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Common Data Index - CDI
By Dick Schaap
CDI specifications
• Pilot developed and launched in 2005 as part of SeaSearch
• CDI is a fine-grained index to individual data granules
(i.e. discrete deliverable data objects such as a CTD
cast or moored instrument record). This is in contrast
to EDMED, which is an inventory of datasets, each of
which comprises a large number of data granules.
• CDI paves the way for direct online data access
through file downloads or online data requests.
• Present status: > 96000 CDI entries from 9 Data
CDI governance
NODCs and national focal points are responsible for
setting-up CDI generation and reporting systems at
their own data centres and supporting other data
centres in their country in due time to join this system.
 NODCs prepare CDI entries
 Central coordinator (=MARIS) has overall CDI
coordination, compiles European directory, performs
automatic quality control and makes CDI online
available for users
CDI user interface - search
CDI user interface – search results
CDI user interface – data set details
CDI user interface – data access / view at
Data Centre
CDI format
Entries to CDI consist of two parts:
• Address and description of data centre, holding the
data, and of originator of the data
• Descriptions of each deliverable data set. For
purposes of standardization and international exchange
the ISO19115 metadata standard has been adopted.
The CDI format is de ned as a dedicated subset of this
standard and ISO compliant. Also a number of common
vocabularies have been defined and adopted.
• CDI also contains details on how to access or request
access / copies of data sets
CDI maintenance part 1
NODCs can maintain entries in the present set-up as
 Part 1: Maintain Data Centres and Data Originators
per country by using the European Directory of Marine
Organisations (EDMO)
and its online Content Management System
with id-password
EDMO user interface –search
EDMO user interface –search results
EDMO user interface – institute details
CDI maintenance part 2
Prepare CDI entries (in the present set-up):
 Part 2: A CDI XML format is used by Data Centres to
update their share of the European CDI directory, as
managed by MARIS, in a regular exchange.
 Data Centres generate CDI XML entries directly from
their databases. For setting up a local configuration use
can be made of a dedicated Java Tool to generate CDI
XML les automatically. This follows a properties le,
which de nes the ‘mapping’ between CDI-format and
partner’s database elds and the required local queries.
CDI updates are produced and transferred at regular
intervals to MARIS for automatic check and loading.
CDI maintenance part 2
Full and extensive documentation on the CDI format,
Java Tool and common vocabularies can be found at:
CDI actions – first year
 MARIS will send all NODCs instructions, format
descriptions, EDMO CMS log-in’s – End of June 2006
 Note: Satellite Data Centres will also receive the CDI
instructions, and format descriptions
 NODCs will check and update addresses of existing
Institutes in their country, using EDMO and its online
CMS – first deadline Sept 2006
 In case of new institutes NODCs will inform MARIS,
so that MARIS can prepare a new entry in EDMO for
their updating
CDI actions – first year
 NODCs, already participating in the Sea-Search CDI
pilot, will check and update their existing CDI entries in
the central CDI directory by generating and submitting
new and updated XML records – deadline by
December 06
 NODCs, not yet involved in the CDI pilot, will study
the documentation, undertake action to set-up their
local CDI generation system, and prepare to MARIS
their first test XML records by May 2007
 CDI pilot partners will assist NODCs in this process
with their previous experience.
 Full production of CDI records by all NODCs is
planned by September 2007
CDI upgrade
 As part of developing the SeaDataNet infrastructure
an overall upgrade of the metadatabases, including
CDI, is planned. CDI will also play a central role in the
data access / delivery services infrastructure, that will
be implemented at first only for 11 Data Centres
(members of the Technical Task Group – TTG)
 The metadabases upgrade and access system is
prepared by the TTG, thereby optimizing formats,
maintenance and retrieval systems, and safeguarding a
conversion from already collected metadata to the new
 Partners will be informed regularly on the TTG
CDI upgrade
 The new CDI system including integrated data acces
/ delivery will be operational for the 11 TTG Data
Centres by February 2008 (= SeaDataNet Version 1)
and from that point onwards introduced to other Data
Centres for adoption in a 2 year period.
 The transfer of necessary documentation and
experiences will be supported with training