Transcript Document

U. S. Constitution
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3 Parts:
• Preamble (Intro & Goals)
• Articles
• Amendments
(Lists the Goals of our Government)
•Form a more Perfect Union
•Establish Justice
•Insure Domestic Tranquility
•Provide for the Common Defense
•Promote the General Welfare
•Secure the Blessings of Liberty
Articles (7)
(Describe our Government’s Plan)
•Article 1:
•Article 2:
•Article 3:
•Article 4:
•Article 5:
•Article 6:
•Article 7:
Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Relations Among the States
The Amending Process
National Supremacy
Ratification of the Constitution
Legislative Branch
(Article 1)
- House of Reps
- Senate
•Makes the Laws
Executive Branch
(Article 2)
• President
•Enforces the Laws
Judicial Branch
(Article 3)
•Interprets/Applies the Laws
Amendments (27)
(Additions to our Constitution)
Bill of Rights:
1st Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion, Assembly
2nd Right to Bear Arms
3rd Quartering of Troops
4th Search & Seizure
5th Freedom of Life, Liberty & Property
6th Right to Speedy, Public Trial
Amendments . . .
Bill of Rights
•7th Right to Trial by Jury
•8th Bail & Punishment
•9th All Other Rights
•10th Powers Reserved to the States
#11 – #27 To be Covered Individually
Principles of Constitution:
1. Popular Sovereignty – the authority of
2. Limited Government – powers of the
gov’t are
3. Federalism – power is shared between the
Federal gov’t & State
3 Types of Powers:
1. Enumerated Powers (def. & ex.)
2. Reserved Powers (def. & ex.)
3. Concurrent Powers (def & ex.)
4. Separation of Powers
Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
Miscellaneous Terms & Ideas
Bill of Rights
Bill of Attainder
Search Warrant
Arrest Warrant
Grand Jury
Double Jeopardy
Due Process
Grading criteria
You will be graded on the following . . .
•Bill of Rights Poetry
• Amendment Presentation
• Checks & Balances Checklist