Transcript Slide 1

Uued toiduained
TTÜ Toiduainete Instituut
Uuendused toidutööstuses
TTÜ Toiduainete Instituut
Interaktiivne koosmõju
Tänased teemad haakuvad
 Millised uued toiduained kasutusele võetud?
 Milliseid uusi tootegruppe kasutatakse
Missugused on lisaainete kasutamise trendid?
Millised on uued suunad tervisetoodete arendamisel?
Kuidas arvestada klientide sooviga mitmekülgsuse
Kus ilmub vastav info trendide kohta?
Uuendusi iseloomustab
 Loovus
 Lugemus
 Efektiivsus
 Teadlikkus
 Tootlikkus
 Tehnoloogilisus
 Kvaliteet
 Tarbijaootus
 Turu jaotus
 Ostuvõime
Uute toodete konkurss
“Eesti Parim Toiduaine”
 Parima toidu konkurss -
stiimul ettevõtetele
 Obligatoorseks osaks tootearenduses on
toorme valik, tehnoloogia valik ja toidu
sensoorne hindamine, unustada ei tohi
Enesehinnang toitumise tervislikkusele vastavalt sellele, millisesse
leibkonna tüüpi kuulutakse
(Omnibuss 1000, 2005)
Lastetu paar
Peres ainult täiskasvanud
Pere alla 18.aastaste lastega
24 25
7 7
2 3
pigem tervislik
pigem ebatervislik
Alternatiivse toidutoorme kasutamine
 Marjad metsast ja aiast – mustikas, astelpaju,
mustsõstar jt
Kohalikud puuviljad, köögiviljad – õunad, ploomid,
porgandid, kapsas jt
Kohalikud maitsetaimed – till, petersell, tüümian,
pune, basiilik jt
Kase- ja vahtramahl – naturaalne ja kontsentraat,
Et tarbijale
 meelepärast toota …
Toote väärindamine
(eelmisest ettekandest)
 Hakkliha versus maitsestatud hakkliha
 Värske, fileeritud kala versus rannamehe
 Köögiviljad versus külmutatud köögiviljahautis
 Hapukoor versus hapukoorekastmed
 Piimatooted versus kama, astelpajupiimajook, vadakujoogid, Ricotta
10 trendi
funktsionaalse toidu tarbimisel
 Toidud, mis lisaks makro- ja mikrotoitainetele
sisaldavad ka tervisele toimivaid komponente, on
saavutamas üha suuremat populaarsust
 Food Technology
 August 2010, Volume 64, No.8
 Adding Ethnic Flair to Foods
 Lisades etnilist hõngu/kogemust toidule
Ja need trendid on USA-põhiselt
 1. Tervislik majapidamine.
Americans are looking to create a healthy household.
Approximately 57% of shoppers are making a lot of effort to eat healthier. With half (53%) of
adults controlling their diet—61% for weight, 36% cholesterol, 22% blood sugar, 18% high
blood pressure, and 14% diabetes.
 2. Toidu naturaalsus. Recent scientific validation of the health benefits of
superfoods have convinced consumers that key benefits are, in fact, naturally achievable,
thus creating a new trend to whole food nutrition. New superfoods include:
blood oranges
goji berries – harilik taralõng!!
garbanzo beans
specialty mushrooms
 3. Kõhutäite tasakaal. The U.S. weight loss market—projected to grow from $58
billion to $69 billion by 2010—is undergoing a sea change as consumers shift from
dieting/weight loss programs to managing weight via smaller portions, specific food
restrictions, and light/low-fat and super-satiating foods. Products providing, satiety, the state
of feeling full or gratified, are now a hot commodity.
 4. Ohugruppide toitumiseripärad. As 31 million Americans turn age 65 over
the next 10 years, and the oldest of the 76 million baby boomers enter their 60s, the
demand for condition-specific foods will skyrocket. Conditions such as high cholesterol, high
blood pressure, osteoporosis and diabetes have created a need for functional foods to
manage/treat these conditions. Boomers are looking to consume more omega-3s,
polyphenols, flavanols, and plant sterols as part of a balanced lifestyle.
Ja need trendid on
 5. Ennetav elustiil.
With the majority of consumers trying to live a preventive
lifestyle, fortified foods and beverages have quickly become a way of life. Consumers are
making a strong effort to get more vitamin C, calcium, B vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, vitamin
E, omega-3s/DHA/fish oil, vitamin A, potassium, iron, and folic acid from the food and
beverages they consume. Proactive lifestyles have also created a need for functional foods
that enhance skin, hair, and nails from the inside out. The U.S. “cosmeceutical” market is
expected to grow from $14.9 billion to $17.2 billion by 2010.
