Transcript Jeopardy

The Good
'ole Days
for Ed
River of
Up the
S#*! Creek
Final Jeopardy
1 - $100
In 1971, this court case, the high court ruled that a
child's access to public education could not be
based on the wealth of his or her community.
Serrano vs. Priest
1 - $200
Prop 13, which successfully limited the tax rate for
real estate and subsequently placed education in a
inevitable death spiral, was approved by California
voters in this year.
1 - $300
On November 7, 2000, voters in the state approved
Prop 39, which lowered Prop 13's super-majority for
local school bond passage from the original 2/3rds to
this percentage.
1 - $400
This law requires roughly 40% of state budget to
be spent on k-14 education and guarantees an
annual increase in funding (including IOUs)
Prop 98
1 - $500
In 2004, as a response to this lawsuit, Assembly
Bill 1550 phases out the year-round school
calendar by the year 2012, and AB 550 was passed
to ensure equal access to instructional materials.
Williams vs. California
2 - $100
This is the term used in California for a "qualified
special tax" imposed by a local unit of government.
These taxes require election approval of at least
2/3rds of those voting on the measure.
Parcel Tax
2 - $200
The smallest amount of education funding comes
to the state from this source.
2 - $300
This Federal Act has provided nearly $8 billion in
one time money to California, much of which has
gone to support programs such as Title 1 and
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
2 - $400
The KIPP foundation earned this federal grant, and
will be awarded $10 million every year for the next
five in an effort to increase principal effectiveness.
Investing in Innovation grant
2 - $500
From January 2008 through December 2010, local
voters approved 81% of the 221 General
Obligation bond measures attempted. G.O. bonds
may only be used for this purpose.
Build or renovating facilities
3 - $100
The state and federal governments together
provided about $4.3 billion in 2007–08 for this.
The funding—which goes first to the SELPA and
then out to districts—does not cover the full cost
and local school districts are expected to cover the
rest from their other revenues.
Special Education
3 - $200
California school districts have about three-fourths
as many of these per student compared to the
U.S. average.
3 - $300
School districts are no longer paid for excused
absences of students, however, to offset this
revenue loss the state has increased this source of
funding per student.
Average Daily Attendance
3 - $400
These district employees are designated by the
2000s on expenditure reports and include the
Chief Business Officer
3 - $500
This fund, occasionally used to cover cash flow
issues, is generally between 2% and 5% of a
districts General Fund expenditures, though the
number has dropped recently.
4 - $100
What state agency monitors district or local
educational agencies (LEAs) for compliance with
categorical program and fiscal requirements?
CPM, Categorical Program Monitoring agency
4 - $200
When it fails to make its Annual Yearly Progress
goals (AYP) for two consecutive years in the same
content area school-wide or for any significant
subgroup it is labeled this.
Program Improvement
4 - $300
Similar to the 1984 Supreme Court case, Hartzell v.
Connell, the ACLU sued the state of California and
Gov. Schwarzenegger in 2010 for violating, again,
what article of the state constitution?
Article IX, Section 5 (1879) of the California
(required that the State provide a system of free
public schools)
4 - $400
This label is assigned to a school district or county
office of education when it is determined that,
based upon current projections, the school district
may not meet its financial obligations for a three
year projection?
4 - $500
In the current court case, Robles-Wong v.
California, the plaintiff accuses what system to be
irrational, outdated, and unconstitutional.
The state's school finance system.
5 - $100
$25 billion
the state deficit
(more than 1/5 of the general fund)
5 - $200
In 2010, California held the third highest ranking in
the nation for this statistic, closely watched by
unemployment rate
5 - $300
An increase of 47% in cost since 2005 describes
what expense to school districts?
benefits or health care
(on average 19% of a district's budget)
5 - $400
More than 1 in 5 children in California live in
poverty, and nearly half of all K–12 students
participate in the federal free and reduced-price
meal programs. This is likely a contributing factor
to this persistent problem.
The achievement gap
5 - $500
If Gov. Brown does not renew the current tax hikes
this June, all stakeholders in education will be this.
Given an opportunity to band together, be creative
and resilient, and come through this mess stronger
and wiser.
Final Jeopardy
Correctly write the full name of the
acronyms listed…
Association of California School Administrators
Beginning Teachers Support and Assessment
California State Teachers Retirement System
Full Time Equivalent
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Legislative Affairs and Fiscal Policy Division
Student Attendance Review Board
School Improvement Grant