Transcript Slide 1

Year 6
Term 5
Natural Disasters
This term in year 6 we will be focussing on consolidating the skills we have already
learned through revision-style lessons, in preparation for the Key Stage 2 assessments
(SATs) in May.
As Mathematicians we will be reviewing and extending our understanding of converting
measures, including capacity, mass and length; word problems involving time and fractions,
decimals and percentages. We have a weekly mental maths test on a Wednesday which we mark
together, as a class; children are encouraged to share their mental strategies and approaches
during this time. We will also be continuing to review and extend our understanding of number
and word problems during afternoon small group sessions. Please continue to practise times
tables to support in-class learning.
As Readers and Writers we will be continuing with our study of the classic text, Peter Pan by
J.M. Barrie. We will be using the book as a stimulus for our own writing, with a particular focus
on persuasive techniques and narrative this term. We will be developing our use of formal
writing techniques; widening our vocabulary through examining the novel’s use of language and
writing our own narratives based upon the book. Many thanks for your continued
encouragement of your child’s reading. Children should continue to read every day at home,
please, and recording this in their reading records.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting your children’s maths
revision during the Easter holidays. As you know, this is a really important term for year 6, as
Key Stage 2 assessments will take place in the week beginning 11th May. The children have
been working really hard in class and their home learning has really supported this. Keep up
the great work!
Year 6
Term 4
Natural Disasters
Through our learning journey...
As geographers we will be extending our
understanding of plate tectonics through our
study of earthquakes.
We will use maps to locate and explore the
features of earthquakes, including their
geographical location.
Finally, we will be looking at earthquakes
from a human geography perspective,
thinking about evacuation; emergency
procedures and survival in affected areas.
As artists and designers we will be looking at
how earthquakes are depicted in art. We will
be using our sketch books to plan, sketch and
design our own earthquake art.
We will improve our mastery of art and
design techniques, including drawing and
Please remember homework and reading
records is due in on Monday each week
We will hand out homework and spellings for
the week on a Wednesday and expect it to be
handed in on a Monday.
Practise of times tables and spellings is also
expected to take place each week.
In year 6, children are expected to do 40
minutes ‘ homework in each subject every week.
This term, children need to pick at least 5 tasks
from the homework sheet stuck into their
books. Children are able to choose whichever 5
tasks they want. We suggest the children tick off
and date the tasks as they complete them.
Maths and spelling homework will be sent
separately each week.
If children do not hand in their homework by
Tuesday morning at the latest – for whatever
reason – they will be expected to come to
Amazing Achievers’ club on Tuesday lunchtime
to complete their homework.