Proposal for Extending WIP ARRA Grants

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Transcript Proposal for Extending WIP ARRA Grants

NASCSP 2012 Mid-Winter Training Conference
Weatherization Assistance
The Federal Perspective
March 1, 2012
Washington, DC
WAP Management Staff
Presented by: Bob Adams
• Bob Adams, Program Lead/Supervisor
• Erica Burrin, Team Lead – Monitoring and Field Operations
• Holly Ravesloot, Team Lead – Policy and Communications
• Jennifer Somers, Team Lead – Training and Technical Assistance
• Carole Gates, Branch Chief
• Rob DeSoto, Branch Chief
• Scott Reinecke, Branch Chief
Topic Areas
Presented by: Bob Adams
• Status of Recovery Act
• Recovery Act Closeout
• 2012 Allocations
• Weatherization Plus
• 2012 Application Process
• Status of T&TA Initiatives
• Health & Safety
• National Evaluation
• Recovery Act Modification
• Multi-Family
• Grant Transfer Process
Status of Recovery Act
Presented by: Bob Adams and Adam Guzzo
 650,000 homes weatherized
Max: 32,397 homes (Dec. 2011)
Min: ~6 homes (April 2009)
Now: 23,315 homes (Jan 2012)
 $4.18 billion spent
Max: $196.97 million (Dec. 2010)
Min: $2.98 million (April 2009)
Now: $127.26 million (Jan. 2012)
 165,000 multi-family units completed
 25% of total production
Jobs Supported
Energy and Cost Savings1
 $6.66 billion in energy cost savings*
$348.82 million saved annually
 377 million MBtus in heating and
cooling energy savings*
 2nd largest job creator in entire
Recovery Act portfolio
13,230 jobs supported in Q4 of 2011
18.85 million MBtus saved annually
*These figures represent savings over the 20 year life of the measures. Cost savings are
expressed in 2008 dollars.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory TM-2010/66 (
2012 Allocations
Presented by: Bob Adams and Adam Guzzo
• In the 2012 Consolidated Appropriations Act, Congress provided
$65 million for allocation to WAP grantees
• Congress also provided the Secretary of Energy with the
authority in PY 2012 to use a methodology other than the formula
established in regulation to distribute the available funding
• The Secretary exercised that authority and the resulting PY 2012
allocation is intended to create WAP funding in PY 2012
comparable to funding levels prior to the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).
• The PY 2012 allocation uses a results oriented strategy that
considers remaining fund balances grantees may have from the
ARRA and prior year DOE Appropriations to distribute the Fiscal
Year (FY) 2012 WAP Appropriations
2012 Allocations
Presented by: Bob Adams and Adam Guzzo
• DOE allocated PY 2012 funds to ensure two major outcomes:
– 1) grantees that spent their ARRA funds on time have adequate DOE
funding to maintain their operations at pre ARRA levels; and
– 2) all grantees have adequate funds to operate throughout PY 2012,
given the fund balances that are already allocated but remain unspent
The 2012 Allocation was based on the following criteria:
– Use of an appropriation amount of $210 million as the base “PY12
Target Allocation” for establishing funding for each grantee
– Whether a significant portion of the “PY12 Target Allocation” is available
in ARRA balances for at least half of a grantee’s PY 2012
• PY 2012 “Target Allocations” were adjusted downward by 25 percent for
grantees with such significant balances
2012 Allocations
Presented by: Bob Adams and Adam Guzzo
The 2012 Allocation criteria (continued):
– Whether more than the “PY12 Target Allocation” (adjusted for ARRA
balance as described on previous slide) is expected to be available at
the start of a grantee’s PY 2012
• Grantees with a prior year balance totaling more than the “PY12 Target
Allocation” did not receive additional FY 2012 funding
– Whether more than 60 percent of the “PY12 Target Allocation” (adjusted
for ARRA balance as described above) is expected to be available at
the start of a grantee’s PY 2012
• “Target Allocations” were adjusted downward by 50 percent for these
– Allocation of PY 2012 funds was provided to those grantees requiring
additional DOE funds to reach their adjusted “PY12 Target Allocation”
• This allocation was equal to 76.38 percent of the adjusted “Target Allocation”
- the proportional share of the $65 million Appropriation relative to the sum of
the adjusted target allocations
2012 Application Process
Presented by: Erica Burrin
• Each Grantee will submit a 2012 Plan
• Those Grantees with new 2012 Allocations will submit a new
State Plan Application through and the PAGE online
• Those Grantees without 2012 Allocations will submit a revised
State Plan Application through PAGE only. The Application
should include an SF-424 Application, Budget, Budget
Justification, Annual File, and Master File. These elements
should be entered as an amendment to the existing grant in the
PAGE online system
• The WAP formula grants with project periods scheduled to end in
2012 are anticipated to have the grant period extended one year,
regardless of whether the grantee received an allocation of new
2012 funds
Health and Safety
Presented by: Ryan Middleton
• Required as part of the 2012 application
• Must fully incorporate WPN 11-6
• ASHRAE must be implemented “to the fullest extent possible”
• Those grantees unable to fully perform ASHRAE 62.2 must provide
in their 2012 H&S Plan an implementation strategy including
– Which components will be implemented in the field for 2012
– Why they are not prepared (lack of training, not enough time, etc.)
– How they will get prepared (more training, phasing in, etc.)
