Three Principles

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Transcript Three Principles

The United States Constitution

The Constitution is an agreement between the citizens of the United States and the government that the people will grant powers to the government. In return, the government is to carry out the goals of the Constitution. The Constitution is made up of different parts, which often get talked about as separate documents: the Preamble, the Articles, the Bill of Rights, and the Amendments.

To keep the new government from becoming too powerful, the framers created a Limited Government.

The Constitution sets limits so that citizens know what their government is allowed to do and not allowed to do. It spreads the powers out!

Principle #1



the system where some powers of government belong only to the federal government, while others belong only to the state. government, and powers shared directly by both levels of government.

The Constitution recognizes governments at TWO different levels

Federal Powers (Delegated/Expressed)

• Declare War •Maintain Armed Forces •Admit New States •Coin $$$$ •Trade w/ other nations

Shared Powers (Concurrent)

• Maintain Law & order •Borrow $$$ •Establish courts

State Powers (Reserved)

• Establish and maintain schools •Establish local government •Regulate business w/in states •Make marriage laws

Principle #2


Separation of Powers

The powers of the government are divided among THREE branches Executive Enforce Laws President Vice President Executive Depts Legislative Make Laws Congress House Senate Judicial Interpret Laws Supreme Courts Lower Courts

Principle #3


Checks and Balances

other branches – Each of the three branches of government has ways to check, or limit the powers of the • •

What checks does the executive branch have over the other two?

Veto acts of Congress Suggesting laws • •

What checks does the judicial branch have over the other two?

Declare laws constitutional or unconstitutional Judicial review • • •

What checks does the legislative branch have over the other two?

Impeach and remove president or officials Override presidential veto Power declare war

Four Main Parts of the Constitution

1. Preamble –

 Short (52 words long) introduction  Explains goals of the new government

Four Main Parts of the Constitution

2. Articles –

  7 articles First 3 deal with 3 branches of government  Outlines powers of government

Four Main Parts of the Constitution

3. Bill of Rights –

  1st 10 amendments to the Constitution Ensures that basic rights can’t be take away by the government

Four Main Parts of the Constitution

4. Amendments–

  Helps the structure of the govt. change along with people and time Only been amended 27 times