Agriculture Beginning

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Transcript Agriculture Beginning

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What do you know about Agriculture?

Agriculture Beginning


Turn in the 5 Themes of Geography from Friday

The Rise of Farming

The New Stone Age

People settled into areas that were by rivers & lakes

Fertile Land- Great for Farming

Had a surplus

of food When you have more food that is extra

Not everyone had to farm, due to surplus

Specialized in other aspects

One particular job

Did not have to hunt and gather food

Time period called New Stone Age

Rise of Farming

Trading became part of the society

People would trade goods for other goods needed

Example- A farmer would trade wheat for a pair of shoes

No money

Barter -Traded products for products, instead of using cash

This was a way for people to enhance their world

New languages

Goods from other cultures

The Growth of Farming

Domesticating Animals & Plants

Domesticate -Raising something to be useful to people

This was done to Plants and Animals

Dogs= 1 st

domesticated animals (14,000 B.C.) Then Goats, pigs, cattle, & sheep

Plants domesticated

Figs & local grasses became wheat & rice crops

Domesticating led to revolution(Agricultural Revolution) Life changed

The Growth of Farming

Farming Techniques

People had to adapt to their surroundings to farm

Terraces built

• • •

Built canals & reservoirs to bring water Slash & Burn- cleared land Climate control-helped grow diverse crops

Tools for Farmers (New tools created)

Adze(Ax) Flat, carved stone head to clear forest

Hoe Kept weeds out of the gardens

Sickles Cutting fields of grain


Imagine what our life would be like if there was no agricultural revolution?

If there were no new inventions in agriculture

If there were no domestication of animals & plants

The New Stone Age

What items would you use to barter for?