Transcript Negotiation

Goals of Training
• Increase formal knowledge
• Increase personal growth
• Increase skill development
Fisher & Ury
Getting to Yes
• Interaction that occurs when two or more
parties attempt to agree on a mutually
acceptable outcome in a situation where
their preferences for outcomes are
negatively related.
Key Elements of the Negotiation
• Two parties
• Conflict of interest
• Voluntary relationship
- Division of resources
- Resolution of “intangibles”
• Expectation of give and take
Do you see a young or old lady?
• Positions vs. Interests
• Positions: Presenting issue(s) that you are
• Interests: The often hidden reason(s) that
you have for the position
Develop a Bottom Line
• It’s your “worst acceptable outcome”
Bottom Line
Some Positives of a Bottom Line:
• Can help you resist pressure and
temptations of the moment
• Can help if avoid confusion if someone else
is negotiating for another person
Bottom Line
Some Cautions of a Bottom Line
Can limit your ability to benefit from what
you learn during negotiation
It is a position that is not to be changed
Can inhibit imagination
Often set too high
BATNA (Best Alternative to a
Negotiated Agreement)
• REMEMBER: The reason for negotiating
is to produce something better than the
results you can obtain without negotiating
• Think through what you will do if you fail
to reach an agreement
• Appreciate the full agony of the
consequences of not reaching an agreement
• BUT, don’t be too committed to reaching an
agreement because you have not developed
any alternative
• Remember, whether you should or should
not agree on something depends upon the
attractiveness to you of the best available
• Negotiating power is not determined by
wealth, political connections, physical
strength, friends but by how attractive to
each is the option of not reaching an
Developing the BATNA
• First, invent a list of actions you might
conceivably take if no agreement is reached.
• Improve some of the more promising ideas
and convert them into practical alternatives.
• Select, tentatively, the one alternative that
seems best.
Some Points:
• Know your BATNA and consider the other
side’s BATNA (Art of War)
• Sometimes both sides have attractive
BATNAs so the best outcome of negotiation
may be NOT to reach an agreement. If so,
don’t burn your bridges.
Personal Conflict Styles:
• Avoider
- Stays aloof from personal involvement
- Avoids confronting issues
• Competitor
- Tends to dominate and over control
- Can damage on-going relationships
Personal Conflict Styles
• Collaborator
- Results-oriented
- Seeks practical solutions that satisfy issues
and build bridges to future relationships
Personal Conflict Styles
• Accommodator
- Involves all who might be affected by
- Values relationships more than winning
- Will make concessions for tradeoffs
Personal Conflict Styles
• Regardless of your personal conflict style, it
is better to have the skills and ability to
move through these styles depending upon
the need.
Final Word on Negotiation
• Use Negotiation Jujitsu
Goals of Training
• Increase formal knowledge
• Increase personal growth
• Increase skill development