Transcript Oceans

Jasdeep Sandhu and Alex Broussard
Ecological disruption
Wetland Loss
Extreme weather
Melting ice caps
Trawling damage
Rising sea levels
Dead zones
Coral bleaching
Coastal erosion
Introduced species
Offshore drilling
Heat sink- absorbs, stores, and then slowly releases large
quantities of heat, the ocean buffers the climate of the nearby
land and, over time, the entire planet
Carbon sink-50 times as much CO2 as the atmosphere and
absorbs about 1/4 of the CO2 emitted by human activities.
CO2 emissions>ocean acidification>animals/reefs affected
Disappearing acts- Boston, Manhattan, Caribbean islands,
other coastal areas…I don’t want to have to vacation in
Diversity: home to nearly 50% of the world’s life forms
Productivity: roughly half of the world’s biomass
Largely concentrated in coastal and polar ecosystems
70+% of the world’s primary production
Size of TEXAS
80% plastic, also nets, marine debris, things
that get loose from shipping containers…
Sunlight photodegrades>smaller pieces>eaten
by marine organisms>enter food chain
East meets West…garbage
From sewers, rivers, coasts, ships
“If you put a major city through a trash grinder
and sprinkle it on the water, that’s what you’re
dealing with”
Biological Magnification:
Concentration of fat-soluble toxins in tissues of
181 fish species have been identified as
threatened in US waters
The capture of large, robust fishes leaves
populations vulnerable to collapse
Fishing techniques physically damage plants,
soil, corals, etc.
Disruption of food webs and native ecology
Figure 2 Retrospective data showing baselines before ecosystem collapse.
Published by AAAS
J B C Jackson et al. Science 2001;293:629-637
Published by AAAS
Be informed: Know what you’re eating, where
it came from, and how it was harvested.
Monterey Bay Aquarium:
afood Selector:
 Texas Bottle Bill