Transcript Slide 1

Water Treatment Plant
General Discharge Permit
Kelli D. Buscher, P.E.
Clean Water Act Background
1972 - Clean Water
Act established the
National Pollutant
Elimination System
(NPDES) Program
Clean Water Act Background
All “Point Sources”
 “discharging pollutants”
 into “waters of the US”
 must obtain a discharge permit
Clean Water Act Background
A discharge permit is required to use
public resources for waste disposal and
limits the amount of pollutants that may
be discharged
 The discharge of pollutants to waters is a
privilege, not a right
Clean Water Act Background
All “waters of the state” have water
quality standards
 A water quality standard defines the
water quality goal of a water body by
designating the beneficial use or uses of
the water body and by setting criteria
necessary to protect those uses
Beneficial Uses
Domestic Water Supply Waters;
Coldwater Permanent Fish Life Propagation;
Coldwater Marginal Fish Life Propagation;
Warmwater Permanent Fish Life Propagation;
Warmwater Semipermanent Fish Life
Warmwater Marginal Fish Life Propagation;
Beneficial Uses
Immersion Recreation Waters;
Limited Contact Recreation Waters;
Fish and Wildlife Propagation, Recreation, and
Stock Watering Waters;
Irrigation waters; and
Commerce and Industry Waters.
What Needs to be Covered?
Treatment system overflows
 Filter Backwash and Settling Basins
 Disinfection and Flushing of Water Lines
 Storage system disinfection and
 Water line breaks
 Other WTP Discharges that fit the limits
and management practices
Why a General Permit?
Ensure all discharges from water
treatment systems are covered
Establish uniform criteria for discharges
from these activities
Reduce the administrative time for
permit authorization
What is NOT Covered?
If the discharge contains radioactive
If the discharge is to a lake or POTW
If the discharge is a significant
contributor of pollution
If the discharge presents a health
If the discharge is not in compliance
What is NOT Covered?
If EPA develops federal limits for water
treatment plant discharges
 If a water quality management plan
containing requirements applicable to the
discharges is approved
 If conditions or standards have changed
so that the discharge no longer qualifies
for the general permit.
No discharge of sanitary wastewater
No direct discharge of solids and/or sludges
No discharge of floating solids or visible
No discharge of toxic pollutants in toxic
SDDENR must be notified in advance of all
chemicals used
Prevent or minimize stream scouring or bank
erosion caused by the discharge
6.5-9.0 for most discharges
 6.5-8.8 for coldwater marginal fisheries
 6.6-8.6 for coldwater permanent fisheries
Total Suspended Solids
90 mg/L for most
 30 mg/L for coldwater permanent fisheries
Total Dissolved Solids
2,500 mg/L for most
 1,000 mg/L for domestic water supplies
Chlorinated water
2,500 μmhos/cm
0.05 mg/L Total Residual Chlorine
Chloraminated water
0.05 mg/L Total Residual Chlorine
 1.0 mg/L Ammonia
Raw or partially treated water from the
treatment system
Lime softening ponds
 Filter backwash
 Overflows from treatment units
 Raw water
Completely treated water from treatment,
storage, or distribution
Storage system overflows
 Water line breaks
 Hydrant flushing
 Hydrostatic testing
 Disinfection of new lines
Monitoring Requirements
Outfall DW1
 Flow
 Duration of
 pH
 Temperature
 Total Fluoride
 Sulfates
TRC (if chlorinating)
Ammonia (if
Monitoring Requirements
Outfall DW2
 Total Flow
 Duration of
 pH
 TRC (if chlorinating)
 Ammonia (if
Best Management Practices
Permit requires the development of a
BMP plan
 Describe what will be done to reduce
pollution from temporary discharges
such as overflows and line flushing
Representative Outfalls
Representative outfalls cover activities at
similar sites
 Sampling would only have to be
performed at selected outfalls
 Provide documentation showing that the
discharges from these activities will be
similar in quality and nature
Frequently Asked Questions
Are all water systems required to get
coverage under the discharge permit?
 Do all water systems need coverage under
both outfalls?
 How is the state going to handle chlorine
for discharges into road ditches?
 What if we can not get a sample during a
Frequently Asked Questions
The permit requires that no chemicals be
added without DENR notification. How will
that work?
 Can we use chemicals for dechlorination?
 Why would I want coverage under this
permit instead of the temporary one?
 What are the next steps?
For more information
Kelli Buscher
[email protected]
 605.773.3351
Anthony Mueske
[email protected]
 605.773.3351