Transcript Slide 1

God’s Imprint on Our Lives
Fearfully &
Wonderfully Made
“For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and
wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.”
So God created man in His own image, in
the image of God created He him; male
and female created He them. Gen 1:27
Psalm 139:13-14
…we were made for God’s glory, pleasure & purpose
 The Triune God created the universe out of nothing.
 God created man and woman in “their” image.
 Humankind is unique among all of God’s creation.
Humankind has a material body.
Humankind has an immaterial soul & spirit.
 The soul and the spirit are connected, but separable.
The soul is the essence of humanity’s being; it is who we are.
The spirit is the aspect of humanity that connects with God.
The Human Will
The Human Will
 MENTALLY, men & woman were created as a:
Rational Being – Reasoning Ability.
Volitional Agent – Having a Free Will to Choose.
 MORALLY, men & women were created to reflect God’s Holiness in:
Perfect Innocence
 SOCIALLY, men & women were created for:
 God took a risk by giving us “free will” because He wanted a
relationship with us and longed to be loved in return by His
greatest creation.
 In Christ, we are a “new creation”, restored to an eternal &
reconciled loving relationship with our Heavenly Father.
Gender: Our Principle Uniqueness
Describe some differences between men and women?
(Not the obvious! )
How can God use these
differences in His “Body” to
build up His church, advance
the Gospel and serve the
God Created Them Male & Female
“God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image,
make them reflecting our nature
So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea,
the birds in the air, the cattle,
And, yes, Earth itself,
and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.”
God created human beings;
he created them godlike,
Reflecting God’s nature.
He created them male and female.
God blessed them:
“Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!
Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air,
for every living thing that moves on the face of
Earth.” Gen. 1:26-28 (The Message)
God Formed Man
“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a
living being.” Gen. 2:7 (NIV)
The Hebrew for “formed” is a different
word from that for “created”. It speaks of
development rather than original
creation; “to form, fashion, frame”.
God formed Adam out of the dust of the
ground. The Hebrew word is yatser,
meaning "to fashion as a potter.“ A pot is
simple and straightforward. It is usually
filled with one thing at a time. That nicely
illustrates the man as a “purpose fulfiller”.
The word for the fashioning of the woman is banah, used for making
palaces, a temple, or forms of art. It implies that the woman was meant not
only to be a companion, but an aesthetic work.
Alone & In Need of a “Helper Suitable”
“The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will
make a helper suitable for him…So the man gave names to all the
livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But
for Adam no suitable helper was found.” Gen. 2:18 & 20 (NIV)
What is a “helper suitable” or as
the KJV says, a “help meet”?
The Hebrew word for “helper” is
ezer, and “suitable” is k’enegdo.
‫( עזר כנגדו‬Ezer Kenegdo)
Ezer is a combination of two roots, one meaning “to rescue”, “to save”,
and the other meaning “to be strong”. This word is most frequently used to
describe how God is an ezer to man. In the case of God, the one helping is
superior to the one being helped. But In the case of woman, when
k’enegdo is linked to ezer, the one helping is equal to man.
This word is found 21 times in
the Old Testament and only
two of those times have
anything to do with women
(they're both in the creation
story). Three times this word
is used to describe Israel's allies
in battle and then 16 times is
used of God as a helper to
‫( עזר כנגדו‬Ezer Kenegdo)
How do the first 2 ezer’s differ from the others? Because k’enegdo follows
it and that means corresponding to or counterpart to, equal to or
matching. This does not indicate identical, but complimenting or
completing, an equal and perfect counterpart, mirrored, of the same
The idea of “help meet” does not mean
“assistant” created for man's comfort &
pleasure when we look at the meaning in the
"Everything about this descriptor implies
mutuality and harmony, and it provides us
with a lovely glimpse of what a sinless
relationship between a man and a woman
might look like, the picture of a true
Man Gains Perspective!
In Genesis 2, a gap existed between the forming of the man and the
fashioning of the woman. The gap has significance!
