Transcript Document

Year 8 Revision Booklet

European Union

Complete the cloze exercise using the words in the box below. Then learn the paragraph.

The …………………. …………….. is an organisation of European countries. It has ……… members including ………………………, ………………………………….,

………………………….., ………………………….., ……………………………..

Some members have a single currency called the ………………………. but the ……………………………………..has not joined.

27 France United Kingdom Euro European Union 72 United Kingdom Poland Pound Germany Spain USA


Use an atlas or the internet to write the names of 20 countries, 6 capital cities and 6 physical features (e.g. rivers, mountains, seas or oceans) on the map below. Learn the location of all of these.

Plate Tectonics

In the exam you will have 8 questions on plate tectonics. Learn the information below to help you answer the questions in the exam.

Structure of the earth Plate tectonics

Fill in the blanks and learn.

The earth’s…………………. …. is made up of ………………called ……………… These float like rafts on the ………………………and can move a few ………………………every year. On the surface of the earth there is a lot of tension because the plates are …………………………….. but volcanoes and ………………………. occur at the……………………………of plates.

Rock Crust Plates Mantle Edges Moving Earthquakes Centimetres Continental drift Continental drift is caused by the movement of the tectonic plates which have caused the continents to move and change shape over millions of years. There are two pieces of evidence that suggest that the continents are moving: 1. The same layers of fossils and rocks can be found on the coastlines of continents that used to be joined.

2. Some of the continents looked like they once fitted together e.g. South America and Africa.

Earthquakes Earthquakes are caused by friction as a result of two plates moving past each other. The edges of the tectonic plates are not smooth, as they move past each other they get stuck, pressure builds up and eventually the plates dramatically slip past each other releasing waves of energy known as seismic waves. It is these seismic waves that cause an earthquake.

• Fires can occur after an earthquake because broken power lines can collapse and ignite. The fires often spread fast as emergency services are not able to respond as fast and may often not be able to get to the fire if there are lots of collapsed buildings blocking the roads.

• Earthquakes can also result in disease epidemics breaking out, the shaking can rupture drainage pipes causing sewage to flow in the streets and people may be unable to access medical care.

Volcanoes Volcanoes form where magma from the mantle reaches the surface. Many people live near volcanoes even though they are dangerous, this is because: • Some volcanoes do not erupt for hundreds of years and therefore may not erupt in their lifetime.

• When a volcano erupt they give off many warning signs so there is a lot of warning before people are evacuated.

• People also live near volcanoes because they have fertile soils so lots of crops can be grown.

Practice drawing a volcano and label its main features.

Draw a volcano in this box. (Try drawing it without looking at the diagram from the previous page).

Learn the different hazards (dangers) that come from a volcanic eruption.

Hazard Description

Lava Flow Lahars Dust and ash clouds Lava bombs Molten rock flowing down the sides of a volcano. Hot basaltic lava from shield volcanoes flows quickly.

Mudflows, a mixture of ash and water from melted snow and ice, travel at great speed down the mountain, making evacuation difficult.

Ash thrown high into the atmosphere shuts out the sun and, when it settles, can completely bury buildings and crops.

Large pieces of rock and ash are thrown into the air.

Pyroclastic flow Burning clouds of gas and ash, with temperatures up to 1000 °C, rush down the mountain, scorching everything in their paths.

Natural Disaster

In the exam you will need to write about a natural disaster of your choice.

• Describe what happened where • Explain the causes • Describe the after effects and relief efforts The following information will help you to write about the Boxing Day Tsunami, 2004. Use a highlighter to help you pick out the main things you need to learn.

Case study: Boxing Day Tsunami, 2004

On 26 December 2004 a tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean. It was the result of the Indio-Australian Plate sub-ducting below the Eurasian Plate. It was caused by an earthquake measuring more than magnitude 9. The earthquake caused the seafloor to uplift, displacing the seawater above.

• In open ocean the tsunami measured less than 1 metre high.

• The tsunami travelled at speeds up to 800km per hour.

• When the Tsunami reached the shores, the height of the wave increased to 15 metres in some areas.

Map of Indian Ocean tsunami, 2004

What causes a tsunami?

When an earthquake, volcano or landslide happens on the ocean floor, water is displaces. This water forms the start of the tsunami.

When the waves reach shallower water: • Their height can increase by several metres • the shallow water slows the wave • And the waves get closer together It is hard to see that a tsunami is approaching. The most obvious sign is the coastal water retreats just before the waves reach the shore. This is actually the trough of the wave following behind.

Main impacts

• A quarter of a million people died.

• Two million people were made homeless.

• People were swept away in the waters, which arrived rapidly and with little warning.

• Thirteen countries were affected, the worst being Indonesia.

• Indonesia was hit by the tsunami first. Fourty-five minutes later the tsunami reached Thailand.

• Mangrove swamps helped to act as a barrier to reduce the energy of the water in some areas.

• Short-term aid, such as water purification tablets, temporary housing and medical supplies were given from international countries.

• Islands reliant on tourism and fishing, such as the Maldives, had to rebuild their industries.

• An early warning system between countries surrounding the Indian Ocean has been set up.

Practice writing about your chosen natural disaster.

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Compete the weather key words and learn

Weather – Key words

1. Instrument for measuring temperature______________________________________ 2. Instrument for measuring rainfall__________________________________________ 3. Unit which measures temperature_________________________________________ 4. Instrument for measuring wind speed______________________________________ 5. The weather in a small area______________________________________________ 6. When vapour changes to water___________________________________________ 7. Another name for weather_______________________________________________ 8. Pressure which brings fine, sunny weather__________________________________ 9. Day to day conditions of atmosphere_______________________________________ 10. The expected weather__________________________________________________ 11. Strong winds which cause damage________________________________________ 12. Line on a map which shows pressure______________________________________ 13. Instrument used for measuring pressure____________________________________ 14. Cumulus is an example of a______________________________________________ Cloud Low air pressure Meteorology Rain gauge Weather High air pressure Evaporation thermometer Barometer Condensation Microclimate Isobar Climate anemometer

Today’s weather

Write a paragraph to describe the weather over the past 24 hours.

Temperature Air pressure Rainfall Cloud cover Wind

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

National Parks

Learn the location of the National Parks in England and Wales. Use the map below.

Managing a National Park

Match the problem with the correct solution


Traffic congestion Damage to nesting areas Footpath erosion People getting lost


No go areas Park and ride (bus) Better signs Alternative routes