Transcript Document

Weatherization Public Information Campaign
Technical Site Events & Messaging
Purpose of our 2010 Message:
Successful weatherization programs provide:
• JOBS! Green Jobs, new skills with a new
nationally trained workforce
• New investments in use of advanced residential
energy efficiency technologies
• ARRA “and” regular DOE WAP have increased
residential energy-efficiency of the nation’s
housing stock
Site Demos
• This year particularly needed for US House
and Senate members and/or staff to
highlight the SUCCESS of the ARRA
INVESTMENT in jobs, residential energy
• Also to highlight the continued need for
support for regular WAP for the national
residential energy efficiency effort
West Virginia Weatherization Assistance Program
Governors Office of Economic Opportunity
Example of a “JOBS Success Story”
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Weatherization Employment Success Story
Southwestern Community Action Council
Huntington, WV serves counties of Cabell, Lincoln, Mason, Wayne along the Ohio River Valley
Dan Hardy, is 25 years old, and has always worked in various carpentry and roofing jobs,
and became unemployed two years ago. He was looking for work but had been unsuccessful
until he was called for an interview with the weatherization program at Southwestern last year.
He knew there were a lot of people who had applied for the new ARRA weatherization jobs, but
by receiving a call, he considered his luck in job search contacts had changed.
Mr. Hardy was hired as a weatherization crew technician and said he likes working
for the program this past year. He is once again financially able to provide for his wife and
daughter and has learned many new job skills. He now sees a promising future in residential
energy efficiency, either with Southwestern Community Action weatherization or in the
residential energy efficiency workplace in West Virginia or Ohio.
Mr. Hardy was just interviewed for the vacant position of Weatherization Crew Supervisor
and has been promoted!
Why A Technical Demo
Powerful, visual, and the technical diagnostics speak
for themselves – On-site is focused, real - &
memorable --meet the citizens, see the work!
WAP provides great story angles and visuals: a
powerful message that needed to be conveyed:
What does this mean?? Positive outcomes for:
–Economy: Jobs and Manufacturing
–Resulting in a Re-investment in America
State Office Technical Assistance
for local agency DEMO event
• Compile state WX data for jobs, units weatherized,
demographics – share with subgrantees
• Coordinate with CAA Association and/or local agency
• Agency designate ‘point-person’ to take the lead
• MOST IMPORTANT: Successful Technical Site
Demos need to be organized, focused, typically small
and require thorough up-front advance coordination
and planning with homeowner, crews,
policymaker/guests, press, etc.
Colorado Governor Ritter on-site
Media Research
• Understand current climate to develop story angles:
– What’s being covered in the press, what are
policymakers wrestling with: unemployment and job
creation, poverty data just released, jobs,
ARRA investment success/failure, energy price
– Elections – shifts in power and priorities, always a
focus on jobs, the economy, rising costs of energy as
winter approaches, SOLUTIONS for multiple
“Making you look good!”
• WX “Public Information Resource” for your PIC tool box
designed specifically for your state’s benefit
• Professional template used throughout the country
• Great “tool” for you to share with your local subgrantees for their
use with public events, their Board of Directors, Press
• “Simple” – work with Susan Garner Zartman at SMS and she will
make this happen for you -- finished piece will be maintained by DOE
• Quick use: Your State Close Up can be used for communicating
with state legislators, Governor's and Senators' offices, the public
• State Grantees contact Susan Garner Zartman for Close-Up
development: [email protected] or call: 718-499-0490 note: Susan Garner Zartman will be contacting all primary state WAP
positions again to encourage participation in Close-Up project
WV Governor Joe Manchin
Action Items
• Plan an On-Site Event – a Demo or Proclamation
• Utilize updated Site Demo Planning Kit – can be
found on
• Create target media list for TV and Radio PSAs,
press releases
• Develop story ideas – promote your success stories,
recognize crew production and excellence
• Spokesperson preparation- if reporter calls, have
talking points reference page handy
• October is Energy Awareness Month Press Release
with Weatherization tie in
• Send out Weatherization Day Media Advisory
For more information, contact:
Lisa Kesecker, Weatherization Program Specialist
WV Governors Office of Economic Opportunity
[email protected]