May 10 – Frosh Comp & Lit - Mr. Murphy's Classroom Blog

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Transcript May 10 – Frosh Comp & Lit - Mr. Murphy's Classroom Blog

May 10 – Frosh Comp & Lit
You will need:
• Pen/Pencil
• Homework
• Notebook Paper
• Finish Reading Act 1
Scene 1
• Recap – The Prologue
• Character List
• Video – Romeo and
Juliet in 10 minutes
• Reading Journal
• Read: Act 1 Scene 1
The Prologue:
Two households, both alike in dignity
(In fair Verona, where we lay our scene),
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents'
• The fearful passage of their death-marked
• And the continuance of their parents' rage,
• Which, but their children’s end, naught
could remove,
• Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage—
• The which, if you with patient ears attend,
• What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to
• In the beautiful city of Verona, where our
story takes place, a long-standing hatred
between two families erupts into new
violence, and citizens stain their hands with
the blood of their fellow citizens.
• Two unlucky children of these enemy
families become lovers and commit
suicide. Their unfortunate deaths put an
end to their parents' feud.
• For the next two hours, we will watch the
story of their doomed love and their
parents' anger, which nothing but the
children’s deaths could stop.
• If you listen to us patiently, we’ll make up
for everything we’ve left out in this prologue
Character List & Language of
• These resources are provided for you to enhance your
• If you need to be reminded of who a character is, look
back and the descriptions in the character list
• If you come across a word that you don’t recognize you
should look back at the word list
Romeo and Juliet in 10 minutes
• When I first studied Shakespeare, I always thought that it
was confusing to simply start at the beginning of the play
without knowing anything about it
• Watch the following video clip, paying attention to who the
characters are, what they do, and how they interact
• As we watch the video I will be passing out copies of the
• Romeo and Juliet Synopsis
Reading Journals: Introduction
• For each of the scenes that we read, I would like you to
complete a 1-2 paragraph synopsis
• Write each journal entry on a sheet of notebook paper
(you may also type it if you wish)
• Make sure that you head each entry with:
• Your Name
• The Date
• Our Class
• The Act and Scene that you are summarizing
• Take out a sheet of paper, and head it for Act 1, Scene 1
Act 1: Scene 1
• Setting: A public place in Verona
• We need actors to play the following roles:
• Sampson
• Gregory
• Abram
• Balthasar
• Benvolio
• Tybalt
• Montague
• Lady Montague
• Prince Escalus
• Romeo
• Those who do not have parts: read along with the rest of the
• Raise your hand to ask questions as we go