 6. Lihtsamalt, värvikamalt, naturaalsemalt. Many consumers are taking a
simpler, more natural approach to the foods they eat, looking for foods with only a few
ingredients and as fresh and close to the farm as time and budget will allow. Hormones
topped the list of ingredients that consumers were least comfortable consuming. Organic
food and beverages sales grew 13% in 2007 and are expected to continue at double-digit
growth through 2010. Consumers believe local products are fresher, have fewer pesticides,
and in general are of higher quality. Whole and heritage grains are among the ingredients
that best symbolize the new natural direction.
 7. Oskuslik valik.
With two-thirds (66%) of consumers trying to eat snacks with more
nutrition, 63% looking for lower-calorie favorites, and one-quarter looking for 100-calorie
snack packs, healthier snack options is a “must have” for today’s consumer. Healthy snack
sales outpaced traditional snacks nearly 3:1 over the last few years.
Ja need trendid on
 8. Ülitundlikkuse ohjeldamine. The number of adults who perceive that they, or
their children, suffer from food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities continues to grow,
creating lucrative markets, disproportionate to their true medical base. The 70 million
Americans suffering from a digestive ailment expect to see more products fortified with fiber
and gluten-free. Foods carrying a digestive health/probiotic claim reached $712 million in
 9. Vaimse arengu verstapost. Energy was the top reason consumers made a
dietary change last year. More than half of adults (55%) need something to give them an
energy boost several times a week, 48% to increase their stamina/physical endurance, 46%
to help them wake up, 43% to improve mental alertness, and 40% to keep them awake. Of
all new functional food concepts, consumers are most interested in new products that
improve mental performance. Just over one-third of consumers drink energy beverages for a
mental boost. Ginseng, guarana and taurine are among the key ingredients in emerging
beverages. Candies, gums and chocolates are also gaining popularity within this market.
 10. Pakkumise eripärad. Without a doubt, the most important factor driving the
healthy and functional foods market mainstream has been the increased accessibility of
healthy products through additional channels. With today’s grab-and-go lifestyle and rising
gas prices, convenience stores have become a powerhouse for sales of some healthy
products. Convenience stores have instituted new programs designed to increase sales of
these types of products.
“Imelised” uudised toidumaailmast
 Hongkong on esimene
linn maailmas, kus
McDonalds pakub
spetsiaalset menüüd
10 trendi teises valguses
 Kiire valmistusviis:
People want to eat at home: 77% of all dinners in 2004 were eaten there,
but people want less hassle in the kitchen. Easy to prepare and ready to eat are key ingredients for most
of us. We should expect to see more ultra-quick foods, bagged salads and side dishes.
 Võta söök kaasa:
More of us are ordering take-out from full-service restaurants like
Applebee’s. Take-out sales from these restaurants account for almost 10% of sales. More than half of
Americans eat this way during the week.
 Kahtlemata tervislik:
Consumers are increasingly choosing naturally healthy foods such as
fruit, vegetables, salads, nuts and yogurt. Fruit is now America’s second-favorite snack.
 Trendikas gurmee:
People are choosing premium, gourmet foods. Fish, in particular, is
undergoing something of a gourmet makeover.
 Maalähedane: Organic and natural are hot, so is fair trade. Expect cocoa to follow on the heels
of coffee and tea.
 Maitsestuse rikkus:
Flavored oils and vinegars, pairings of fruity and tangy flavors, Asian,
Central American and Latin American flavors are in vogue.
 Silmale tervislik, kiiresti kätte: Healthier snacks in vending machines, single-serving
snacks, nutrition bars, diet bars, energy drinks and mineral waters are “in.”
 Lahja, vaba ja rasvata: Low fat trumps low carb in what people seek in labels. Trans fats
are on their way out. Demand for low calorie and light products will continue to grow. Watch for allergenfree claims on food labels.
 Toit kui ravim:
Nearly two-thirds of shoppers tried to manage or treat a condition through diet.
72% of this effort addressed heart health. Next to low fat, whole grains were the most influential food
label claim, influencing 62% of shoppers. Dairy products with cholesterol-lowering sterols, antioxidantrich chocolate are making an appearance. Expect more functional foods to appear.
 Levik maailma: Many of the same issues affecting Americans affect overseas, too. Health and
convenience loom just as large.
