Transcript Slide 1

Hospital at Night
StAZ Study Trip
18 January 2009
Tim Lund
Divisional Manager
Skills for Health Workforce Projects Team
Hospital at Night
• Multi-disciplinary team working: right person, risk skills,
right place, right time
• 2003 – 2005: Piloted and evaluated. National support in
partnership with the London Deanery
• 2008 Survey: three quarters of trusts report having
H@N services
• The “Case for Hospital at Night: the Search for
Evidence” demonstrated improved patient safety
Hospital at Night Update
• More evidence of Hospital at Night teams improving patient care
• Observational study at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for 14 nights
before and after implementing H@N found that:
- Patients were reviewed more frequently by senior medical staff
- Significant inter-specialty differences in response times eradicated
- Reduction in adverse patient outcomes from 17% to 6%
(Defined as unplanned transfer to critical/cardiac arrest in the 18
medical/surgical wards and the Combined Assessment Unit)
• Source: QJ Med 2009; 102:539-546. Author Dr D.J. Beckett et al
Hospital at Night and 24/7
• Bid for longer term study focussing on patient safety.
Partners: Imperial, London Deanery, Royal Colleges, I.C.
• Targeted consultancy support to trusts still trying to
establish H@N
• Indications - 24/7 solutions and hot & cold split/team work
support the quality of patient care and can sustain training
HSMR Data at Guy’s and St Thomas’: 2003 - 2008
National average
H@N introduced
H@D&N introduced
Confidence in H@N and 24/7 Longevity
• 24:7 solutions appear sustainable at Homerton, Guy’s &
Tommy’s, South Devon & Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen
• Award winning solutions in place for about two years
• Consistent with Quality and Productivity agenda
• Wide support from stakeholders for quality solutions
Development of H@N Tools / Support
• H@Nbleep system implemented in small number of trusts
• Robust handover systems available. We are sponsoring
Salisbury to roll out H@N handover tool to 20 trusts
• 12 hour H@N e-learning course under development with
London Deanery & DH. Core skills and curricula
• Opportunity for blended learning. Sustaining training vital
Particular Value of Simulators
• Full immersion
• Complex multi and
inter-professional working
• Particularly when linked to
effective behavioural debriefing
Source: London Deanery
Particular Value of Simulators
• Full immersion
• Complex multi and
inter-professional working
• Particularly when linked to
effective behavioural debriefing
Source: London Deanery
With support from
Salisbury H@N Handover Tool
• Multi-professional tool sponsored by Workforce Projects Team
• Designed by clinicians & developed by the users at all levels
to ensure maximum utility
• Meets info governance and data protection requirements
• Provides a focus for handover. Handover list accessible
across hospital by appropriate staff can be updated real-time!
Source: Salisbury
Hospital at Night List
Linked to Consultant List or can
stand alone
Correct patient details
Management plan detailed
Reason for H@N involvement
Priority for review
Accessed throughout the day
Printed for H@N team
Source: Salisbury
Helping to Make EWTD Manageable
Contacts: Information
• Any Questions?
• Contact me via:
07771 371918
0161 2662136
[email protected]
Further information: