IC_Research Operations Committee Presentation 1.4.10

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Transcript IC_Research Operations Committee Presentation 1.4.10

Research Operations Committee (ROC)

Mission and Charge

The ROC is a “Standing Committee” that is advisory to the Senior Associate Dean for Research and the Office of Research. The Committee’s charge is to:  Identify and discuss appropriate operational issues of the Office of Research that impact its interaction with faculty and staff.  Discuss methods to facilitate communication of research related information to faculty.

 Serve as a sounding board for the Senior Associate Dean for Research on issues facing the Research Enterprise.

Meetings and Members

 The ROC meets bi-monthly.  Additional meetings are scheduled as needed.

 The Committee interacts with invited experts and consultants.

 Members are appointed by the President/Dean.

 The ROC is composed of appointed faculty representatives from academic Divisions, Departments, or Institutes.  Members are expected to serve as liaisons to their Divisions, Departments, and Research Teams.

Committee Members FY10

Griff Parks * Linda Porrino * Doug Lyles * Andrew Koman * Lynne Wagenknecht * Barry Stein * Avi Shetty Rich Loeser John Parks Mike Robbins Sally Shumaker Paula Means Vicky Zickmund David Friedman David Brown Jan Wagner Micro/Immuno Phys/Pharm Biochemistry Surg Sciences PHS Neuro/Anat Pediatrics Molec Med Lipid Sciences Rad Onco Ex officio Ex officio Ex officio Ex officio Ex officio Ex officio Chair Co-Chair * FY09 members 2011 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2012 2012 2012 2012

The ROC is not the RAC

The ROC does not:  Advise on scientific directions, funding of research, etc  Implement research operations These are charges to the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) The ROC does serve:  As a liason and interface to help clarify policy.

 As an advocate for interests of both faculty and OR staff  To advise Dean on ways to improve the operations related to running the research enterprise.

Examples of Items Discussed by ROC Recently

 Update on “stresses” during processing of ARRA applications.

“How can OR effectively shift resources to respond quickly”  Structure of New WFUHS Research Homepage  Update on electronic reviews of IACUC applications – Dave Lyons  Setting up link on OR website showing budget examples for faculty preparing applications with varying degrees of complexity. “How much detail from faculty is needed in a budget?”

Examples of Upcoming Items for the ROC

 Electronic review and routing of proposals. “How do we move toward electronic signatures on grant applications?”  Clarification of the definitions of collaborator, consultant, co-PI, etc. for applications  Clarification of role and expectations for the OR staff in identifying problems and recommending changes to applications.

Do You Have Questions or Items for Consideration by the Research Operations Committee?

 Discuss the Items with your Office Administrator.

As part of monthly meetings, Office Administrators have a chance to present these questions to OR staff or ROC members for the next meeting  Directly Email Questions or Items to [email protected]