– When they plan to meet full compliance, no later than PY 2013
• ASHRAE 62.2 cannot be altered without scientific support and
justification provided in the H&S Plan and approved by DOE
Recovery Act Modification
Presented by: Erica Burrin
• Final concurrence on the requests provided by HQ 1/6/12
• Project Officers (POs) to contact grantees to authorize
submission of modifications through PAGE – 1/9/12
• POs should have the technical review of modifications
completed by 3/1/12
• Contract Officers at NETL to approve modifications by
Grant Transfer Process
Presented by: Erica Burrin
• Grant Transfer from NETL to Golden Field Office Procurement
– Grants will be transferred in batches
– First batch transferred by 2/24/2012
– First batch includes 27 WAP Formula Grants with April 1 start date
– Second batch of remaining 32 WAP Formula Grants transferred in April
– Most ARRA WAP Grants (including WAP Training Center Grants) will be
transferred in March or April
Grant Transfer Process
Presented by: Erica Burrin
• Grant Transfer Actions
– General notification letter sent to all grantees
– Second letter sent prior to each batch of grant
– Second letter provides details: Date of transfer, ASAP
account procedures, blackout period for ASAP draws
– ASAP blackout period 5 days (or several weeks if
grantee has not established Golden ASAP account)
– Grantees may draw advance prior to blackout for
projected needs
Recovery Act Closeout
Presented by: Bob Adams, Holly Ravesloot, and Greg Reamy
• Guidance
– Closeout Guidance WPN 12-3
• FAQs
• Searchable Database
- Additional Questions
• Open discussion
Weatherization Plus
Presented by: Bob Adams
• Current Effort
– Brainstorming Webinars
Communications and Messaging January 25th
Leveraging February 8th
Consistent Delivery of Quality Services February 22nd
New Markets and Existing Potential March 7th
– Face to Face Meeting March 20-21st
• Strategic Situation Analysis
• Establish Subcommittees and Plan Priorities
• Develop Subcommittee Work Schedule and Assignments
– Strategic Plan Finalized June, 2012
Status of T&TA Initiatives
Presented by: Jennifer Somers
Weatherization: The Roots of the Home Performance Industry
• Consistent funding gives the WAP the ability to take on long
term projects and partnerships that support the entire
Audit Tools
Lab Research
Building Science Case Studies
Training Network
Coordination with Federal agencies: HUD, EPA, USDA
• Leveraging
– WAP has always been the catalyst. The consistent source of resources
that allows other opportunities to grow
WAP Investing in the Future
DOE invested nearly $139 million in technical assistance to lay the foundation for
high quality energy upgrades in America’s homes.
• The Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals: The technical experts of the
Weatherization Assistance Program, together with NREL and partners from across
the home performance industry are creating a suite of resources that will become
the standard for success nationwide
• Standard Work Specifications (SWS)
― Single Family
― Mobile Home
― Multifamily Housing
• Training Program Accreditation
― Accreditation of Energy Efficiency Training Programs based on the JTAs is fully
• Worker Certifications
WAP Investing in the Future
• WAP invested in 26 new training centers and now has 39 training centers operating in
29 states
• National Weatherization Training Portal (NWTP):“virtual campus” enhances and
supplement traditional classroom, lab, and in-field weatherization training, covers
basic and advanced building science.
– National Training & Education Resource (NTER) was designed to help the
Weatherization program train workers fast and efficiently but for sustainability
purposes was engineered to support a wide variety of training needs.
– It is currently being used across EE/RE, DOE, federal agencies, colleges,
universities and international organizations.
The WAP Standardized Training Curriculum
Weatherization Plus Health
― H&S Specific Training Priority Areas
Weatherization Plus Health
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Weatherization Plus Health initiative is a
national effort to comprehensively and strategically coordinate resources to improve
the energy efficiency, health, and safety of low-income homes.
Weatherization Plus Health ensure energy efficient and healthy indoor environments
by facilitating the establishment of strong, effective partnerships between DOE's
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and healthy homes providers.
The National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) is
implementing the project on behalf of DOE.
• Regional Conferences
• Wx & HH Reports for each Grantee
• Grantee Implementation of Wx Plus Health
• Best Practices for Referral Systems
• Training and Technical Assistance
WAP Investing in the Future
Multifamily Energy Audit Tool
• Version 1 - simpler buildings & systems, few
– Low-rise, up to four floors, separate treatment of
corner and interior units, first and top floors
– Individual dwelling unit space conditioning
– Both dwelling unit and central-plant domestic hot
water systems
• Version 2 - more complex buildings & systems,
additional capabilities
– High-rise with service core (elevators, etc.)
– Central plant with built-up space conditioning
– More complex measures, rules-based savings
WAP Investing in the Future
Multifamily Energy Audit Tool: Existing Timeline
Fall 2011
Version 1 BETA
Fall 2012
Version 2 BETA
Final Version 1
Final Version 2
NEAT: web-based
~ Low-rise walkups
~ Individual HVAC
~ Central or individual hot water
test v1
~ High-rise
~ Built-up central systems
~ Rules-based measures
ACI: March
Pilot v2
ACI: March
APIs available to
third-party software
MF functionality
National Evaluation
• Status of the data collection
– Continued surveying of large multi-family buildings clients
– Continued surveying of crew chiefs and crew along with non-energy
benefits study.
• Status of the Recovery Act evaluation
– Acquiring data from state weatherization program databases
Projected Publication of Results
Impact Reports - Study
Program Characterization
Eligible Population
Indoor Environmental Quality
NonEnergy Benefits***
Mobile Homes
Single Family
Small Multi-Family
Large Multi-Family
Impact Report
Final Report
April 1
June 1
May 1
July 15
July 1
July 1
August 1
August 1
September 1
Process Reports - Study
Field Process
Final Report
June 15
Auditor Survey
Crew Chief Survey
August 1
Crew Survey
Occupant Survey
July 15