the committees,
and keeps the membership informed of the activities of these committees.
Outreach Chair: Coordinates activities and public relations efforts between the student
society and external groups, such as other medical professionals, city, state and national
organizations; promotes the PA profession and seeks out ways to work with other
organizations in their community; disseminates information on diversity issues; coordinates
community outreach projects, serves as a liaison between his or her student society and the
SAAAPA Director of Outreach; coordinates and oversees philanthropic outreach and
fundraising efforts.
State Constituent Student Representative: Serves as representative for the student society
to the state chapter. The duties of this person vary from state to state, depending on how
many PA programs are located in the state and according to the bylaws of the constituent
chapter. However, the SCSR is responsible for attending all constituent state chapter board of
directors meetings and reporting back to his or her student society as directed by the state
chapter. Also, the SCSR should increase interaction between the student society, constituent
chapter, SAAAPA, and AAPA.
AOR Representative: Responsible for distributing all Student Academy information to his
or her program; monitors the SAAAPA website for announcements, leadership opportunities,
and available resources which would be of interest to fellow students; and serves as the
contact for SAAAPA leaders and committees. Attends the annual AOR meeting at AAPA’s
annual conference to elect new officers of the Student Academy, to establish and amend
policy of SAAAPA, and to conduct business as necessary.
Explore, share, and contribute!
+ IMPACT 2014 Boston, Massachusetts
42st AAPA Annual Conference
May 24 – May 28, 2014
•Assembly of Representatives
•Student Track Workshops and CME Sessions
•Challenge Bowl
•National Service Project
•National Student Leadership Forum
•PAragon Awards Dinner
For more information…
[email protected]