Transcript Document

Status of Marin County Public Works Watershed Program


Watershed Stewardship Program

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Benefits of a Watershed Approach

Establishes a blueprint for prioritizing projects and programs Maximize benefits of flood and water management projects Holistic approach to creek bank stabilization and erosion control Establish creek and water management practices that are physically and financially sustainable

Watershed Stewardship Program

Benefits of a Watershed Approach

 Improves funding and partnership opportunities  Incorporates local knowledge including key watershed stakeholders  Develop an integrated process to guide watershed project implementation  An integrated, coordinated approach to environmental regulations

Watershed Stewardship Program

Stakeholder Outreach Committees

Board of Supervisors of the Flood Control and Water Conservation District

Policy Advisory Committee: •BOS FC District rep •City Council reps •Flood Zone Advisory Board reps •Water and Sanitary Board reps Operations and Finance Committee: City Managers & County PW director

Technical Working Group:

•Municipal Directors •Local, State & Federal Agency reps •Watershed Groups •Homeowners Association reps

Watershed Stewardship Program

Existing Conditions Overview

Land Use-historical and existing Water Management Strategies-flood protection, stormwater, supply, water treatment and re-use Physical Characteristics-hydrology, channel morphology, erosion, climate change Biological Resources-diversity & distribution of rare, threatened and endangered species

Current Management & Enhancement Efforts

Summary of Identified Watershed Issues-synthesized from personal interviews, NBWA planning processes and other recent planning and assessment efforts

Watershed Stewardship Program

Watershed Work Plan

Financing Programs Partnerships & Multi-benefit Projects Watershed Specific Work Plans Environmental Compliance Strategies Watershed Health Evaluations Outreach and Education

Approach to Planning

Website Background Conditions and Concepts Watershed Work Plan Watershed Health Evaluations Multiple-Benefit Criteria for Projects Watershed Stewardship Program


The Watershed Program website will maintain background information for all watersheds in Marin County

It will provide the context for watershed-based planning

The site will encourage interactivity and visual representations of the information collected

Input is requested for desired content Watershed Stewardship Program

Watershed Health Evaluations

   Watershed health evaluations will use existing information to assess conditions and needs of the watersheds Biological, physical, hydrological, and human factors like community involvement will be evaluated Watershed health will be tracked to demonstrate effectiveness of projects and programs and to inform future decisions

Watershed Stewardship Program

Multiple Benefit Project Criteria

   Criteria will help staff and their partners evaluate and rank project contributions to creek and stormwater protection and environmental restoration Promotes an integrated multi agency approach to problem solving Criteria and watershed health together creates a feedback cycle for assessing and selecting projects

Watershed Stewardship Program

Multiple Benefit Projects

Vineyard Creek Channel Enhancement B e f o r e

Increased flow capacity and easier to create better fish habitat

Watershed Stewardship Program t e A f r

Lower Novato Creek

Flood Protection, Wetland Restoration and Water Reuse Watershed Stewardship Program


Ross Valley Flood and Stormwater Master Plan

The three main focus areas include:   

Detention Basins

attenuation – Conduct feasibility study to determine location, routing method, model runs for large storm runoff control or

Dredging Analysis

– Evaluate sediment loading, channel form and flood flows to assess options for maintenance of the lower channel

Bank Stabilization

reduce flooding – Conduct geomorphic creek reconnaissance to identify solutions to erosion that support increasing channel width to

San Geronimo Valley Salmon Enhancement Plan

 Plan will produce a set of actions and strategies to enhance and protect habitat for Coho salmon and steelhead in the San Geronimo watershed and to prioritize opportunities to restore the natural biological and hydrological functions in the watershed   Includes a public outreach process and is to be completed by 10/1/09 Pilot effort to provide guidance for the enhancement of fishery habitat throughout Marin

Watershed Stewardship Program

Next Steps

 City Council and Local Agency Meetings  Identify members of Policy Advisory Committee  Identify Technical Work Group members for each watershed  Community outreach meetings in each watershed  Financing Program-An election process may be recommended in some watersheds to fund implementation

Watershed Stewardship Program

Website under construction

Watershed Stewardship Program For more information contact: Chris Choo, Senior Planner [email protected]

499-7586 Liz Lewis, Principal Planner [email protected]
