Fair Trade Development - Boardworks

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Fair Trade
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For more detailed instructions, see the Getting Started presentation.
Flash activity. These activities are not editable.
Accompanying worksheet.
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Printable activity.
Teacher’s notes included in the Notes Page.
Useful web links.
© Boardworks Ltd 2010
Is global trade fair?
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An uphill battle
Lots of LEDCs rely on the export of primary products, such
as coffee beans, for much of their income.
Primary products tend to be low in value and the true value is
added when secondary products are produced.
How does this affect
They need to export a large
amount of a primary product to
pay for a secondary product.
Colombia need to export a lot of coffee beans to
pay for one tractor to help them in their fields.
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A step in the right direction
If world trade cannot be free then fair trade is a way of doing
business that makes sure that the people who produce the raw
materials earn a fair wage rather than being exploited.
Fairly traded products can cost a
little more but this ensures that:
the workers are treated fairly
there are good conditions in the
workplace and throughout the
supply chain
producers earn a living wage
the full production cost is paid for.
For more details on the Fairtrade movement, visit
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How does this affect me?
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