Transcript Slide 1

Narrative Reading
Lorie Sadler
Narrative Reading
What is Narrative Reading
Tells a story expressing event-based experiences
“children develop sensitivity to narrative structure
early and use it to comprehend simple stories
before they enter school.” (Williams, 2005)
Comprehension instruction typically begins with
narrative text.
Story Structure
 Pertains to how stories and their plots are systematically
organized into a predictable format
 Provides a framework that helps students to discover what is
most relevant for understanding a story
 Includes
 setting
 characters
 plot
 theme
Strategy Application
Recognizing Story Structure
Being aware of story structure is an aid in summarizing text; it helps
students identify which parts of the stories to attend to the most.
Use of story maps are an effective tool in helping students to
organize a story into its story elements.
Asking and Answering Question
Serves as an organizational guide, promotes active reading, helps
students identify important information.
Students need initial instruction in how to pose effective questions.
Questions should spark a full range of thinking skills to encourage a
deeper level of comprehension. (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
Strategy Application (Cont)
Monitoring Comprehension
Noting how well one’s understanding of a story is progressing
 Think – Alouds
 Saying what you are thinking while you read
 Allows student to better self-monitor their own comprehension
Connecting to World Knowledge
Integrating story information with previous life experiences
 Broadens and deepens literary understanding
 Enables students to understand, feel, value, and retain the depth of
an authors meaning
Making informed predictions or previewing before and during reading
Helps students to focus their attention while reading
Strategy Application (Cont)
Constructing Mental Images
Making pictures in your mind
 Through mental imaging students can learn to picture authors’
descriptions as a way to build and monitor their comprehension
Focuses on story elements
 Used to assess comprehension and to guide students toward a
deeper understanding of a story
 Emergent
 Early Fluent
 Fluent
Multiple – Strategy Instruction Program
Transactional Strategies Instruction (TSI)
Developed by Michael Pressley, et. Al.
Multiple strategy instructions
Understanding the text shares equal weight with learning the
coordinated use of comprehension strategies
Collaborative discussion with metacognition, motivation and
reader response
Embodies the full range of transactions-between reader and
text, between readers, and between readers and teachers
Reader Response
Reader Response
How readers interact with stories and form personal responses that
influence their interpretation (Rosenblatt 1978)
Two ways to enhance reader interactions
Discussion-Oriented Instruction
• Supports students in the process of developing meaning
Writing in response to Literature
• Enhances students’ interactions with narrative texts before,
during, and after reading
Why Narrative Reading
Teaching students to identify and represent story
structure improves their comprehension of
narrative text (RRSG, 2002)
Enhances students’ memory and recall of text and
helps them organize and write stories
“Story structure instruction shows positive effects for a wide
range of students, from kindergarten to the intermediate
grades to high school to special populations, and to students
identified as struggling readers.” (Duke and Pearson, 2002)
When to Teach Narrative Reading
When to teach
As soon as students start to interact with text and should continue
through high school
 Effective teaching balances explicit comprehension strategies
instruction with the literary experience of a story
When to Assess and Intervene
Comprehension instruction should be accompanied by reliable
assessment aligned with instruction
Retellings, student think-alouds, and other process-focused
measures may serve as useful tools for diagnosing and remediating
comprehension problems
How to Teach Narrative Reading
Lesson Models
 Dialogic reading: Picture book read-aloud
Students become the teller
Teacher become the listener and questioner
Commonly used with Pre-Kindergartners using picture books
(CROWD) Prompt Questions—Completion, Recall, OpenEnded, Wh-,Distancing
PEER-Teacher helps students become tellers of a story
through the sequence of: Prompt, Evaluate, Expand, Repeat
How to Teach Narrative Reading
Lesson Models (Cont)
Story Structure
Teaches students to ask and answer questions about story
structure elements with an emphasis on theme
Incorporates instruction in story maps
Direct explanation – explain use of story map
Teach/Model – teacher models use of story map
Guided Practice: Theme Transfer – students transfer and
apply the generalized theme
How to Teach Narrative Reading
Lesson Models (Cont)
Transactional Strategies Instruction (TSI)
Through teacher student dialog reading TSI emphasizes
coordinated use of strategies to help students to build and
monitor comprehension
Strategies are first introduced individually
Model for explicit instruction follows
Over time, responsibility for strategy choices shifts from
teacher to student
How to Teach Narrative Reading
Lesson Models (Cont)
Book Club: Writing in response to literature
Provides instructions in three categories
 Personal (emotion) – Share personal stories through journal
entry or personal essay
 Creative (imagination) – Engage with text and author through
poems or dialogues
 Critical (evaluation) – analyzing text through paragraph
critiquing literary element or essay about author’s message
Narrative Reading
Provides an early structure in which to teach key
reading strategies
Monitoring Comprehension
Connecting to World Knowledge
Recognizing Text Structure
Asking Questions
Answering Questions
Constructing Mental Images