Transcript Document

Problem Solving I nnovator
Solving Tomorrows Problems Today
To prevent any potential defects reaching the customer, define
and implement containment actions to isolate the problems
Emergency Action
Containment Action
Identify Concerns
Product Location
Emergency Action
Containment Action replaces the Emergency Action
An Interim Containment Action (ICA) is any action that prevents customers
from experiencing the symptoms of a problem.
• attacks the symptom of the problem
• is verified for effectiveness before it is implemented
• is monitored while it is in use
• is documented
• is replaced by a Permanent Corrective Action
• adds cost to the process/operations
Containment Action
Containment Action is required
:- to protect the Customer
:- to “buy time” to understand the ROOT CAUSE
and to implement the necessary Corrective Action.
Estimate the Effectiveness of the CA
as it is unlikely that the Containment Action
will be 100% Effective
Identify Concerns
Containment Action should be assessed for concerns to avoid
Out of the Frying Pan ----- Into the Fire scenarios
is the
can be done to
reduce the Concern?
Who is responsible
for reducing
the Concern?
Product Location
Establish the Scope of the Containment Action
Where might suspect product be Located?
What Quantity of product requires Containment?
Have we confirmed that expected Quantities have been Found and Verified?
Is there any Additional Actions that need to be taken?
Problem Solving I nnovator
Solving Tomorrows Problems Today
This completes the
D3 Interim
Containment Action
Now start the
D4 Brainstorming