Dia 1 - Trialog

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Transcript Dia 1 - Trialog

KEHYS’ Presidency Project 06:
Policy Coherence for Development
”Call for Coherence”
• The need for coherence between
development policy and all other policies
having an impact on development goals
• The need for internal coherence within
development policy
• The need for better coherence between
policy-making and implementation
Policy Coherence on the Official Agenda
• The operational programme of the Council
2006 (Austria and Finland)
• The preliminary agenda for Finland’s EU
EU and Policy Coherence
• Treaty of Maastricht (1992) and Treaty of
Amsterdam (1997). The principles that
guide EU development implementation, as
specified in the Treaties, include:
– Coherence between EU policies with
development objectives;
– Consistency of all external activities of the EU.
• European Consensus on Development
• Communication from the Commission
Policy Coherence for Development (2005)
Objectives of KEHYS’ Presidency Project
• KEHYS wants to raise awareness on the
importance of the issue
• KEHYS wants to find new tools and
mechanisms to monitor and improve policy
coherence for development
Chosen sub-themes under
“Call for Coherence”
• Security and development
([email protected])
• Trade and development ([email protected])
• Migration and development
([email protected])
• Environment and development ([email protected])
• HIV/AIDS and development
([email protected])
The Role of KEHYS during the Finnish
EU presidency
• Monitoring the official development agenda:
advocacy work in Finland and other EUcountries
• Coordination and information sharing
between NGOs
• Promotion of networking between NGOs
• Finnish NGOs interested in development policy
– Over 50 NGOs involved in the Presidency Project
– Over 110 subscribers for the Presidency e-mail list
– Evert Vermeer Foundation
• Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
(Department for Development Cooperation Policy)
• Development Policy Committee of Finland
KEHYS’ Activities during the Finnish EU
• Manifesto
• Presidency internet page: information and
• Regular coordination meetings with the
• 2 international conferences: main event on
policy coherence and follow-up conference
on Development Education
• Introduction to the main theme
– What does policy coherence mean?
– How does policy incoherence affect the
developing countries?
– How are trade, security, migration, environment
and HIV/AIDS policies linked to development
policy and to each other
• Practical cases and recommendations from
the NGOs
• Target group: media and decision-makers
Main Event on Policy Coherence
• 2-day international conference 2.-3.10 (tbc)
in Helsinki
• In cooperation with NGOs, CONCORD,
Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Development
Policy Committee of Finland
• Joint discussion forum for different actors
• Objective: to find new tools and
mechanisms to monitor and improve policy
coherence for development
Follow-up Conference on Development
• 2-day international conference 3.-4.7 (tbc) in
• Follow-up for a high level Development Education
conference held in Belgium (May 2005)
• Objective: how the recommendations list of the
Belgian conference has been taken into account in
Member States + EC
• Participants: delegates from the Ministries of the
Member States, Commission, European
Parliament, national parliaments and civil society
(approx. 100)
Asia Europe People’s Forum
• 3.-6.9. forum for NGOs and civil society
groups organised by KEPA (parallel to the
official Asia Europe Summit, ASEM).
• KEHYS invites delegates from the new
member states to take part in the forum
• Matchmaking -event
Preliminary Timetable
• 9 May Manifesto and the internet page
• 3 – 4 July Follow-up conference on Development
• 3 – 6 September AEPF
• 2 – 3 October Main event on Policy Coherence
• 16 – 17 October General Affairs and External
Relations Council (GAERC) in Luxemburg – trade
and development ministers meeting
More information:
Secretary General Rilli Lappalainen:
[email protected]
Information Officer Anna Pollari:
[email protected]
Tel. +358-9-23150560