10 võtmetrendi
Toidus, toitumises ja tervises
Trend 1: Hea seedimisele
Trend 2: Kiire toime
Trend 3: Kaalu jälgimine
Trend 4: Energia
Trend 5: Naturaalne ja vaba
Trend 6: Puuvili
Trend 7: Toit lastele
Trend 8: Tervise ampsud
Trend 9: Lojaalne tarbija
Trend 10: Pakendi uudsus
10 võtmetrendi mikrotrendid
Toidus, toitumises ja tervises
 Mikro-Trend 1: Antioksüdandid
 Mikro-Trend 2: Liikumine
 Micro-Trend 3: n-3 rasvhapped
 Micro-Trend 4: Naha tervishoid
 Micro-Trend 5: Emotsioonid (mood-food)
Uued toiduained
 Röstitud sipelgad ja tõugud.
Just in time for a true Halloween scare, Giant
Toasted Ants, part of a line of equally disturbing
edible insects, are now available from England
(; about $25 per 8-ounce bag).
Made with real ants that are toasted and then
packaged in attractive pouches, they’re considered
an aphrodisiac by the Guane Indians, who harvest
the ants in the Colombian Amazon. Also available
are Mopani Worms—a diet staple in Southern
Africa. The worms are handpicked or shaken off
trees, and then local collectors squeeze them to
remove their bright green guts. They’re cooked in
salty water until the liquid has evaporated, then sun
Uued toiduained
 Lõheviin
Alaska Distillery’s Salmon Vodka
(, made in Wasilla,
Alaska, is the brainchild of owner Toby Foster, who
markets the beverage strictly as an ingredient for
Bloody Marys. Currently available at Alaskan bars and
restaurants and some locations in the lower 48 states,
this micro-distillery, which also makes award-winning,
premium vodkas like PermaFrost and FrostBite,
creates this unusual vodka by smoking the salmon,
removing its skin, crushing the fillets and putting the
pieces in a vat mixed with highly concentrated
ethanol. The fish is eventually strained out and
Salmon Vodka is born. It’s currently being marketed in
Texas and soon will be in California as well.
Uued GMO toiduained
 Lõhe.
The fishing industry and nearly 400 lawmakers have
joined together in opposition to the FDA’s pending
approval of genetically modified salmon for
consumption as food.
salmon that has been given a gene from the ocean
pout, an eel-like fish, which allows the salmon to
grow twice as fast as a traditional Atlantic salmon. It
also contains a growth hormone
Veel GMO toiduainetest
 Rapsi seemned ja mais kõrgendatud polüküllastamata
rasvhapete sisaldusega
Spinat ja lehtsalat, mis akumuleerivad vähem nitraate
Tärkliserikkam kartul, mis imab vähem rasva kuumtöötlusel
Teravili kõrgema lüsiini sisaldusega
Herned ja oad kõrgema metioniini sisaldusega
Vähese allergeensusega riis
Kollane riis, mis sünteesib beeta-karoteeni
Maasikas ja brokkoli, mis toodavad rohkem antioksüdantseid
Sotsiaalne mõju tarbijale
 iCarly saade USAs – spaghetti taco
Children all around the country have been demanding spaghetti tacos made popular by the
Nickelodeon TV show iCarly. Spaghetti tacos are exactly what they sound like
Mäng toiduga?
 Sõbralikud
If you want to wage a friendly
war, I suggest taking up the
Marshmallow Double Crossbow
instead of a Super Soaker. Yes,
water fights are fun and all, but
a marshmallow fight is just
Ja Eestis
 Pannkoogid
 Moosid
 Joogid
 Näksid
Keskkonnatervis ja toit
 Tuuleahi
The Korean designer Jihae Kim has
engineered this efficient and eco-friendly
‘Wind Heater,’ a contraption that employs
wind power for heating and cooking.
Instead of burning down trees during cold
winter nights, this invention offers a great
alternative for sustainable living and
respect for the land.
Uued toormed ja toidud
 Punane seller
Florida-based company Duda has introduced Celery Sensations, a new brand of red celery that will
hit the market in December 2010. Duda hopes the celery will find a market during the holiday season
 Sinine kartul
Juba Eestis
 Astelpajust marjakaste
Juba Eestis
Leeksputke chutney/sukaat
Toote väärindamine
looduslike lisanditega
Ca lisand
Se lisand
Fe lisand
Zn lisand
Vitamiin D lisand
Antioksüdandid (orgaanilised) lisandina
Kapseldatud bioaktiivsed toimeained
Selleks soovin
 Head nuputamist
 Palju kummalisi ideid
 Tarbijate kaasamist
Tänan kuulamast!