Goal Setting – Principles & Practice

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What’s Your Focus?

What’s Your Focus?

“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion” Jack Welch • • • • • • • • • • • Where are you now in your business?

Where would you ideally like to be in the future?

How did you get to where you are today?

What did you do right?

What would you do differently?

What have been your biggest successes so far, & why did they occur?

What’s not worked out/ been successful, & what were the reasons for it?

What do you do now to get from where you are, to where you want to go?

What should you be doing more of or less of?

What should you start doing that you are not doing today?

What should you stop doing altogether?

What’s Your Focus?

“It is on or before…. and I am/I have…..” Remember to “SAY IT THE WAY YOU WANT IT!”

• • • •


: For what purpose do you do what you do?

Does your mission excite you or does it need to change?

Is it big enough to sustain a successful business ?

Is it your mission to get outstanding or get by?

To make it outstanding or just make it?

3 drivers of any business:

• How you get clients • How you keep your clients • How they pay you Within this there are two factors to focus on: • Systems and People

What’s Your 90 Day Focus?

Financial 1. Contribution 2. Investments 3. Experiences 4. Living Expenses 5. Business Expenses

What’s Your 90 Day Focus?

Education 1. NLP Skills/Coaching 2. Sales 3. Marketing 4. Finance





What’s Your 90 Day Focus?

Marketing Ideal Client Research – WIIFM (what’s in it for me?) Networking Website

What’s Your 90 Day Focus?

Sales 1. Questions 2. Tonality 3. Need 4. Offer 5. Agreement

Strategy: What methods are you using to achieve this? What are you currently doing?

By focusing on surviving, then that is probably what you are getting. The belief of making a success in your chosen endeavour may be forgotten.

Action Plan: What has to be done- needs to be done?

How will best to do it? Brainstorm…….

What if…… What have we learnt? What do we have to share?

What’s Your 90 Day Focus?

Delivery 1. Programme 2. Change & Transformation 3. WOW!

Your commitment toward the improvement you desire will be bettered through focus. • • • • What specifically do you want • use positive language, not what you don’t want Where are you now in relation to that outcome Get the specific outcome • What will you see, hear and feel when you have it • • • • Make it compelling Future pace it “It is January 31 2014, and …….

Write it in the present tense “ I am ….” I have… or “I do…..

Is the first step specific and achievable How will you know when you have it • What will you lose or gain if you get it

• • • • • Is it congruently desirable • what will the outcome get for you or allow you to do • are you sure you want it Are you the only person in charge of your results – is it self-initiated and self-maintained Are there any drawbacks to achieving this outcome?

What resources are required to achieve this outcome • Do you have those resources now • Do you know anyone else who has achieved it- what resources did they have

Check your purpose

• For what purpose do you want it

What’s Your 90 Day Focus?

Finance 1. Invoicing 2. Bookkeeping 3. Financial Plan

Goals and Objectives What would you like your company to become or develop into in the next 1, 3 or 5 years? In the next 10 years? In other words, what is your dream or vision for your business? How would you like it to look if you could have it precisely the way you want it? What would you like to be providing or producing?

How will you know you have achieved this?

If the business was operating just as you have imagined it, what would you get out of it and what would your role be? (What are your personal objectives?)

Goals and Objectives cont’d What do you feel the major obstacles are standing in your way? What is not working?

What specifically is stopping you from having what you want? What barriers, needs or excuses exist?

What have these problems cost you in the past? What are they costing you now? What will they cost you in the future? (Most businesses fail in the first 3-5 years)

Put a real $ cost on it.

What’s Your 90 Day Focus?

Administration 1. Database 2. Manuals 3. Systems

"The greatest personal limitation is to be found not in the things you want to do and can't, but in the things you've never considered doing."

Richard Bandler

There are 8 sections in the Wheel of Business. View the centre as 0% and the outer edge as 100%. Rank your satisfaction with each area of you business by drawing a line to create a new ‘outer’ edge. The ‘new’ perimeter of the circle represents your organisation’s Wheel of Business. How bumpy would the ride be if this were a real wheel?

Physical Environment Sales & Marketing Delivery & distribution Wheel of Business Test & Measure Leadership Financial Systems Systems & Procedure People

How to know what to change: What is the desired outcome? This must fit into a category What is the best strategy in terms of approach?

wing it plan it get others to plan it get others to wing it get others to own it How will I know we’ve succeeded?

evidence or criteria for end state or outcome How does this get replicated next time?

structure, people What changes should we make in terms of our approach?

how will this be assessed moving forward?

10 tips to make positive changes in your business and your life 1. Spend time thinking about what is important to you and what you really want to change.

2. Identify your strengths and the things you want to keep doing.

3. Formulate an exciting and inspiring vision for your future that forms the foundation for your goal setting.

4. Create motivating, achievable goals that are in line with your values.

5. Have a clear strategy in place and don't try to change everything at once.

10 tips to make positive changes in your business and your life cont’d 6. Get the support of others. The more people involved in your process of change, the more resources are available to you.

7. Understand that failures are a part of the process and appreciate them for the learning experience and for the feedback they provide.

8. Be flexible and ready to alter your course if needed.

9. Chart your progress against projected milestones to make sure you stay on track.

10. Reward yourself as you make progress.

Clarify your goals and set out the framework for your detailed planning

What needs to be done - Determine your five year goals Determine your three year goals Determine your one year golas Break your one year goals into 90 day plans Identify the areas of your business to plan in detail Complete Goal Setting Complete 90 day plan Key Qs?: 1. what is the short term, medium and long-term outcomes you're striving for?

2. how will you measure progress?

3. how will you celebrate success?

Progress notes

Specific Measurable made Attainable them?

Relevant Time-bound SMART Goal Explained What? Where? How? The benefits will be………………………………..

Does your goal clearly and specifically state what you are trying to achieve? What’s the bottom line?

If particularly large, try breaking down into smaller specific SMART goals.

From and To. How will you and others know if progress is being on achieving your goal? Can you quantify or put numbers on your outcome?

Is attaining this goal realistic with effort and commitment? Do you have the resources to achieve this goal? If not how will you get What factors may prevent you from accomplishing your goal?

Why is achieving this goal important to you? Hone in on why it matters. Is it challenging yet do-able in the timeframe?

When will you achieve this goal? Must be aggressive yet realistic!

Again, if your goal is particularly large, try breaking it down into smaller goals with appropriate incremental deadlines.

Action Plan What specific steps must you take to achieve your goal?

Make this step by step plan as detailed as you require.

Task / To do item Expected completion date Date actually completed Obstacles / Challenges What obstacles stand in the way of you achieving your goal?

Obstacle How will you address the challenges if/ when they arise?

Network of support & accountability When working toward a goal it is helpful to have 1 or 2 people whom you agree to check in with on a regular basis- it is a great external motivator to be held accountable.

Select & agree upon future dates/times & methods you will report updates on your progress.

Now you have the strategy.

A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.

Su Pilkington SMP Coach, Facilitator, Mentor & Motivator Ph: +61 (0)3 9005 7079 Mob: +61 (0)419 283363 Skype: supilkington E: [email protected]

LinkedIn au.linkedin.com/pub/su-pilkington/2b/83b/35b/ SMP: So Much Potential Web: www.somuchpotential.com.au

Tap into your full potential. Realise the power of positive purpose & taking action.