 God created a multitude of animals in
front of the eyes of Adam and asked
him to name them.
 After naming them, Adam was asked
by God if he wanted any one of them
as a Helper. Adam answered “NO!”
 Finally, after Adam developed depth
perception as to what he wanted, God placed
him in a sleep and fashioned Eve out of his rib.
 When he came to consciousness, he was
in a place where he could appreciate
the gift of the great Helper.
The Beauty of God’s Creation
Man’s first love poem!
In appreciation of the gift, Adam broke out in Hebrew poetry. He
rhapsodized, "This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. She shall be
called woman, because she was taken out of man." A Hebrew word play is
in the text, because the woman is actually described as a “female man”.
The conclusion is that the woman
and the man are intended to be
an interdependent team. One
partner, the male, would be
focused on purposes, and the
other, the woman, would be
focused on relationships. The
woman would be an aesthetic
work of art, and the man would
be a utilitarian force.
Together, under the grand purposes of God, they were to govern the earth.
It’s All Hebrew to Me!
The Yod or ‫ י‬means hand of God, but also represents the masculine
characteristics of God. While the Hey or ‫ה‬, when used at the end of most
Hebrew words, represents the female gender of the word.
When our Heavenly Father created man and woman, they both are
created with Aleph or ‫א‬and Shin or ‫ש‬. The Aleph, which represents God
and His attributes, and Shin which represents the burning bush, tree of life
or spirit. So both man and woman are created with the same God-like
attributes and His spiritual qualities. Then He places the masculine
characteristics into Man or the Yod in the middle of ‫איש‬and the feminine
characteristics in ‫ אשה‬for Woman so that both share divine origins and
attributes, but have distinct roles and differences so that together they can
become one.
‫“ ִאיׁש‬iysh”
‫“ ִאשָּׁ ה‬ishah”
Equal but Opposite
Eve was NOT designed to be exactly like Adam.
She was designed to be his mirror opposite, possessing the other half of the
qualities, responsibilities, and attributes which he lacked.
Man and woman’s divine stewardship is designed to be opposite but fit
together perfectly to create life. Eve was Adam's complete spiritual equal,
endowed with a “saving” power that was opposite from his.
In what ways do men “save” all?
 Man is called to be the primary provider, protector, and spiritual leader.
 It was through the lineage of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and Joseph
that Christ would come to deliver all mankind; Christ is referred to as
the “New”, “Last” or “Second Adam”.
Women: Giver’s of Life
Woman has been given a saving power equal but opposite to Adam's
saving power. While women do much to help and assist men in their
stewardship they have been given a stewardship that is uniquely theirs and
which is every bit as important as men's stewardship.
In what ways do women “save” all?
 A woman gives birth – the deliverer of life; by conceiving, creating and
bearing mortal bodies women make it possible for God's children to start on
their mortal journey and have the opportunity to become perfected.
 In addition, by being willing to sacrifice ( their very lives if necessary) to bring
children into this world women demonstrate the true meaning of charity.
 Each woman, regardless of her ability to give birth, is a savior to mankind
when she loves men and nurtures a child closer to Christ.
 It was through a woman, Mary, that Jesus Christ came to conquer the
bonds of death and sin and atoned for Adam's transgression.
Different Gifts, Abilities & Stewardships
God’s true purpose and power are demonstrated when men
and women realize that they have been blessed with
different gifts, abilities and stewardship's and truly work
together as equal partners to help each other be successful.
The basic truth is that
men and women need
each other and it is only
when they are united,
body, soul and mind,
that God's work moves
forth. We are nothing
without each other and
nothing without Christ.
Waffles & Spaghetti
Click on this link to view the video:
…and it was VERY GOOD!
 How have you seen God use you in Holy Spirit Lutheran
 How have you seen God use men in Holy Spirit Lutheran
 How have you seen God use women in Holy Spirit
Lutheran Church?