Young people, health and self

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Young People Health
and Self Efficacy
What Works
Helen Corteen
Shelby Halliwell
Simon Blake
Brook does more than sexual health
Our relationships with young people create many opportunities to talk
about other health issues
Key findings from Define research*
Brook seen as young people-oriented, trusted, approachable, confidential,
Source of advice on taboo / embarrassing issues
These attributes transfer – young people trust us
Advice and guidance already covers other areas of health
Brook brand not sexual health specific
* Young People’s Perceptions of an Extended Health Service Offer
Young people ask Brook about a range of
health issues
Priority needs identified by young people include
• Emotional health & well-being
• Low confidence/self-esteem
• Eating disorders/body image issues
• Sexual identity
• Self-harming
• Depression/anxiety
• Relationship harm & safety
• Bullying & peer pressure
These are issues described by young people as areas
- with strong need for professional & confidential advice & guidance
- where advice is not readily available
- where awareness & protective behaviours need
Context of Young People’s Lives
Second decade 10 – 20 is a time of enormous physical, emotional
and social change, similar to 0-2 years in scale of development
Different from child hood and adult hood - needs particular
More difficult for some young people
HWB needs are multi -faceted and are different for each young
A time when the brain is rewiring to
better assess risk, learn from experience
and develop moral and political thought
Brook: Health and Wellbeing
Over the last 2 years we have been improving and extending what
we are currently doing
Finding the approach that is most effective for the biggest number
of young people
Co- production with young people
Integrate the approach in all our activity for greatest impact to
make every contact count
Brook’s Vision for Young Peoples Health and
Brook’s vision for young people’s health and well being is that young
people will
• enjoy optimum physical, mental, social and sexual health,
• have an innate sense of self worth and a sense of purpose and
meaning for their life
• will enjoy positive, supportive relationships
• have their basic needs met
• find their place within strong and inclusive communities and feel safe
where they live
• be able to create a positive family life of their choice
• have financial stability, enjoy rewarding employment where possible
• make a positive contribution to society
• experience some fun, pleasure and joy
My Life
To start where young people are
To awaken and strengthen young people’s interest in and ability to
improve their own health and wellbeing
To support young people to explore and identify aspirations; to
uncover and nurture their motivation
To enable young people to take personally relevant actions to
improve their own health and wellbeing
To develop resilience to enable them to better deal with adversity
and life’s challenges
To enable young people to develop lifelong skills which will
enable them to set and achieve goals
Evidence Base for My Life Programmes
• Motivational Techniques
Bill Miller Stephen Rollnick
• Goal Focussed Coaching
Coaching Academy, John Whitmore , Yossi Ives and Elaine Cox
• Positive Psychology
Seligman & Csilksentmihalya
• Asset Based Approaches
Morgan & Ziglio, Foot & Hopkins, Harrison et al
Integrated into our needs led rights based
young person centred approach
Structured, experiential and young people learn a skill
My Life – How we do it
Contact with young person
YP Organisation
Invitation, Core YP Record, 5 ‘Topics’ and 3 Key Questions
My Life
Group Programme x 6
1-1 Programme x6
• Sign posting
• Referral ;
WSW Clinic
YP Organisation
My Life
1-1 Ongoing
Brief Intervention
Open invite to return
My Life
On completion of the programmes young people will ;
Have identified key issues in their life that they wish to improve
Have identified strengths and positive aspects of their lives that they can build on –
what’s working well for them
be actively engaged in improving their own health and wellbeing
have a stronger sense of self worth and self confidence
be skilled in finding, assessing and using health related
information, support and specialist help
have improved their mental wellbeing and built resilience
have enhanced aspirations for a positive future
have developed lifelong skills in setting and achieving goals
External evaluation
Long term impact
Measuring Impact WEMWBS
Scale validated for the measurement of mental
wellbeing among people aged 13-74
14 positively worded statements with 5 response
Self administered – period of assessment 2 weeks
Beginning and end of ‘intervention’
Best estimates of meaningful change is between 3-8
Current scores are 85% for My Life
Shelby Halliwell:
Young People’s Experiences
What Young People Say
96% of participants enjoy the sessions
92% say that the course had ‘worked’ for them
88% say they would use the skills they had learned in the future
92% said they would tell their friends to ‘give it a go’
85% had an improved WEMWBS score on completion of the
More young people learned about what it means to be well as
opposed to healthy
during the programmes
What Young People say
‘no –one has ever asked us about this - what we want to
do with our lives’
‘we should do this at school’
‘scaling makes you think about things in more detail – I
usually just think its good or bad (s**t) – this makes you
really think why’
‘I can see my life - that’s it there’
What Young People say
‘the first thing you do is think about what it would feel like
to succeed – I’ve never thought like that before – we got
asked how it would feel and it felt great and I could see
that it could happen that I could do things differently’
‘I had never thought about me being committed to
doing something – I kind of thought things just happened
– it made me think that I can do things differently’
What Young People say
‘I did the programme about four months ago – I still think
about what we did, I’ve stuck at college even though
the course isn’t that good because I need to get this
qualification to work with disabled children – I still want to
do that more than ever ’
‘I’m still trying to sort my drinking out – I know it’s a
problem and I’m sticking with my counsellor – I loved that
programme it made me think I can get past this bad stuff’
What Young People wanted to do
Succeed in jobs
Education - study more/better
Better relationships – family, friends and partner
Stop smoking
Drink less - less problems because of drinking
Time for themselves – feel more confident
Look after themselves better – physically
Speak up more - put their point across better
Self Efficacy What Does Work
Trusting young people
Positive relationship
Right people in the right places to provide
support for young people to work things out
for themselves
Partnerships and joined up working
Well trained and supported staff
Consistency of services – longevity